Fun Counting Games for Kids

Avatar of James Keown
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Simple counting games which use toys your child loves to help them learn to count and order numbers. A fun, interactive maths video using cars and a simple car park design to order and count numbers. Help your child recognize, name and order numbers from 1 to 20 with this simple counting game.

Check out some more maths resources. And tools to help your child learn to count.

More Counting Games.

How to teach the kids English numbers? We have a good bright idea right here that depends on Lego, Play-Doh, and monsters. Identify the number written, bring the same amount from the monsters, the Play-Doh balls and the Lego blocks, and eventually write down the letter by tracing it with the Play-Doh snake.

Kids learn the English numbers step by step, it starts with counting to 10 then it goes up until it reaches 20 and so on. In every single step of these, kids should be able to identify the different numbers, know how to bring the same amount of numbers from the objects and know how to write it down.

Counting Games

Start with choosing a specific number to write down on the small board, ask the child to tell you the name of that number to see whether they could identify it or not, and let them bring that same number and build a small tower out of the Lego blocks, ask them to take that number from the Play-Doh balls created, and eventually move on to the part of asking them to write the letter through tracing it with the Play-Doh snake that you have both created together.


Homeschooling is all about creativity, parents should choose the methods that would light up the minds of the kids and thus encourage them to learn and keep them interested. In this educational video, the idea is in the games used with the child, which include the Lego blocks, the Play-Doh, and the monsters which are all found in every single home out there.

Counting numbers is the first step that kids come to learn after they are introduced to numbers in general, and then they move forward to the part of learning the different mathematical operations that include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This means that the most important step or part is getting introduced to the numbers and learning to count in the correct order.

Always try to make it easier for the child if he/she is dealing with any struggles or problems because otherwise, they might face some obstacles in the middle of the way. Let them double-check their work and count the items they have brought out – such as the Lego and the monsters – and draw the number down on the board for them to let them trace it with the Play-Doh snake you have both created.

Tracing the number will make it easier for the child to learn how to write the number on their own later on and it is even important to educate the kids to trace the numbers in the air with their magic fingers before they trace it with the Play-Doh snake. This will give them the chance to know how they are supposed to write down the number in order not to bring different shapes for the numbers due to writing them differently every single time.

Always make the whole lesson appear like a challenge for the child to keep them excited, such as playing in turn and seeing who is going to be the winner at the end, because that’s how the child will be looking forward to it all and at the same time they will ask for the repetition of the game if they lost because they love to be the winners all the time and thus will never accept something less.

Play games, let them try, help them if needed, give them some challenges, and do every other thing that would help them to learn numbers. Don’t ever worry about your child not learning a specific thing, because by practising and making mistakes, they will end up learning and getting educated.

Let the parents learn a new lesson idea and let the kids learn to identify numbers, count, and learn how to write these numbers downs correctly.

LearningMole focuses on educating children of all ages. We offer advice and practical, interactive ideas to help parents challenge, homeschool, teach and develop their children’s skills at home.

Help your child to explore the key concepts of numbers, counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in maths. Spelling, reading, writing and grammar in English. Help them to develop their imagination and creativity with crafts and to explore a range of skills to cook, bake and create tasty treats and snacks.

Benefits of Counting Games for Toddlers and Preschoolers:

Counting games are more than just fun pastimes; they offer a treasure trove of benefits for young children’s development:

Counting Games

Number Sense:

Concrete Understanding: Counting games use manipulatives, objects, and actions to represent numbers, helping children move beyond rote memorization to grasp the concept of quantity visually and spatially.

Subitizing: Games can help children instantly recognize small quantities (1-5) without counting, laying the foundation for future math fluency.

Number Relationships: Through comparing, adding, and subtracting objects in games, children develop early understanding of number order, sequence, and basic math operations.

One-to-One Correspondence:

Matching and Pairing: Matching games and activities like sorting objects by color or size encourage children to pair each item with its counterpart, strengthening their understanding that each number represents a distinct quantity.

