10 Fun DIY Art Activities for Kids

Avatar of Salma Ihab
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Art is a form of expression; simply combining a few colours can help you express yourself and how you feel. When it comes to art, there is no such thing as right or wrong, and the sky is the limit for creativity.

Art has no age restrictions; infants to the elderly will enjoy it equally. Each age group has a DIY art activity and fun artwork. Art is more than just drawing; it can be anything one does with their hand, such as painting, drawing, building, or anything else.

Let’s get started with some DIY art activities using various materials. One thing you can be certain of is that your child will be exposed to a wide range of creativity and materials.

Make Your Own Non-toxic Homemade Paint

Painting is a type of art that can be done with your hands, a paintbrush, a toothbrush, or anything else that can be used to colour with paint, also known as wet colours.

Most kids like to put everything in their mouths; here’s a great recipe for homemade paint in just three minutes without using food colouring.

Ingredients you will need:

  • Constant ingredients:
    • Greek Yogurt
    • Rice baby cereal
  • Variable ingredients depending on the colour you want:
    • For the red colour: 1 tablespoon puree of pear, pomegranate and beets
    • For the yellow colour: 3 tablespoons puree of sweet potato
    • For the orange colour: 3 tablespoons puree of carrots
    • For the green colour: 4 teaspoons puree of green beans
    • For the purple colour: 1 tablespoon puree of blackberry and apple

Steps for making the paint:

  • For the red, yellow, orange and purple colours: mix: 2 tablespoons of yoghurt, 1 teaspoon of rice baby cereal, and the puree required. Blend them really well together, and your paint is ready.
  • For the green colour: mix 1 tablespoon of yoghurt, 2 teaspoons of rice baby cereal, and the puree required. Blend them really well together, and your paint is ready.

How to store the paint?

Place them in an airtight container in your fridge for 7 days. Please keep in mind that the mixture may separate, so make sure to thoroughly stir it before using.

How to dry your child’s painting?

Place the painting in a sunny place, allow it to air dry, and keep it there until it dries completely.

Now It is Time to Explore 4 DIY Painting Activities

  1. DIY Handprint Activity 

Materials you will need:

  • Apron
  • Paint colours
  • Paint Brush
  • Thick Paper


First things first, grab an apron because things are about to get a little messy! You have two options: either choose the paint colour for your child or, if they are old enough to choose their own colours, let them be Picasso.

 Paint your child’s hand from the inside with the brush. Next, hold your child’s hand and print it on the paper, applying pressure to each finger to ensure it prints well and shows. Repeat with the other hand, and you’ll have your baby’s first-hand print.

 Remember to write down the date so that you can repeat the activity every year and see how your baby grows and when they are old enough, and you can show it to them.

  1. DIY Footprint

Materials you will need:

  • Paint colours that are baby safe
  • Paint Brush
  • Thick Paper


You will follow the same steps as in the first DIY activity, but instead of painting on the hands, you will paint on the feet. If you want to make it more fun, add eyes and a smiley face to each toe!

  1. DIY Ziplock Painting

Materials you will need:

  • Large Ziplock bag
  • Paints in different colours
  • Paper
  • Table and Chair (baby’s feeding chair)
  • Tape


A mess-free painting activity. Start by opening the zip lock bag and placing the paper, then pour at least two colours into the ziplock bag with the paper inside.

On the table, tape the closed ziplock bag from both sides to ensure it stays in place and does not move. Now, help your child sit on the chair and demonstrate what to do.

You will press your hands on the zip lock bag and move your hands up and down, mixing the colours and helping your child to do the same. 

By the end of the activity, the colours will have blended together to form an art piece. Remember to write down the date to remember when the art piece was created.

  1. Painting Objects Art Activity 

Materials you will need:

  • Apron
  • Any random objects at home
  • Construction paper
  • Paints
  • Waterproof mattress
  • Glue 
  • Paintbrush


This activity is full of exploration and enjoyment! You will begin by going for a walk with your child to collect anything your child finds, such as a leaf, a rock, or sticks, and you will bring all of the treasures you found on your walk back home with you. 

For the messy part, you’ll need a waterproof mattress or something to protect the floors, table, or whatever your child will sit and paint on. Don’t forget the apron!

Place the construction paper, paints, paintbrush, and objects you gathered in front of them. Allow them to be creative; they can trace the objects and then paint them, or they can simply paint over the objects and see what happens. Alternatively, you can glue the objects to the construction paper and then paint over them.

3 Mess-Free DIY Paper Crafts Activities

Hands-on activities are ideal if you want to avoid making a mess. Children love such activities, which range from making pinwheels to origami and much more. 

Here are 3 simple crafts you can do with your child at home:

  1. DIY Pinwheel Activity 

Materials you will need:

  • Paper
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Colours (crayons, pencils, paints)
  • Push pin 
  • Button or bead 
  • Pencil with an eraser on top


  1. Draw two squares on two separate papers, and then draw lines from each corner, making an x, so you have 4 triangles.
  2. Start decorating one of the squares using your colours, and once you are done, cut out the squares, place them on top of each other, and glue them together. Make sure you put glue all over the squares, not just the edges.
  3. Cut out four slits along the triangle lines, and make sure you do not go all the way to the centre.
  4. Now, you have eight tips, pull the first tip towards the centre and glue it, making sure not to fold it, and that would be tip 1, do the same for tips 3, 5 and 7.
  5. Now, insert the push pin in the centre and on the back, place the button or bead you have and then glue the pencil eraser onto it. 
  6. There you have it. Start blowing at the pinwheel to see it in action spinning. You can also go out and let the air spin the pinwheel. 

