Ancient Roman Schools Facts for Kids – 5 Stunning Facts about Ancient Roman Schools

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

How do you think ancient Roman schools looked like?! Let’s learn five stunning ancient Roman schools facts for kids.

Ancient Roman Schools Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Ludi

Ancient Roman schools were called “ludi” and were usually run by private individuals or organizations. These organizations were called “scholae” and were usually run by well-educated men who had retired from public life. They would charge fees for their services, and these schools were attended by the children of the wealthy and the upper class.

Ancient Roman Schools Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Boys

Boys in Ancient Rome typically started school at the age of seven and learned subjects like reading, writing, and arithmetic. They would learn to read and write in Latin, and would also learn about Roman history and culture. They would also learn basic math, such as how to count and do basic arithmetic.

Ancient Roman Schools Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Girls

Girls did not usually attend formal schools, but some wealthy families hired tutors to teach their daughters at home. These tutors would teach girls basic skills such as reading and writing, as well as more practical skills such as spinning and weaving. They were not taught the same subjects as boys, and were not educated to the same level as boys.

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Top view photo of two people’s hands weaving

Ancient Roman Schools Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Primary Schools

The most famous Roman school was called the “ludus litterarius,” where boys learned to read and write in Latin. This school was the equivalent of today’s primary schools and was attended by boys from the ages of 7-12. Boys who attended this school would learn grammar, literature, and rhetoric.

Ancient Roman Schools Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Physical Education

Roman schools were also used to teach sports and physical education, such as wrestling and swimming. These activities were considered important for the development of strong and healthy boys. The schools had facilities such as gymnasiums, which were used to teach sports, and swimming pools, which were used to teach swimming. Boys would also learn how to ride horses and how to use weapons, as it was considered important for them to be able to defend themselves and their country if needed.

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 Kid swimming under water

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about the ancient Roman schools as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic this historical culture is, you can move on to learn about ancient people: Roman Children and Roman Daily Life.

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