Merrows Facts for Kids – 5 Magnificent Facts about Merrows

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Are merrows consider mermaids?! Let’s discover five magnificent merrows facts for kids.

Merrows Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Live in The Sea

Merrows are mythical creatures that live in the sea. They are often described as having the upper body of a human and the tail of a fish. In some legends, they have green hair and webbed fingers and toes. They are said to be able to breathe underwater and have the ability to swim at great speeds.

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Merrow’s statue by the sea

Merrows Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Luring Sailors

They are said to be very beautiful and can sing enchantingly, luring sailors to their deaths. They are also known to have a hypnotic gaze that can lure sailors off their ships and into the sea. In some legends, they are said to be able to control the waves and cause shipwrecks.

Merrows Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Magical Powers

Merrows are also known to have magical powers, such as the ability to change shape and control the weather. They are said to be able to turn into seals, dolphins, or even mermaids. They are also said to be able to control the wind and the waves, causing storms and shipwrecks.

Merrows Facts for Kids
Wrecked ship

Merrows Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Bring Good Luck

In Irish folklore, merrows are believed to be the spirits of drowned sailors, and are thought to bring good luck to those who see them. Some sailors would even hang a merrow’s tail bone on their ships as a talisman for protection.

Merrows Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Mermaids

Some stories say that merrows can be captured by humans if they fall in love with a mortal and marry them. However, they must leave their tail behind in exchange for legs, which they can only regain if their mortal spouse dies or betrays them. This is said to be the reason why mermaids are often depicted as having a fish tail in legends and folklores.

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about merrows as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic these mythical creatures are, you can move on to learn about other ones like: Elves, Unicorns, Mermaids and Pegasus.

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