Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids – 5 Glamorous Facts about Ancient Greek Religion

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Did you know that ancient Greek people thought that every aspect in life had a god to worship? Here are five glamorous ancient Greek religion facts for kids.

Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Athena

Ancient Greek religion was polytheistic, which means that the Greeks believed in many gods and goddesses. Each god or goddess had a specific role and was responsible for certain aspects of life. For example, Zeus was the god of the sky and thunder, Apollo was the god of music and poetry, and Athena was the goddess of wisdom and war.

Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids
Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids: A photo of the goddess Athena

Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Greek Gods and Goddesses Can Control Natural Phenomena

The gods and goddesses in Greek religion were believed to have powers over things like the weather, love, and war. They were also believed to be able to control natural phenomena such as earthquakes, droughts and storms. Many Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses could influence their daily lives, and would pray and make offerings to them for protection and good fortune.

Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Greek Gods and Goddesses Lived on Mount Olympus

The Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus, which was the highest mountain in Greece. This was considered the home of the gods and goddesses, and it was believed that they would come down from there to visit the earth. The Greeks also believed that the gods and goddesses could be anywhere, and they would build temples and shrines in honor of them.

Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids LearningMole
Ruins at the acropolis

Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Greeks Perform Rituals and Ceremonies to Honor The Gods

The Greeks would make offerings to the gods and goddesses, such as food and wine, in hopes that the gods would help them with things like their crops and safety. They would also make animal sacrifices to the gods, which were believed to be pleasing to them. In addition to offerings, the Greeks would also perform rituals and ceremonies to honor the gods, such as the Eleusinian Mysteries, which were secret rituals that were believed to bring the participants closer to the gods.

Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: There were Festivals and Celebrations to Honor Gods and Goddesses

The Greeks had many festivals and celebrations to honor their gods and goddesses, such as the Olympic Games which honored Zeus. The Olympic Games were held every four years in Olympia, in honor of Zeus, and were considered the most important religious festival in ancient Greece. Other festivals and celebrations included the Dionysia, which honored the god of wine and fertility, and the Panathenaea, which honored the goddess Athena. These festivals were often accompanied by sacrifices, athletic competitions, and musical performances.

Ancient Greek Religion Facts for Kids LearningMole
Greek Goddesses

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about Ancient Greek religion as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic this Ancient Greek religion is, you can move on to learn about ancient people, mythology and religions like: Anglo-Saxons, Roman Life, The Inuit, The Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Viking Warriors, Celts, Egyptians, Mystical Creatures, Minotaur, Ogres, Midas, Mermaids, 12 Olympians, Celtic Mythology, Zodiac Myths, Cats in Egyptian Mythology, Snakes in Egyptian Mythology, Greek Mythology Books, Greek Mythology Stories, Hideous Creatures, Medusa, Athena, Egyptian Gods, Greek Gods, God of Fire in Egypt and Legendary Norse Mythology.

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