Ancient Greek Gods Facts for Kids – 5 Great Facts about Ancient Greek Gods

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Ancient Greeks had lots and lots of gods and goddesses so here are five great ancient Greek gods facts for kids.

Ancient Greek Gods Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Gods and Goddesses Controlled Different Aspects of Nature

The ancient Greeks believed in many gods and goddesses who controlled different aspects of nature and human life. These gods and goddesses were believed to have the power to control the weather, agriculture, love, war, and much more. They also had their own personalities, families, and stories.

Ancient Greek Gods Facts for Kids
Ancient Greek gods and goddesses

Ancient Greek Gods Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Gods and Goddesses Lived on Mount Olympus

The most important gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. This was considered the home of the gods and goddesses, and it was believed that they would gather there to make important decisions and hold council meetings. The most important gods and goddesses were Zeus, the king of the gods; his wife and sister, Hera, the goddess of marriage; Poseidon, the god of the sea; and Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war.

Ancient Greek Gods Facts for Kids LearningMole
Athena goddess of war and wisdom with her owl

Ancient Greek Gods Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: What do The Gods and Goddesses do?

Each god and goddess had a specific role and responsibility. For example, Zeus controlled the sky and thunder, while Athena was the goddess of wisdom and war. Apollo was the god of music, poetry and prophecy, Dionysus was the god of wine, fertility and theater, and Demeter was the goddess of agriculture. The gods and goddesses were also associated with certain symbols, such as Zeus’s thunderbolt, Athena’s owl and Poseidon’s trident.

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Poseidon the god of the sea with his trident

Ancient Greek Gods Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Gods and Goddesses Were Immortal

The ancient Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses were immortal and could not be killed. They were believed to be immortal, and were not affected by diseases or aging. They would live forever on Mount Olympus, and were believed to be able to intervene in human affairs.

Ancient Greek Gods Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Ancient Greeks Performed Rituals to The Gods and Goddesses

The ancient Greeks would offer sacrifices and perform rituals to the gods and goddesses in hopes of gaining their favor and protection. These rituals often involved the offering of animals, fruits, and other goods as a form of worship. The ancient Greeks would also perform rituals at special occasions such as weddings, births, and during the planting and harvesting of crops. They believed that by honoring the gods and goddesses, they would gain their favor and protection.

Ancient Greek Gods Facts for Kids LearningMole
Assorted fruits on brown woven basket

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about ancient Greek gods as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic this historical culture is, you can move on to learn about ancient people, mythology and religions like: Anglo-Saxons, Roman Life, The Inuit, The Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Viking Warriors, Celts, Egyptians, Mystical Creatures, Minotaur, Ogres, Midas, Mermaids, 12 Olympians, Celtic Mythology, Zodiac Myths, Cats in Egyptian Mythology, Snakes in Egyptian Mythology, Greek Mythology Books, Greek Mythology Stories, Hideous Creatures, Medusa, Athena, Egyptian Gods, Greek Gods, God of Fire in Egypt and Legendary Norse Mythology.

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