Counting Numbers for Kids: 3 Amazingly Fun Ways

Avatar of Stephen McClelland
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Counting numbers is one of the first steps your child will make when venturing into the world of mathematics. The principles of counting extend to a greater scope than the field of math though, being used in design, the culinary arts, technology, engineering, the various scientific fields, and in daily functions.

Learning to count is integral to giving a children base knowledge in the mathematical field. Counting numbers is an important skill to ingrain in your children and it can be done in a plethora of colourful activities to keep learning engaging and dynamic for children.

Using different techniques and the array of online content available, counting numbers with your children has become an accessible activity for all abilities. 

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Girl in a Yellow Long Sleeve Dress Learning to Count with Her Teacher

Counting Numbers: Counting Games 

Learning through play has been considered an effective learning strategy by educational specialists for a number of years. Applying this solution to the basic operation of counting is a brilliant way of engaging children in the counting numbers process.

Taking some of their toys or using familiar objects makes counting numbers a little less stressful as they feel comfortable with their own surroundings. A pen and paper could also be utilised to keep count of the numbers that your child is learning, also encouraging them to write the numbers as they go depending on their age and abilities. If they need to use hands and fingers, that’s okay, let them find creative ways to reach their solutions. 

Counting numbers activities can be a fun and exciting way to engage children in this basic task. Using toys like Duplo or Lego to help children with counting is a great way of encouraging this. The reason why counting numbers using objects that the child can see is so effective is that they are able to correlate or correspond the object to the abstract notion of a number.

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Children Sitting Down on The Floor Counting Using Lego Blocks

Using paper to draw on is another great way of showing a child how counting numbers can be fun. If your child loves sweets, for example, you could sketch sweets onto a page and get them to count them up. This is also a wonderful craft activity if you want to cut the ‘sweets’ out for your child to individually and physically count. 

Depending on your child’s abilities, they don’t have to necessarily count from one to ten. You can encourage them to learn bigger numbers and go into the double digits if you think they will be able to manage. If they aren’t quite ready for double digits, counting numbers could happen to go the opposite way.

So, going from ten to one instead is a good way of seeing if they understand the counting concept. Counting numbers provides a base for children to eventually learn addition and

Counting Numbers: Counting Rhymes for Kids

Maths and music are intrinsically linked, so it is hardly surprising to find that counting numbers can be actively encouraged by using rhymes. Using rhymes to learn counting numbers skills is a dynamic and entertaining activity for children to become involved with. It also includes a form of repetition that makes learning these concepts easier.

Using a variety of songs, for example, ten in the bed provides a lighthearted way of viewing counting numbers and encourages children to engage with the material in a constructive and informed way. This is also a great way of expanding children’s vocabulary as they learn words associated with counting numbers and learn to enjoy their learning experiences. There is a multitude of online learning content that provides opportunities for your child to engage with counting numbers. 

Allowing your child to continuously play the song is not a bad thing as well. It may seem draining, but they are slowly absorbing the content without actually engaging with it at all. This is an effective way to ensure that the lesson of counting numbers is being engaged with and, indeed, enjoyed.

There are plenty of counting videos available online with a plethora of nursery rhymes to engage with. Find a tune that your child connects with and perhaps make the songs yourself. This can be a fun activity for you and your child. Counting numbers together with a song is a perfect way to see if they have fully engaged with the material too.

You can gently test them and sing with them. If they need help with a certain number, then you will be able to alleviate that struggle and show them the best way to approach learning that number sequence. If it’s 1,2,3 or 10, 9, 8, there are plenty of rhymes to entertain children with as they learn. 

Counting Numbers: Counting in Twos

Counting in 2s is some of the first counting numbers experience that we have as children. Even numbers are easier to find sequences in, adding twos is an accessible situation for those who are younger or who struggle with mathematical concepts.

Counting numbers in twos introduce children to sequences and patterns. Though this may seem very basic, it is this grounding that children will use to problem solve more complex patterns and sequences as they develop in their education. There are lots of ways to deliver this type of learning.

Using fun activities like singing rhymes or objects, counting in twos can be the first number of sequences children can use by themselves. Allow them to try and work it out themselves and see how far they are able to go before stepping in to help.

Even recognising patterns in counting numbers as a sequence of twos is a fundamental stage for mathematical development. Noticing that twos are all in even numbers is an observation that you should let your child try to deliver to you.

This is a great opportunity to expand their learning experience. Ask them if they can see differences in this sequence and, for example, counting in threes. There are plenty of ways that counting numbers can be turned into a fun and exciting activity for children to engage with while learning at home or school.

We hope you liked today’s lesson as much as we enjoyed writing it for you. If you want to learn more about Math and many other interesting things like: Numeracy, Math Magician, Easy Math, Times Tables Games, Mental Maths, Lego Math, Great 3 Resources from Numbers to Fractions, Mental Math Tricks, Addition and Counting on for Kids, Fun Math Game with Treat Incentive and Fun Math Games.

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