Bats Facts for Kids – 5 Brilliant Facts about Bats

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Do you like watching Batman?! So you probably like to know more about bats. Let’s discover five brilliant bats facts for kids.

Bats Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Bats Help Pollinate Plants

We know that bees do an important job for the environment by pollinating flowers and plants but they aren’t the only ones. Bats also help the environment through pollination, bats pollinate flowers which bloom at night which bees miss when they are out during the day. They are great at pollinating as their fluffy fur can carry a lot of pollen. Bats are responsible for the pollination of plants that grow bananas, peaches, avocados, cashews, and mangoes.

Bats Facts for Kids LearningMole
Red purple and yellow tulip fields

Bats Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Bats Sleep Upside Down

Bats hang upside down all day while they sleep. They use their feet to grasp the ceiling of caves or branches to hang from. When they are hanging upside down they are safer as they can drop and fly away quickly if a predator comes. Have you ever tried hanging upside down for a long time? The blood eventually runs to your head which can make your head sore but bats have a way to avoid this. Their circulatory system has valves which mean their blood only flows one way so their brain isn’t flooded with blood when they hang upside down.

Bats Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Some Bats Can Fly Over 100 Miles an Hour

There are over 1200 species of bats that live all over the world and they all have different characteristics which help them thrive in their native habitat. Even though they are very small bats are very fast animals. The fastest bat species is the Mexican free-tailed bat which was recorded travelling over 100 miles per hour. This means that it is not only the fastest bat in the world but it is also the fastest mammal in the world. Even faster than a cheetah, which can run 75 miles per hour.

Bats Facts for Kids
Bats Facts for Kids: Flying bat

Bats Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Bats Use Echolocation to Help Them Hunt at Night

Many people think that bats are blind, and if you can’t see something you may be called ‘Blind as a bat’ but bats aren’t actually blind. Bats can see and some bats even use their sight to hunt prey. Bats also have a special sense which helps them fly around at night. This special skill is called echolocation. Bats create noise when they fly and then they can sense how long it takes for the sound waves to bounce back to them. This means they can see objects using their ears.

Bats Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Baby Bats Hang on to Their Mothers When They Fly

Baby bats can’t fly right away but it takes them only three weeks until they are strong enough to fly. For the first three weeks of their life baby bats fly with their mothers by being carried around. Baby bats cling to their mothers using their claws to make sure they don’t fall. If they fall their mother swoops down to save them so they are always safe with their mother.

Bats Facts for Kids LearningMole
Bats hanging upside down on branches

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about bats as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic this animal is, you can move on to learn about other animals and birds like: Jellyfish, Red Pandas, Mammoth, Octopuses, Seals, Weasels, Dolphins, Kangaroos, Reindeer, Leopards and Jaguars, Rabbits, Turtles, Nocturnal Animals, Habitats, Flamingos, Patient Animals, Endangered Animals, Polar Animals, Koalas, Land Animals, Sharks, Raccoons, Moon and Sun Bears, Rats, Chickens, Cats, Pandas, Monkeys, waterfowl, Whales, Farm Pets, Dogs, Penguins, Crocodiles, Gorillas, Zebras, Hedgehogs, Dolphins Facts, Arachnids, Endangered Animals, Animal Adaptation and Animal Adaptation.  

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