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Why Did Castles Have Thick Walls?

Why Did Castles Have Thick Walls?

Prepare for a historical deep dive with Learning Mole’s “Why Did Castles Have Thick Walls?” In this engaging video, we transport ourselves to the medieval era to unravel the strategic importance of formidable fortress walls in castle architecture. From defense tactics to architectural innovations, we’re about to explore the critical role that thick walls played in safeguarding these ancient bastions. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind castle construction, examining the engineering marvels that made these structures impregnable fortresses. Get ready to step into the world of knights and sieges, understanding why thick walls were essential for protecting the inhabitants of these imposing strongholds. It’s a celebration of medieval warfare, architectural ingenuity, and the enduring legacy of castles that will leave you captivated by their historical significance. 🏰🛡️🧱