Soil Erosion Facts for Kids – 5 Super Facts about Soil Erosion

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Would you like to know more about how to help the environment? Here are five super soil erosion facts for kids.

Soil Erosion Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: There are Four Main Types of Soil Erosion

Erosion is the disruption and displacement of the soil on the ground, which may be moved by water, wind, or human interference. There are four main types:

Splash erosion – this is when water, usually a raindrop hits soil and causes it to be displaced.

Sheet erosion – this is when sheets of water flow over land carrying soil with it

Rill erosion – this is when running water creates small channels, like tiny rivers, which travel through soil and create gaps in the soil where the water runs through

and Gully erosion – this is the most drastic form of erosion, it is a much larger form of rill erosion where running water creates gullies, like a small valley, in the soil.

Soil Erosion Facts for Kids LearningMole
Rill erosion

Soil Erosion Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Soil Erosion Affects The Topsoil

Topsoil is a very important part of the earth, it contains all the important nutrients and minerals needed to grow crops. The topsoil also absorbs moisture and prevents flooding. Farmers plant seeds in the topsoil to grow healthy foods which are full of nutrients.

Soil Erosion Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Plants are a Great Defence against Soil Erosion

This is especially true by the sides of rivers or lakes where erosion is caused by water. The roots of plants dig deep into the ground and trap the soil in place, meaning that it cannot be eroded away. If you are by the side of a river you might see trees with exposed roots which are holding back the soil. Soil which is loose can also be carried away by wind, and tall trees are helpful in preventing this. By planting tall trees, shrubs, and bushes the wind is stopped or slowed down before it reaches the soil, preventing the soil from being blown away.

Soil Erosion Facts for Kids
Soil Erosion Facts for Kids: Tall trees on green grass field beside body of water under blue sky during daytime

Soil Erosion Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Soil Erosion Affects how Farmers Grow their Crops

Crops don’t have to be grown on flat ground, many farmers grow crops on hills and raised ground. If their crops are grown on a slope they have to work extra hard to prevent soil erosion from damaging the growth of their crops. Farmers use a clever technique which prevents the soil from being eroded. Instead of planting their crops in lines which go up and down the slope, they grow their crops in lines which go across the slope. These lines are called contour lines and they prevent soil being swept down the slope and away from the crops.

Soil Erosion Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Soil Erosion can Cause Dust Storms

Soil which does not have plants growing in it to form roots and dries out due to lack of water is easily picked up by wind, eroding the soil. This can become a problem when lots of topsoil dries out to become dust which is picked up by the wind. This can create massive dust storms which are very dangerous. One of the many reasons why we must protect the soil from erosion.

Soil Erosion Facts for Kids LearningMole
Sandstorm covering the road from Swakopmund to Walvis bay in Namibia in Africa

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about soil erosion as much as we loved teaching you about it. Now that you know how important it is to learn about the soil erosion and how to help our planet Earth, you can move on to learn more about our environment matters like: Energy, Wind Energy, Electricity, Water, Electromagnetic Waves, Recycling, Recycling Crafts, Recycling Paper, Plastic recycling, Rainbows, Farming, Seas and Lakes, Miraculous Atmosphere, Earth and Water Cycle

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