Statue of Liberty Facts for Kids – 5 Great Facts about the Statue of Liberty

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Have you ever been to America? Let’s discover five great Statue of Liberty facts for kids.

Statue of Liberty Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: The Statue of Liberty Is also Called ‘Lady Liberty’

The Statue of Liberty is inspired by the Greek goddess Libertas and you can see the influence of Greek fashion in the statue. Lady Liberty wears a robe similar to ancient Greek robes.

The statue’s full name is ‘Liberty Enlightening the World’. Her job is to light the way to freedom and liberty which is why she carries her guiding torch. The Statue of Liberty also guided sailors as the statue was used as a lighthouse in the 1800s.

Statue of Liberty Facts for Kids
Statue of Liberty Facts for Kids: Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: The Statue of Liberty Was Originally Brown

This is because she is covered in a thin layer of copper. Copper starts off brown, like copper pennies are. The layer of copper on the Statue of Liberty has gone through a process called ‘oxygenation’ which turned the statue its green colour.

Because the statue is exposed to oxygen in the air and water through rain the copper coating on it has formed into copper oxide. Copper oxide is green in colour. 

Statue of Liberty Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: France Has Smaller Versions of The Statue of Liberty in Paris

The Statue of Liberty in New York was designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, a French sculptor. It was built as a gift to the people of America from the people of France.

The structure of the Statue of Liberty was built by the same French civil engineer who built the Eiffel Tower. Some of the miniatures are so small they are hard to find, some are hidden within other statues. If you visit Paris you can try and find them all like a scavenger hunt.

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A photo of the Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: The Crown of The Statue of Liberty Is a Place Where You Can Look Out at The Sights

If you visit New York you can take a short boat trip to visit the Statue of Liberty and go inside the statue itself.

You can even clip up over 300 stairs to get up to the observation deck. Inside the crown of the Statue of Liberty is a place where you can observe the city of New York.

Statue of Liberty Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: 600 Bolts of Lightning Hit The Statue of Liberty every Year

The base of the Statue of Liberty is made from granite and concrete but the rest of the statue is made up of metal. Copper which makes up the skin of the Statue of Liberty is great at conducting electricity, that’s why electrical wires are made from copper.

This means that the Statue of Liberty is very conductive and gets struck by lightning a lot. Sometimes many bolts of lightning hit at once. Some lucky photographers have even managed to capture it in photographs.

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Statue of Liberty

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about the Statue of Liberty as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic this landmark is, you can move on to learn about other famous places and statues like: Chichen Itza, Niagara Falls, Eiffel Tower, Egyptian Pyramids, Egyptian Statues, Heka, Sobek, Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Mount Everest, Giant’s Causeway.

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