Top 10 Exclusive Life Routines For You!

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

A good night’s sleep makes for an excellent start to the next day. To reach this goal, you must stick to a regular sleep schedule. Don’t drink coffee or alcohol before bed because they make it hard to sleep and wake you up.

Your sleep pattern is also affected by what you do during the day. Regular exercise helps keep your body temperature at a comfortable level so that you can sleep well. Also, eating well keeps your body healthy so it can work well at night. Your daily plan should give you time to do things that make you feel good, like reading or listening to music. This will help you get ready for a productive day.

Having good eating habits keeps your body going all day. A well-balanced diet gives your body the necessary vitamins and minerals to work well. Also, you should limit how much you eat at each meal. If you eat too often, you won’t get all the calories your body needs daily.

Also, don’t skip meals. When you do that, your body holds on to calories, which can make you gain weight and hurt your health. Lastly, eat a wide range of foods to ensure you get all the nutrients you need daily.

How you spend your time is also affected by who you are. People tend to be drawn to others who are like themselves. This makes work more fun and less stressful by bringing people together who are interested in the same things. But only some people are naturally drawn to the same schedule every day. Find something that makes you happy and sticks with it, no matter how long it takes you to get good at it.

A boring life doesn’t have many surprises or thrills. But a well-planned daily schedule can make a huge difference in how good your life is. Your health and happiness will improve if you are consistent. Controlling your emotions also helps you deal with stress caused by differences in personality at work and home.

Life Routines/ Habits

There’s a reason why most successful people wake up early. Most of them know that once it’s 9 AM and everyone else has woken up, their time is no longer theirs alone. Early mornings are an excellent time to prepare for the day, work on meaningful projects, or spend more time with family.

All of these things will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the rest of the day. But it takes more than just setting an early alarm to make getting up early a habit. Here are some things to think about.

  1. First of all, you can’t give up sleep. When you get up earlier, you go to bed earlier. And getting enough sleep (less than 7-9 hours) is much better than getting up early.
  2. Next, you should wake up at the same time every day. Our bodies crave consistency, and so make our habits. The more you can wake up at set times, the more likely you’ll be able to make this a solid routine.
  3. Last, never hit the snooze button.

Set Your Day’s Most Important Tasks

Setting your goals and mood for the day is a big part of any good morning routine. Do you want to feel organised or unorganised? Do you go through your day with a plan or just react to what other people do?

The best way to be more productive all day is to be in charge of the story of your day. And one of the easiest ways to do this is to start your day by listing your Most Important Tasks (MITs).

Journaling Can Help You Connect With Your Bigger Goals

Writing in a journal isn’t just for angsty teenagers. In fact, writing down your goals, dreams, and feelings and thinking about them has been shown to improve your mood and even help you do better at work.

Meditation Helps You Get Ready for Whatever the Day May Bring

You can’t always predict what the day will bring. But doing meditation as a part of your morning routine can help you learn to deal with things in a better, more calm way.

If you’ve never meditated before, you should start out slowly. When you first start a new habit, consistency is more important than intensity. Even closing your eyes and focusing on your breath for a few minutes in a quiet room can be enough to get you started.

Even though your morning routine helps you get ready for a productive day, you can also improve your daily habits and how you spend your time at work.

Productive workday habits and routines make sure you know and focus on your priorities, can block out distractions, and have a plan for getting back on track when things go wrong instead of just reacting to what comes your way.

Here are some habits you can try out as you build your workday routine:

  • Wait to check your email in the morning.

The unknown is scary to our brains. So, whether you look at your phone and see a bunch of red dots next to your email and chat apps or have your inbox open in the background (like 84% of people! ), you probably feel compelled to check your messages first thing.

  • Consume the frog (tackle something difficult when your energy is highest)

Throughout the day, we all have ups and downs in energy, focus, and how much we get done. Even though this cycle is different for each person, most of us have a peak in the morning (and it’s not just because of coffee!) Now is a great time to start getting used to eating the frog.

Oh, really? No, you won’t be eating a real, live animal. Instead, this just means you have finished one of those annoying tasks that bother you.