Counting Objects: Counting toys, snacks, or steps in a game helps children associate numbers with specific quantities, solidifying one-to-one correspondence.

Counting Actions: Singing counting songs or clapping hands while counting objects reinforces the connection between spoken numbers and physical actions.

Other Benefits:

Fine Motor Skills: Manipulating objects like counters, blocks, or crayons during games develops hand-eye coordination and dexterity, important for future writing and manipulation skills.

Language Development: Counting games provide opportunities to practice counting words, number names, and basic math vocabulary, enriching language skills.

Problem-Solving: Simple games like sorting or matching objects encourage basic problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Attention Span and Memory: Engaging counting activities help children focus their attention and improve their ability to remember sequences and patterns.

Social Interaction and Collaboration: Playing counting games with siblings or friends fosters communication, cooperation, and turn-taking skills.

Simple Counting and Recognition Games for Toddlers/Preschoolers:

For Toddlers (1-3 years old):

Sing Counting Songs: Use catchy songs like “Five Little Monkeys” or “The Wheels on the Bus” to introduce numbers and counting in a fun and interactive way.

Hide and Seek: Hide objects and count together as you find them, reinforcing number recognition and one-to-one correspondence.

Sorting Fun: Sort toys, blocks, or fruits by color or size, practicing matching and grouping objects.

Counting Steps: Count steps as you climb stairs, walk in the park, or hop around the room, associating counting with physical actions.

Finger Play: Use rhymes and finger puppets to count fingers and toes, making learning playful and engaging.

For Preschoolers (3-5 years old):

Beanbag Toss: Label buckets with numbers and have children toss beanbags, counting the number of successful throws.

Number Line Hop: Draw a giant number line on the floor and call out numbers for children to hop to, practicing number recognition and sequence.

Matching Games: Play memory games with number cards, or match objects to their corresponding number cards.

Counting Race: Divide children into teams and have them race to count a specific number of objects, promoting competition and teamwork.

Storytelling with Numbers: Invent stories together, incorporating counting elements like “Three little pigs” or “Five hungry caterpillars.”

Fun and Active Counting Games for Toddlers and Preschoolers:

Counting Physical Objects:

Treasure Hunt: Hide objects with numbers written on them around the room. Children search for them, count the objects, and say the corresponding number aloud.

Building Towers: Provide blocks or cups with different colors or sizes. Challenge children to build towers, counting each block/cup as they add it.

Bead Stringing: Use colorful beads and string. Children thread the beads, counting aloud as they go. Can they create patterns based on colors or numbers?

Shopping Spree: Set up a pretend store with toys and assign prices with numbers. Children “buy” toys, counting the objects and money involved.

Fruit Fun: Count fruits while preparing a snack or sorting them by color. Can they identify the biggest/smallest fruit and count the difference?

Games Integrating Movement:

Number Hopscotch: Draw a hopscotch grid with numbers on each square. Children hop to a square, say the number, and hop back. Increase difficulty by adding multiples or skipping numbers.

Number Freeze: Play music and move around. When the music stops, call out a number. Children freeze and hold up that many fingers or jump that many times.

Counting Claps: Sing a song or recite a rhyme while clapping hands. Gradually increase or decrease the number of claps to match the lyrics.

Number Train: Hold hands and walk around the room. Call out a number. Everyone takes that many steps and says the next number in sequence, forming a moving train.

Number Scavenger Hunt: Hide objects around the room with numbers on them. Children race to find them, jumping a certain number of times or hopping to specific locations based on the number found.

Tech Time for Counting Fun: Apps, Websites & Tools to Boost Learning

In today’s tech-savvy world, integrating technology offers exciting ways to enhance counting skills for children. Let’s explore how apps, educational websites, and interactive tools can transform counting activities into engaging and effective learning experiences:

Engaging Apps:

Interactive Counting Games: Apps like “Counting Train” or “Number Line Jump” make learning dynamic with virtual counters, animations, and gamified elements. Children move objects on number lines, solve problems, and collect rewards, reinforcing counting skills in a fun way.

