Counting in 2’s Made Fun: Engaging Activities for Young Learners

Avatar of James Keown
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Counting in 2’s

Counting in 2’s – A fun video to help you learn even numbers. This video explores counting in steps of two and even numbers. A fun quiz at the end will test your child’s knowledge and understanding.

Counting in 2’s – A fun video to help you learn even numbers. This video explores counting in steps of two and even numbers. A fun quiz at the end will test your child’s knowledge and understanding.

Counting is one fun game that kids get to learn when they are first introduced to the numbers. Teaching kids how to count could happen through lots of different ways and methods and it all starts with the regular counting of the numbers in their right order.

Learning to count starts at an early age and parents who are homeschooling their kids should pay attention to the bulk of numbers they are giving to their kids; they should start with teaching them to count from 1 to 5, from 1 to 10, and then they could go up higher and teach them to count from 1 to 20.

There are two different types of numbers; the odd and the even, and kids should know the difference and know how to count using every single one of them alone. The even numbers are those which end with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 and kids could be taught to count in 2’s just like this video, which means that they will end up learning how to count with using the even numbers only.

Let your Kid Practice Counting Techniques

There are lots of different ways that could be followed in order to teach the kids to count numbers. In this educational video, the technique was as if they are playing on a xylophone and jumping two jumps instead of just moving in the regular manner. At first this will make it easier for the kids to understand and it will make it easier for them to grasp the idea of jumping from 2 to 4 to 6 and so on.

After making sure that the kids got the whole idea behind counting in 2’s – or in even numbers – you could then make a small quiz for them in order to know how much they have understood and how much they could reach. This quiz is not just about teaching them to count until they reach a specific even number, but it is about placing some numbers in front of them and then asking them whether these are even or odd. If your kids are giving the right answers with the not-so-big numbers that you are asking them about, you could then move a little bit further and ask them about some other bigger ones.

The most important tip to keep in mind while teaching your kids about the even numbers is to remind them that in order to know whether a specific number is even or not, they not only have to think about whether it could be divided by two or not, but also they should check whether it ends with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 because this method will make it much easier for them to spot out the even numbers from the odd ones (Counting on from…).

Odd and Even Numbers Game – Learning Numbers for Kids – Numbers for Kids -KS1 Counting -Odd and Even

Differentiating between the odd and the even numbers should always be the first step taken before trying to tell the kids to count in 2’s, because they have to know what an odd number is and what it means and also know what an even number is and what it also means, so never move forward and jump some important steps which you are supposed to know about and follow when you are teaching your kids to count (Odd and Even Numbers).

When it comes to teaching numbers, there are lots of fun methods and techniques that parents could depend on and follow. Here are some of those which we managed to bring on our channel:

– “Ten in a Bed” and teaching the kids some other counting rhymes as well (Counting Rhymes).

– Teaching the kids to count from 1 to 20 in the simplest way possible through getting them introduced to the numbers (Counting Numbers).

– Going a little bit more tricky and not just teach the kids to count in the right order from 1 to 20, but also teach them to count backwards (Counting On and…).

Counting in 2's
Counting Games for Kids – Number Games – Counting Numbers

These are some of the games or methods which we believe are effective when it comes to teaching the kids to count, but as a parent, you could still follow the very basic rules and ways which might be just about using the fingers in order to count or just placing some objects in front of the kids so they could find something to count on.

Benefits of Learning to Count by 2s: Building Blocks for Mathematical Development

While seemingly simple, counting by twos holds immense significance in a child’s early mathematical development. It serves as a stepping stone to unlock various crucial concepts, fostering a strong foundation for future learning. Here’s a closer look at the key benefits of mastering counting by twos:

1. Foundation for Multiplication:

Counting by twos serves as a foundational pillar for understanding multiplication tables later on. By repeatedly adding 2, children begin to grasp the concept of multiplication and its link to skip counting. As they become comfortable and confident with the sequence (2, 4, 6, 8, …), they can easily recognize multiplication by 2 as the process of adding 2 repeatedly. This early exposure paves the way for a smoother transition to formal multiplication tables, building a strong conceptual understanding from the ground up.

2. Patterns and Sequences:

Recognizing the skip counting pattern of twos plays a vital role in developing children’s understanding of patterns and sequences. Counting by twos introduces a predictable pattern, where each subsequent number is two more than the previous one. This ability to identify and replicate patterns is crucial not only in mathematics but also in various aspects of life, such as recognizing patterns in music, language, and everyday situations.

3. Problem-Solving Skills:

Counting by twos fosters the development of problem-solving skills in young learners. They learn to:

  • Skip every other number: This challenges them to think strategically and move beyond the typical counting sequence of adding 1 each time.
  • Identify missing numbers: Given a sequence with a missing number, children can use their understanding of the pattern to predict the missing value by adding 2 to the previous number.
  • Predict the next number: Based on the established pattern, children can anticipate the next number in the sequence, encouraging them to think ahead and apply their knowledge.