Keeping with the idea that you should work with the natural energy curves of your body, we can only be productive some of the time.

In fact, when researchers looked into how our energy levels change, they found something they call Ultradian Rhythms. Our minds go through cycles of 90–120 minutes of being awake before they need a break.

  • “Batch” work that is the same together

Like most people, you probably do many different things at work. You might be called a project manager, designer, or developer, but your daily work is very different.

Even if you have good habits and routines for focused work, you will still stay on the ladder from time to time. The problem is that many of us have developed bad habits over time that show up when we’re weakest.

Maybe it’s getting caught up in social media right when you wake up. Or watching too many videos on YouTube after lunch. Or perhaps you miss sleep because you stay up late to watch movies. No matter what, if you want to be genuinely productive, you need to break those habits.

  • Set aside time for email and IM (or create “office hours”)

If you let it, email can take over your life. And checking it all the time is one of the worst things you can do at work. Even if you’re used to not checking email first thing in the morning, you need to be in charge of when you check it the rest of the day.

One study of more than 50,000 knowledge workers found that they can only go up to 6 minutes by checking their email or IM tool.

When it comes to how often you should check your email, there is no correct answer. But most productivity experts agree that the best habit to build is to be proactive with your email instead of just reacting to it.

As we said at the beginning of this post, you can only be distracted if you know what you’re distracted from. And having a way to stay organised is one of the most essential habits and routines you can develop at work.

  • Getting away from work

There will always be long days. But if you want to be really productive, your habits and routines can continue even after the workday does. Instead, research shows that people who have a way at the end of the day are less tired and stressed, are less likely to put things off, and are even more focused at work.

  • Think about what you’ve done well and write down three good things that happened.

It’s too easy just to put your feet up at the end of the day and watch Netflix to “relax.” The human brain can’t just switch gears like that, though. Instead, when thoughts and feelings aren’t dealt with, they stick around and show up at the worst times (like when you’re trying to sleep!).

  • Set aside time to think alone

We are social beings by nature. But spending so much time with people wears on you. Everyone from Thoreau to Proust has written about how solitude is one of the best ways to get away from things and recharge. This doesn’t mean that you should lock yourself in a room at the end of the day. Find some “mental solitude” in your evening routine instead.

  • Do something you enjoy.

Doing more work at home may seem bad, but it can help you get better and get more done. Instead of just relaxing, doing what’s called a “mastery task” enables you to forget about work and wake up more energised and ready to go the next day.

  • A “shutdown ritual” is a way to prepare for the next day.

People sometimes have complete control over how they spend their time during the workday, making it hard not to be upset when things don’t go as planned. But giving yourself a sense of control is a big part of calming your brain and staying happy and productive.

You get to decide what to do. But there are a few things that have been shown to help:

  1. Making a list of things you need to do tomorrow
  2. Taking time to think about your day and write in a diary
  3. Close any browser tabs that are open and clean up your desktop.
  4. Putting clothes out for the next day (or the gym)
  5. At least 30 minutes before bed, turn off your devices.

Everything goes wrong when you don’t sleep. No matter how productive you are in other parts of your life, it only matters if you get a good night’s sleep. Too bad it’s not just about how much time you give yourself to sleep. The blue light on our screens can throw off our internal clocks and make it harder to fall asleep.

Not all good habits can be made at certain times of the day. And only some patterns have to do with how you spend your time at work. How our bodies feel affects our ability to focus and get things done. To build a productive routine, you must pay attention to your health.

  • Give your eyes a break.

You probably stare at a screen for a scary amount of time every day. So much so that 50–90% of people who work in knowledge jobs have a condition called computer vision syndrome. When your eyes get tired, it can cause many problems, from physical fatigue to less productivity and more mistakes to minor annoyances like twitching eyes.

You can protect your eyes during the day in many ways, such as by using the proper lighting, cutting down on screen glare, and taking more breaks. But following the “20-20-20 rule” is one of the easiest habits.