Personalized Learning Apps: Adaptive learning apps like “Khan Academy Kids” or “Number Rock” assess skills and create customized counting activities based on each child’s level. This ensures they progress at their own pace and receive targeted challenges.

Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences: Apps like “AR Number Line” or “Counting Playground” utilize AR technology to superimpose interactive number lines onto real-world environments. Children can scan objects, count virtual characters, and interact with numbers in a more immersive and stimulating way.

Educational Websites and Online Games:

Interactive Number Line Activities: Websites like “PBS Kids” or “National Geographic Kids” offer online tools where children can click and drag objects on a number line to solve problems, compare sets, and visualize concepts. Engaging activities make learning interactive and visually appealing.

Educational Games with Number Lines: Games like “Number Line Race” or “Counting Challenge” provide a fun and interactive way to practice counting skills. Children race against time, answer questions, and collect points, making learning feel like a rewarding adventure.

Animated Number Line Stories: Websites like “Math Playground” or “SplashLearn” offer engaging animated stories that incorporate number lines. Children follow characters as they solve problems using counting, helping them grasp concepts in a relatable and entertaining way.

Interactive Tools:

Smart Toys with Number Line Features: Toys like “Osmo Math Wizard” or “Number Rock” use physical manipulatives and interactive number lines to encourage hands-on learning and exploration. Children can physically move counters, build towers, and interact with the number line, promoting tactile engagement and spatial reasoning.

Smart Whiteboards and Interactive Displays: Utilizing these tools in classrooms allows teachers to create and manipulate digital number lines, fostering collaborative learning and engaging presentations. Children can interact with the number line together, visualizing concepts and solving problems collaboratively.

Number Line Apps for Tablets: Apps like “Number Line Manipulatives” or “TouchMath” offer touch-screen experiences where children can directly interact with the number line. This promotes fine motor skills, and visual-spatial learning


What are the benefits of counting games for children?

Counting games offer a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Building number sense: Children develop a deeper understanding of quantity and number relationships through concrete manipulation and visualization.
  • Strengthening one-to-one correspondence: Matching and counting objects solidify the association between numbers and real-world quantities.
  • Promoting fine motor skills: Manipulating objects like blocks, beads, or toys improves hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
  • Enhancing language development: Counting games expose children to number words, counting terms, and basic math vocabulary.
  • Encouraging problem-solving skills: Simple sorting and matching activities introduce children to basic problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Boosting attention span and memory: Engaging counting activities help children focus their attention and improve their ability to remember sequences and patterns.
  • Fostering social interaction and collaboration: Playing counting games with siblings or friends promotes communication, cooperation, and turn-taking skills.

What age groups are these activities suitable for?

The activities suggested in this article are adaptable for children from toddlers (1-3 years old) to early elementary (6-8 years old). You can adjust the difficulty level and complexity to suit each child’s developmental stage.

How can I integrate technology into counting activities?

Consider educational apps, interactive websites, AR experiences, smart toys, and touch-screen manipulatives. Remember to choose age-appropriate options, set screen time limits, and supervise children while using technology.

What if my child has special needs?

This article provides tips for adapting activities based on learning styles and abilities. Additionally, it encourages collaboration with professionals to develop personalized learning plans.

Where can I find more resources for counting games?

This article serves as a starting point, but you can explore educational websites, libraries, toy stores, and online forums for additional ideas and printable resources.


Counting is a fundamental skill that paves the way for future math learning. By incorporating engaging games, real-world connections, and technology integration, you can transform counting from rote memorization into a joyful and meaningful experience for your child. Remember to cater to individual needs, celebrate diversity, and focus on the joy of discovery. With these strategies, you can help your child embark on a successful journey of learning and counting, setting them on a path to future math success!

and allows them to explore at their own pace.

Easy-to-follow activities will support you and your child to learn and practice new concepts as well as enjoy spending time together. Help your child to progress and explore and most importantly – have fun!

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