Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids – 5 Ways to be Emotionally Intelligent

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids: Emotional Intelligence is all about how well individuals identify, understand and manage their own emotions and knowing how their emotions affect those around them. Being emotionally intelligent also means that you can understand and react to the emotions of others. Here are five ways to be emotionally intelligent.

Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids
A family members are talking in the kitchen

Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Listen to Your Emotions

An emotionally intelligent person is aware of their emotions. When you pay attention to how you behave and react to certain situations you will be better able to manage your emotions. Being self-aware of your own emotions will allow you to control your emotions when situations occur.

Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Question Your Own Opinions

An emotionally intelligent person knows that their opinion isn’t always the right one. They will be open to hearing everyones elses opinions on a topic and not just their own. By listening to other people’s views, you will be better able to understand other people’s emotions and know that your view isn’t the only one that matters.

Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids LearningMole
A group of people expressing their opinions

Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Keep a Diary

A great way to become an emotionally intelligent person is to keep a diary and do journaling daily. Keeping a diary doesn’t have to be pages upon pages of writing about how your day was, it can be as simple as a three or four sentence summary of how your day went. Simply writing what happened in your day and how you felt can help you to become an emotionally intelligent person. By writing this down daily you will be able to see what issues cause certain emotions to arise in you.

Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Take It Easy

An emotionally intelligent person knows the value of taking a break. When life gets crazy and we don’t take time to slow down, our feelings and emotions can become heightened and you may become stressed and anxious. Knowing how to take it easy is important to give your emotions a rest. This can be as easy as going for a walk, doing yoga, reading a book or meditating. Whatever it is that gives you peace, make sure to take time to do it. If you give yourself a break you will be better able to deal with your emotions.

Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Take Responsibility for Your Actions

An emotionally intelligent person will be responsible for their actions. Knowing you did wrong and owning up to it is a sign of an emotionally intelligent person. If you hurt someone’s feelings you should apologise to them directly and not ignore what you did. Not only will you feel better after apologising but the person you have hurt will be more likely to forgive and forget what happened.

Emotional Intelligence Facts for Kids LearningMole
Sticky note with an apology

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about emotional intelligence as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic this life skill is, you can move on to learn about other ones like: Meditation and Gratitude.

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