Pentagon Facts for Kids – 5 Amazing Facts about the Pentagon

Avatar of Youstina Zakhary
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Today we are going to learn some facts about Pentagons for kids.

Pentagon Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: It’s a five-sided shape

A pentagon is a five-sided shape, they are polygons with five straight sides. A pentagon is formed from three triangles, so the sum of angles in a pentagon = 3 × 180° = 540°.

Pentagon Facts for Kids
Red pentagon shapes on a white ball

Pentagon Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: It is derived from a Greek Word

The definition of pentagon shape is derived from the Greek word as “Penta” denotes five, and “gon” denotes angle. The pentagon is a 5-sided polygon.

Pentagon Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Different Types of Pentagons

Pentagons can be categorized into regular and irregular Pentagons. Here are the differences:

On a regular pentagon All the interior angles and the sides are equal.

On an irregular pentagon All the interior angles and the sides are of different measures.

Pentagon Facts for Kids LearningMole
Okra is cut into pentagon shapes

Pentagon Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Convex and Concave Pentagons

There are also Convex and Concave pentagons. On a convex pentagon all the interior angles are < 180°, and the vertices point outwards. On a Concave pentagon one or more interior angles are > 180°, and the vertices point inwards.

Pentagon Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: The Perimeter a Regular or Irregular Pentagon

The perimeter of a regular or irregular pentagon is the distance around its five sides. It is the sum of its sides. Perimeter of a Pentagon = (side1 + side2 +side3 + side4 + side5) units.

Pentagon Facts for Kids LearningMole
Blue pentagon geometric shape

We hope you enjoyed learning about pentagons, check out these articles about some other shapes: Polygons, Geometric Shapes, Isosceles Triangle and 2D and 3D Shapes.

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