Jellyfish Facts for Kids – 5 Interesting Facts about Jellyfish

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Have you ever seen a jellyfish before? Let’s discover five interesting jellyfish facts for kids.

Jellyfish Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Jellyfish Aren’t Really Fish

Fish are vertebrates which have a backbone and skeletal system which help them swim as well as a swim bladder which keeps them afloat when they are sleeping. Jellyfish are not fish as they are invertebrates.

Jellyfish have no bones and move around by floating through the current but also through swimming. Jellyfish swim by contracting a ring of muscle which pushes water behind them, propelling them through the water.

Jellyfish Facts for Kids
Jellyfish Facts for Kids: Shallow focus photo of pink and brown jellyfish

Jellyfish Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Jellyfish Are 98% Water

Jellyfish are clever creatures and are predators to other smaller fish and sea life. However they are mostly made up of water and have no brain and no heart. They control their body through a small nervous system which is made up of a net of nerves.

Jellyfish don’t have a heart as they don’t have blood so they have no need to pump it. Jellyfish also have such thin skin that they can absorb oxygen through their skin so they don’t need lungs either.

Jellyfish Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Jellyfish Can Sting Even After They Are Dead

Have you ever seen a jellyfish that has washed up on the beach? Sometimes jellyfish wash ashore after they die and we can see them if we visit the beach. It is important not to touch them though as jellyfish can still sting after they die.

This is because of how jellyfish are able to sting. Jellyfish have tentacles which contain threads. These threads react when something brushes against them and releases venom. Jellyfish use these when hunting prey or defending themselves against predators.

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Jellyfish underwater

Jellyfish Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Jellyfish Can Be very Small or very Big

The smallest jellyfish in the world have been measured at just one millimetre long, that means it would take ten of those jellyfish to measure just a centimetre long. The largest jellyfish can be almost 7 feet long and it is called the Lion’s mane jellyfish.

The average human adult is around five and a half feet tall. This massive jellyfish has hundreds of small tentacles which look like the hairs of a lion’s mane. They are usually found near Australia and New Zealand.

Jellyfish Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Some Jellyfish Glow in The Dark

The light produced by living things is called bioluminescence, it happens because of a chemical reaction inside of the plant or animal. Most of the animals that create bioluminescent light live in the ocean.

There is a kind of plankton that is called Glow Plankton that also creates bioluminescent light. They can be seen in large numbers in the ocean and by the coast, they make the waves look like they are glowing. Jellyfish use the light they make to scare away predators which helps them survive in their natural habitat.

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Three multicolored jellyfishes

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about jellyfish as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic this animal is, you can move on to learn about other animals and birds like: Red Pandas, Mammoth, Octopuses, Seals, Weasels, Dolphins, Kangaroos, Reindeer, Leopards and Jaguars, Rabbits, Turtles, Nocturnal Animals, Habitats, Flamingos, Patient Animals, Endangered Animals, Polar Animals, Koalas, Land Animals, Sharks, Raccoons, Moon and Sun Bears, Rats, Chickens, Cats, Pandas, Monkeys, waterfowl, Whales, Farm Pets, Dogs, Penguins, Crocodiles, Gorillas, Zebras, Hedgehogs, Dolphins Facts, Arachnids, Endangered Animals, Animal Adaptation and Animal Adaptation.  

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