These problem-solving skills are not limited to the context of counting by twos. They become transferable to other mathematical problems and real-life situations, equipping children with the ability to think critically and find solutions effectively.

Counting in 2's

Engaging Activities to Learn Counting by 2s: Making Math Fun and Interactive!

Counting by twos, while fundamental, can seem monotonous at times. But fear not! Here’s a treasure trove of diverse and engaging activities to transform counting into a fun and interactive learning experience:

1. Movement Activities:

  • Sing and Move: Choose a catchy song that counts by twos (e.g., “Two little kittens”). Sing along and clap hands or jump every other beat to reinforce the skip counting pattern through movement.
  • Hopping Fun: Create a hopscotch grid on the floor or sidewalk, labeling squares with multiples of two (2, 4, 6, …). Hop across the squares, counting by twos as you go.
  • Beanbag Toss: Set up two buckets or bins labeled “2” and “4.” Throw beanbags or balls, aiming for the correct bucket based on the number you land on while counting by twos.

2. Sorting Activities:

  • Color Matching: Provide a variety of colorful objects (buttons, beads, Lego pieces) and two containers. Challenge children to sort the objects into the containers based on color, placing two objects of the same color in each container.
  • Size Sorting: Gather objects of different sizes (pom poms, blocks, buttons). Ask children to group the objects into two piles based on their size, ensuring each pile has two objects of similar size.
  • Treasure Hunt: Hide small objects (toys, stickers) around the house and assign each object a value of “2.” Encourage children to find the objects, counting the total value (number of objects) by twos as they collect them.

3. Number Line Activities:

  • Interactive Number Line: Create a number line on a long strip of paper, highlighting all the multiples of two with a different color or marker. Have children use a marker or toy car to move along the number line, jumping two spaces at a time and saying the numbers they land on.
  • Missing Number Mystery: Write a sequence of numbers with a missing element (e.g., 2, _, 6, 8). Ask children to identify the missing number based on the pattern of counting by twos. You can create different variations with multiple missing numbers to increase the challenge.
  • Number Line Relay Race: Divide children into teams and provide each team with a number line (either drawn or printed). On the signal “Go,” the first child from each team runs to the number line, jumps to the next multiple of two, and says the number. The first team to reach the end of the number line wins!

4. Hands-on Activities:

  • Building with Blocks: Provide Lego bricks or construction blocks and challenge children to build structures with only two bricks per layer. Encourage them to count the total number of bricks used and how many layers they built.
  • Snack Time Counting: While preparing a healthy snack like making sandwiches or fruit kebabs, involve children in the process. Have them count the slices of bread or fruit they use by twos, emphasizing the concept in a practical and enjoyable way.
  • Matching Game: Cut out paper squares and write multiples of two on one set and corresponding pictures of objects (two birds, two shoes) on another set. Shuffle the squares and ask children to match the numbers with the pictures representing the quantity.

Remember, the key is to make it fun! Adapt these activities based on the child’s age and interests, encourage creativity, and celebrate their progress along the way. By incorporating these engaging activities, you can transform learning to count by twos from a chore into an exciting adventure, fostering a love for math and laying a strong foundation for future mathematical exploration.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. At what age should children start learning to count by twos?

There is no single answer to this question as every child develops at their own pace. However, most children begin to grasp the concept of counting by twos between the ages of 3 and 5 years old.

2. How can I tell if my child is struggling to learn to count by twos?

Here are some signs that your child might be struggling:

  • They are unable to recite the sequence of numbers when counting by twos.
  • They have difficulty identifying missing numbers in a sequence that skips every other number.
  • They cannot connect the concept of counting by twos to real-life examples (e.g., sorting objects in groups of two).

If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, it’s always best to consult with their teacher or pediatrician.

3. Are there other benefits to learning to count by twos besides those mentioned in the article?

Yes, there are several other benefits! Counting by twos helps children:

  • Develop their fine motor skills by manipulating objects and using counting tools.
  • Enhance their memory and recall skills as they memorize the skip counting sequence.
  • Foster their spatial reasoning skills as they visualize and organize objects in groups of two.

4. Where can I find more resources to help my child learn to count by twos?

There are many resources available online and in libraries, including:

  • Educational websites and apps with interactive games and activities focused on counting by twos.
  • Printable worksheets and flashcards featuring counting by twos exercises.
  • Children’s books with stories and illustrations that incorporate counting by twos in a fun and engaging way.


Learning to count by twos is a crucial step in a child’s mathematical development. By incorporating engaging activities, creating a fun and interactive learning environment, and celebrating their progress, you can help your child master this fundamental skill and set them on the path to a successful journey in the world of math. Remember, the key is to make it fun, celebrate their efforts, and let their curiosity guide the learning process!

Have you found this interesting? Come and check our other articles: Addition and Counting on for Kids, Fun Counting Games for Kids, and Counting Numbers for Kids.

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