Every 20 minutes you look at a screen and take a 20-second break to look at something at least 20 feet away. Look at something far away for 10–15 seconds, then look at something close up simultaneously. Then look at the distant object again. Do this 10 times daily to keep your eyes from “locking up.”

  • Get more water throughout the day.

Water is a miracle tool for getting things done. But when we’re tired, most of us don’t go to the water cooler. Instead, we go to the coffee machine.

Caffeine has its place in our workdays, but it’s not the only thing we need. One of the best things you can do every day is to drink more water. Our bodies need water to work, and when we don’t drink enough, we don’t just get a dry mouth. We also lose energy, focus, motivation, and productivity.

Make it a habit to drink water daily to ensure you stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you to remind yourself to drink more or to set a goal for the day.

  • Regular exercise

Last, you don’t need someone to tell you that exercise benefits you. But I’m still going to do it. If your health and having a beach body aren’t as important to you, then you might want to pay attention to these other results.

Exercise can slow down neurogenesis, which means that you’ll keep more brain cells as you age. In a shorter time, it can also give you more energy during the day, keep you happy and motivated to work more, and even help you stay mentally focused for longer. It can be easy to work exercise into your daily routine. Instead, the authors give a few simple rules:

  1. Exercise for about 20 minutes. Research shows that just 20 minutes of exercise can have the most significant effects on your brain.
  2. Every day, do this: Exercise gives you more energy and a better mood for about a day, so it’s essential to stick to your routine.
  3. Don’t worry about being perfect. If you do it 4 out of 7 days, that’s fine. The goal is to stay the same over time. Not letting the fact that you missed a day or two bother you.

This means that your daily routine could be going to the gym for a quick workout, doing bodyweight exercises at work, or even just going for a brisk walk and taking the stairs daily. As with most good habits, the key is to do it daily. Not risking everything every day.

Importance of A Life Routine

What good is a day if you don’t have time to unwind? For many people, this means doing something like reading, listening to music, or watching TV to keep themselves busy. Some people spend their free time working out or doing something physical. Based on what famous people do every day, it’s clear that keeping a regular schedule is essential for your physical and mental health.

A set of things you do every day, like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast, is called a routine. It helps you stay healthy and organised by ensuring that your thoughts, actions, and feelings are in sync with the sun’s cycles and the seasons. You also have something to look forward to every day. In the end, a routine keeps your life fun and interesting.

During their free time, many people choose to work out. For example, they might dance or listen to music while running. Working out helps you stay fit and full of energy when you have free time. It also keeps you healthy as you age because it lowers stress, builds muscle, and strengthens your immune system.

Also, when you look and feel healthier, you’ll have more confidence because exercise makes you look better and feel stronger inside and out.

Routines help you figure out which things are most important. When you plan your day in a certain way or work hard to build certain habits, you’re saying, “This is what I care about.” Routines and patterns make you think hard about what’s important to you and force you to make decisions.

Having a plan for each day helps you stay focused. “You can’t say you’re distracted if you don’t know what you’re distracted from,” writes best-selling author Nir Eyal. You are more likely to notice when something is trying to get your attention when you have a routine.

Habits give you time and energy to do more important things. Because our minds like to save energy, 40% of what we do is because of a habit. The more you can automate the things you do daily, the more time and energy you have for more important tasks.

Routines and habits help people think of new ideas. As we wrote in our Guide to Being More Creative, there is no such thing as a creative muse. Instead, you get the best ideas when you work hard and put in the time.

Routines and habits push you forward. More than anything else, your habits and practices help you see progress and keep you going. A routine is essential because it helps you deal with stress and look good, making you feel better. Based on how someone acts, it’s easy to figure out why they are worried or sad.

People with anxiety can better control their feelings when they have regular things to do. This is because they are busy for a consistent amount of time. Exercise also releases endorphins, natural chemicals in the brain that make you feel good. This is similar to the benefits of a diet plan.


A routine helps you stay organised and healthy, which makes your life more fun and exciting. It also makes you feel more confident because it gives you something to look forward to every day, no matter what you do in your free time. So, keeping a regular schedule is essential for everyone’s health, whether you work out or not.

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