Solids Facts for Kids – 5 Super Facts About Solids

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Imagine a world where there is no solid matters, we won’t even be existed! Let’s learn five super solids facts for kids.

Solids Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Solids Have A Definite Shape

The particles in a solid are in a fixed place, meaning they cannot move around. For this reason, solids have a definite shape that cannot change unless force is applied to the object. For example, a table will always be the same shape and size because it is a solid object. It will only alter its shape if it is broken up. Brute force will deform the shape of a solid. The molecules in solids are linked to one another.

Solids Facts for Kids
Two assorted-color padded chairs near side table

Solids Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: The Metal Osmium Is The Densest Solid Found in Nature

Osmium is the densest of all the elements. Os is the symbol for Osmium. It is twice as dense as lead. Osmium has only a few uses, it is used to produce fountain pen tips, instrument pivot screws and used to be used for gramophone needles. Osmium comes from the Greek word osme which means smell. It gets its name for the strong smell that powdered osmium gives off. It is also used as a catalyst in the chemical industry.

Solids Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: A Solid Can Become A Liquid

The three states of matter can change into each other through different processes. A solid can become a liquid through melting. When heat is applied to a solid it melts into liquid form. When a liquid is frozen it turns into a solid, think of water. When the liquid water is frozen it turns into a solid ice cube. Certain solids can also be dissolved into a liquid, for example salt can dissolve into a cup of water.

Solids Facts for Kids LearningMole
Ice cubes

Solids Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Solid Is A Fundamental State of Matter

Solids have many uses in our everyday lives and hugely benefit our lives. Solids are very versatile, they can come in metal, plastic, fabric or wood. You interact with solids every second of every day. Whether you’re sitting down on your wooden chair or driving to work in your car you are interacting with solids. Fabric is used in our clothing and gives us warmth. Some metals have shape memory which means they can remember their shape. When cold these metals can deform but when brought to a certain temperature they will return to their original shape.

Solids Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: There Are Two Main Types of Solids

The two main types of solids are ordered solids and disordered solids. Ordered solids have molecules and particles that are arranged in a highly ordered manner, they are also called Crystalline Solids. These types of solids have a sharp melting point. Examples of Crystalline Solids are table salts, diamonds, copper and gold. Disordered solids have a lack of long-range order and are known as Amorphous solids. These types of solids don’t have a sharp melting point.

Examples of Amorphous Solids are cotton, window glass, rubber and plastic.

Solids Facts for Kids LearningMole
 Solids Facts for Kids: Diamond insect pendant

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about solids as much as we loved teaching you about them. Now that you know how majestic the universe is, you can move on to learn about other states of matters articles like: Gases, Liquids and States of Matter.

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