Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids – 5 Reliable Facts about Ancient Roman Religion

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Ancient Roman history was really fascinating! let’s learn five ancient Roman Religion facts for kids.

Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: The Religion of The Etruscans

Ancient Roman religion was polytheistic, which means that the Romans believed in many gods and goddesses. They believed that these gods and goddesses controlled the natural world, and could influence human events.  The Roman religion was heavily influenced by the religion of the Etruscans, who were an ancient civilization that lived in Italy before the Romans. The Romans also borrowed many gods and goddesses from the Greeks, and often gave them Roman names.

Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids

Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Jupiter The God of The Sky and Thunder

In ancient Roman religion, the gods and goddesses were believed to have various powers and responsibilities. Some gods were associated with specific aspects of nature, such as Jupiter, who was the god of the sky and thunder, while others were associated with human activities, such as Mercury, who was the god of commerce, travel, and messages.

Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Offerings and Sacrifices to Gods

The gods and goddesses were also believed to have the power to influence human life, and the ancient Romans would often make offerings and sacrifices to them to ensure their favor and protection. For example, a farmer might make offerings to Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, to ensure a good harvest, while a soldier might make offerings to Mars, the god of war, for victory in battle.

In addition to their individual responsibilities, the gods and goddesses were also believed to have the power to intervene in human affairs and influence the course of events. For example, in times of crisis, the ancient Romans might consult an oracle or perform a ritual to seek guidance from the gods.

Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids

Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Religious Festivals and Holidays

The Romans had many religious festivals and holidays throughout the year, such as Saturnalia and Lupercalia, which honored specific gods and goddesses. Some examples include:

Saturnalia – This festival was held in December and honored Saturn, the god of agriculture. It was a time of feasting, gift-giving, and revelry, and was considered one of the most important festivals of the year.

Lupercalia – This festival was held in February and was associated with fertility and purification. Participants would run through the streets, wearing loincloths and carrying whips, in order to purify the city and promote fertility.

Vestalia – This festival was held in June and honored Vesta, the goddess of the hearth. It was a time of purification and renewal, and the temple of Vesta was opened to the public for the only time of the year.

Quinquatrus – This festival was held in March and honored Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and crafts. It was a time for craftsmen and artists to celebrate their skills and talents.

Consualia – This festival was held in August and honored Consus, the god of the grain stores. It was a time of feasting and horse races.

Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids LearningMole
Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids: Selective focus photography of wheat field as an example of grains

Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: The Pontifices

The Roman government had a special group of priests called the Pontifices, who were responsible for maintaining the official state religion. They were also responsible for interpreting the will of the gods through divination, such as reading the entrails of animals, and for performing many of the state’s religious rituals. Oracles were also consulted by people seeking answers to important questions or guidance in making important decisions.

One of the most famous Roman oracles was the Oracle of Delphi in Greece. The Oracle of Delphi was believed to be able to communicate with Apollo, the god of prophecy and was consulted by people from all over the ancient world. The oracle would give her prophecies through a priestess known as the Pythia. The practice of consulting oracles was an important part of ancient Roman religion and culture, and people would often make offerings and sacrifices to the gods in order to gain their favor and receive guidance from the oracles.

Ancient Roman Religion Facts for Kids

A photo of the Pontifices

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about the ancient Roman religion as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic this historical culture is, you can move on to learn about ancient people: Roman Clothes, Roman Children, Roman Schools and Roman Solders.

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