Beaches Facts for Kids – 5 Beautiful Facts about Beaches

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

What do you like to do at the beach? Come and check our five beautiful beaches facts for kids.

Beaches Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: It Can Take Thousands of Years for a Natural Beach to Be Created

Beaches don’t just magically appear overnight, it actually takes thousands of years for them to form. Beaches are formed when cliffs are broken down by the sea. The rocks are eroded and get smaller and smaller until the rocks become tiny particles, called sand. Some beaches have pebbles and not sand. Over time the rocks become smooth from the moving water.

Beaches Facts for Kids LearningMole
Beaches Facts for Kids: Beach and sand

Beaches Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: The Sand on Beaches Can Be Different Colours

When you think of beaches you probably imagine bright blue skies, crystal clear water and golden sand. This is what the majority of our beachers look like, however not all of them look like this. Sand can also come in lots of different colours such as red, pink, orange, brown, green and black! The colours of the sand depend on the minerals and rocks the sand has been formed from. Black beaches are formed from volcanic minerals. You will find black beaches in the canary islands and in Hawaii.

Beaches Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Beaches Can Be Different Sizes

Although you may not notice, beaches are actually changing every day. Waves and wind can cause the tide to bring or remove new materials. Beaches can get bigger, smaller or even change shape with time. The longest beach in the world is Praia Do Cassino in Brazil. This beach is over 150 miles long. This is roughly half the length of the grand canyon. It would take quite a while to walk the length of this beach. The world’s shortest beach is Playa de Gulpiyuri in Spain. This beach is only 50 metres long.

Beaches Facts for Kids

Beaches Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: A Lot of Animals Call The Beach Their Home

There are thousands of different species of animals and plants on beaches around the world. As the beach is ever-changing, it can be a difficult place to live. The majority of beaches are home to turtles, fish, crabs, jellyfish and seagulls. Sea turtles even lay their eggs on beaches. They go onto the  beaches and dig a nest, where they lay their eggs. Sea turtles usually lay between 80-180 eggs, which can take up to two months to hatch.

Beaches Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: The Tallest Sandcastle Ever Made Was in Denmark

The tallest sandcastle measures 69 ft 5 in, and it  was made by a group named Skulpturparken Blokhus, in Denmark. It was finished on the 2nd of July 2021. The structure was created by Dutch artist Wilfred Stijger with the help of 30 other sand sculptors.

The base of the sandcastle measures more than 30 m in length and more than 6,400 tons of sand were used to create it. That’s 40 times heavier than the Statue of Liberty! The sandcastle was expected to stand for over 6 months and the public were allowed to go visit the incredible structure.

Beaches Facts for Kids LearningMole
Sandcastle built on sunny beach near waving sea

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about beaches as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic these beaches are, you can move on to learn about other climate and weather stuff like: Thunder, Thunderstorms, Thunder and Lightning, Rainbows, Lightning, Floods, Earth’s Atmosphere, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Blizzard, Wind and Tsunamis.

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