Metamorphic Rocks Facts for Kids – 5 Magnificent Facts about Metamorphic Rocks

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Tables with marble surface are really popular! Look around you can you see any? Let’s discover five magnificent metamorphic rocks facts for kids.

Metamorphic Rocks Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Rock Formation

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been changed by heat, pressure, or chemical processes. These changes happen deep inside the Earth, often far below the surface. When rocks are subjected to high temperatures and pressures, their mineral crystals rearrange themselves in different ways, and this changes the rock’s texture, color, and overall appearance.

Metamorphic Rocks Facts for Kids
Gneiss rock as an example of metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic Rocks Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Slate

One of the most common types of metamorphic rock is slate. Slate is made from shale, which is a type of sedimentary rock. When shale is heated and compressed, the clay minerals in shale recrystallize and forms slate. It is a fine-grained rock with a dull, flat surface, and is often used for roofing tiles, flooring and chalkboards.

Metamorphic Rocks Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Marble

Marble is another type of metamorphic rock. Marble is formed from limestone, which is a type of sedimentary rock. When limestone is heated and compressed, the calcite crystals in limestone recrystallize and form marble. It is a coarse-grained rock with a smooth and glossy surface, and is often used in sculptures, flooring, and building decorations.

Metamorphic Rocks Facts for Kids LearningMole
White marble blocks on white marble wall

Metamorphic Rocks Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Gneiss

Gneiss is a metamorphic rock that is formed by the extreme heat and pressure. It has a banded appearance with different colors and textures. The bands are formed by the different minerals that were present in the original rock. It is used as a decorative stone and in construction.

Metamorphic Rocks Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Earth’s Past

Metamorphic rocks can tell us a lot about the Earth’s past. By studying the minerals in these rocks, scientists can learn about the conditions that existed when the rock was formed, such as the temperature, pressure, and chemical conditions that existed deep inside the Earth. They can also learn about how the rock has been changed over time, and how the Earth’s surface has changed. This can help scientists understand how the Earth’s surface has changed over time, and how different types of rocks are formed.

Metamorphic Rocks Facts for Kids LearningMole
Close-up shot of a rocky surface showing the Earth’s past through different layers

We hope you enjoyed learning more things about metamorphic rocks as much as we loved teaching you about it. Now that you know how majestic these rocks are, you can move on to learn more about our amazing Earth like: Rocks and Igneous Rocks.

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