Bones Facts for Kids – 5 Backbone Facts about Bones

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Have you ever imagined how our lives will be like if we don’t have bones?! Let’s discover five strong bones facts for kids.

Bones Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: You Have More Bones When You Are a Baby than You Do As an Adult

The skeleton of an adult has 206 bones but when a baby is born they have 300. That’s almost 100 more bones. So where do these bones go? They don’t disappear, instead they fuse with other bones to become bigger as they grow. These unfused bones help the baby avoid breaking bones if they fall.

Bones Facts for Kids LearningMole
A toddler is laughing while sitting on floor

Bones Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Your Bones Make Your Blood

The blood in your body is made up of red blood cells and white blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. The white blood cells help the body fight diseases and infections. White blood cells also help the body create scabs after we get a cut so they can heal. Both the red blood cells and the white blood cells are created in the bones. They are made by a softer middle part of the bones which is called the marrow.

Bones Facts for Kids

Bones Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Only One Bone in The Body Isn’t Connected to The Others

The hyoid bone is located in the throat and helps us talk and swallow. It does not move with joints with other bones and is only connected to bones around it with muscles. The Hyoid bone is shaped like the letter U and its name comes from the Greek word hyoeides which means ‘shaped like a U’.

Bones Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Archeologists Can Tell What Someone Looked Like Just by Studying Their Skeleton

Archaeologists study historical objects and remains that are left in the ground by old civilizations. Some archeologists are experts in the bones left behind by historical people. In order to learn about the people of that time they reconstruct the face of the person using their skull. This means we can see that persons face sometimes thousands of years after their time.

The bones of humans can also tell us lots of other things like what they ate, if they broke a bone during their life, and if they ate well. If someone did not eat well for a time in their life it can show on their teeth. These marks are called Harris Lines and can tell archeologists about the food available in that time and place. Those are some interesting bones.

Bones Facts for Kids

Bones Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Humans and Giraffes Have The Same Number of Bones in Their Neck

Your neck is made up of 7 bones that move around with the help of muscles and nerves. The bones in your neck move so you can look around in any direction and support your head. Even though giraffes have a much longer neck they have the same number of bones in their neck. Just 7 bones that are much bigger hold up the neck of giraffes.

Bones Facts for Kids
Bones Facts for Kids: Giraffe standing under trees showing giraffe’s neck

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about bones as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic this component in human body is, you can move on to learn about other ones and our human body like: Brain, Eyes, Nose, Teeth, Ears, Kidneys, Tears, DNA, The Respiratory System, urinary system, skeletal system, Nervous System, Cells, Microorganisms, Ears Facts, Proteins, Fats, Vegetables, Fruits, Muscles, Endocrine System, Human Heart, Human Body Secrets, Urinary System Facts, The Five Senses, History of Medicine, Respiratory System, Digestive System and cardiovascular system.

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