Tip: if the pinwheel does not spin well, try loosening the push pin.

2. DIY Handprint Paper Peacock Activity 

This is a fun family activity because the more hands you use, the more colourful and artistic the craft will be.

Materials you will need:

  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Tongue depressor
  • Googly eyes


  1. Draw 3 hands; you can use mom, dad and child and then cut them out.
  2. Draw a triangle with a circle on top of it and then a small rectangle on top of the circle and cut it out, which will make the peacock’s face and body. The top rectangle cut into small thin strips to show the top of the peacock’s crest.
  3. Now, stick the hand cutouts on top of each other, from biggest to smallest, making sure the smallest is placed in the middle of the one beneath it. 
  4. Now, stick the peacock’s body on top of the hands.
  5. To make the peacock’s face, stick the googly eyes, draw a triangle for the beak, and stick it beneath the eyes.
  6. Draw the legs; remember, a peacock has 4 toes only. Cut them out and stick them behind the body.
  7. Last, stick the tongue depressor on the back of the peacock, and there you have it, amess free handprint paper peacock.

3. DIY Leaf Wall Hanging Activity 

Materials you will need:

  • Straw
  • Yarn
  • Ribbon
  • Construction paper
  • Beads
  • Glue
  • Hole puncher
  • Colours


  1. Draw 4 leaves, colour them in, cut them out, and then make one hole on each bottom to hang from.
  2. Cut up 4 pieces of yarn of different sizes in length.
  3. Next, tie each piece of yarn on the straw, leaving equal gaps in between.
  4. Then, put in as many beads as you want on each piece of yarn, then the leaf cutout, and tie a knot to ensure they do not fall off. 
  5. Last, use the ribbon and tie it on each end of the straw. Use that to hang it on the wall. 

3 Squishy-Squashy Hand Craft Activities

  1. Polymer Clay 

Polymer clay is a type of modelling clay that is used to make jewellery, picture frames, and other handcrafted items. Whatever you can imagine, you can make it out of polymer clay. 

It is a non-toxic clay, making it ideal for children to play with. To dry, place it in the oven for a few minutes, depending on the brand you purchase; usually, instructions are provided on the package. It is also simple to store; simply place it in a ziplock bag.

 You can also use it to decorate anything made of glass, metal, plastic, or wood. They come in various colours, so pick your favourite and get your hands dirty with this fun clay.

You can make earrings, necklaces, a plate, or anything else, and then finish it with water-based acrylic paint to show off the final details, and guess what? Polymer clay does not shrink when baked.

How to use it:

Get the polymer clay and mould or carve it into the desired shape. Then bake it and follow the instructions because underbaking will soften your clay, and overbaking will change the colour or burn it. Always preheat your oven before inserting your masterpiece.

Enjoy this simple, easy-to-clean, and fun DIY craft activity with your kids!

  1. Air Dry Clay

This type of clay does not need to be baked; it must be left out at room temperature until completely dry. It comes in two colours, white and brown. 

This is the ideal type of clay, to begin with, if you want to get your child to get into pottery work. It’s also great for two-dimensional and three-dimensional crafts. Children enjoy it because, unlike playdough, they can keep their handcraft in its original form. 

This clay is used for moulding and can be used for anything. Unfortunately, air-dry clay can dissolve over time when exposed to water or heat and shrinks as it dries.

There are different types of clay for different purposes, such as resin clay which can be painted with acrylic paints and paper-based clay, which can be softened with water.

How to use it:

You need to make sure not to open many packages of clay if you do not use it all because once it dries, it becomes unusable. 

Now you are ready to start, knead it until it becomes soft. Some types of clay will allow you to use water with it to help soften it, so read the instructions. Once it is kneaded well, you can start making the object you want and leave it to air dry once you have finished.

4. Homemade playdough Activities 

Playdough is a favourite among children, but not all types are safe for them. So, here’s an easy way to make homemade playdough, and you won’t have to worry about your kids eating it.

Ingredients you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • Food colouring all colours you want
  • 1 cup Flour
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ¼ cup Salt
  • ¾ cup of water

Supplies you will need:

  • Large bowl
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Something to stir with, preferably a wooden paddle
  • Pot 


  1. Add the lemon juice and water to a pot and place them on the stove until they boil.
  2. Add a few drops of the food colouring to the boiling mixture.
  3. Now, pour the flour and salt onto the liquid.
  4. Next, start stirring the mixture until it begins to become dough.
  5. Next, add the cooking oil and continue stirring.
  6. Now, start to knead the dough with your hands. Keep in mind that it will be sticky, but that is okay.
  7. Let it cool completely. Once it does, knead it again. If it is still sticky, you may add flour, one tablespoon at a time, until you have a perfect consistency.

It’s time to have some fun now that you’ve finished making the non-toxic playdough! Give it to your kids and allow them to start making whatever shapes they want with it. They can even blend different colours together to create a completely new colour.

There Will Be No More Boring days After These DIY Craft Activities

10 ideas that will help you get through your kid’s “I’m bored phase” you can easily say goodbye to lazy vacation days and forget about screen time because they will be occupied with all the paint and sticking. Most importantly, have fun! 

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