Fun Math Trick for Kids

Avatar of James Keown
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

A fun math trick video that will amaze your family and friends.

Want to become a mathemagician? – this math trick will ensure that your audience will always land on the answer 3 (as long as they follow your instructions). A great way to develop your mathematical skills and challenge those around you!

Want to see more math tricks? Try these:

Mind Tricks to Guess Your Age -Magic Math for Kids| Magic Maths | Maths Tricks for Kids | Math Trick

Are you searching for tricks and games to do some magic with your friends? It is interesting to try following some steps and end up receiving a set number at the end, and it is also interesting to follow some steps and end up with your age.

What’s your age? Let us help you guess your friend’s age through some mathematical calculations and operations which you are going to do. This could be considered an interesting game for the kids to ask their friends some questions and eventually come to the point of guessing their age, and it could be also considered an interesting trick for the kids to try on themselves and learn some mathematical operations along the way.

If you want to guess your friend’s age through a mathematical mind trick and show them what you can do, you have to follow these different steps (they could happen with the help of a calculator because the numbers will be big):

Math Trick
Math Trick for Kids

– First, write down the year of your birth.

– Second, Double it.

– Third, add 5.

– Fourth, multiply it by 50.

– Fifth, add your age.

– Sixth, add 365. – Seventh, subtract 615.

The final number that will be on the calculator screen will reveal your year of birth (which will be the first four digits) and your age (which will be the last two digits).

Mind tricks are not always the same, there are also those which will be magical for some people and which will make them wonder how you managed to do it that way. Math tricks and games differ in their steps according to the final answer that is brought out at the end.

Blow your kid’s mind with math tricks.

There are lots and lots of tricks in the world of magic math which the kids could try on their friends and family members as some kind of magic and at the same time for having a little bit of fun. In addition to these kinds of games and magic tricks, there are also those which are related to the mind tricks which the kids will come to do to make specific mathematical equations a lot easier for themselves.

We believe that such games are always better when it comes to learning math because it helps the two sides; those who are giving the rules and orders to play the game with their friends since they will be practising some calculations, as well as those who are receiving the instructions because they will be asked to do specific mathematical calculations to know whether the final answer will be the same as the one written in the paper or else not – sometimes even these calculations will need to be done in the mind and this will be needed at some point.

It could be about the magic math tricks which the kids play with their friends and it could also be about the different math games which the kids play that might include Lego, Play-Doh, monster characters, and other tools through which they will count, add and subtract and thus cross a great distance in this field (Inverse Operations)

Practising is important when it comes to learning and this is one important thing the parents should always keep in their mind and never worry about their kids taking longer time than expected. Practising is also important with these tricks because their steps are not easy for the child to memorize immediately or fast, they need to do it several times before eventually recognizing these steps without a piece of paper.

Such games are important because they not only teach the kids math and mathematical operations but also help with increasing the kid’s self-confidence when they do the right calculations and when they also play some tricks on their friends and family members and end up getting the right final answer and finding that everything is working out correctly.

LearningMole focuses on educating children of all ages. We offer advice and practical, interactive ideas to help parents challenge, homeschool, teach and develop their children’s skills at home.

Help your child to explore the key concepts of numbers, counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in maths. Spelling, reading, writing and grammar in English. Help them to develop their imagination and creativity with crafts and to explore a range of skills to cook, bake and create tasty treats and snacks.

Easy-to-follow activities will support you and your child to learn and practice new concepts as well as enjoy spending time together. Help your child to progress and explore and most importantly – have fun!

Addition Tricks: Making Numbers Disappear

1. Add 9 and Subtract 1: This trick works because adding 9 is the same as adding 10 and then subtracting 1. So, any number added to 9 can be “made to disappear” by subtracting 1 after adding 10.


-Choose a number (let’s say 23).

-Add 9: 23 + 9 = 32.

-Subtract 1: 32 – 1 = 31.

Magic! Your original number (23) has disappeared.


You can use 8 and add 2 instead, as 8 + 2 = 10 – 1.

This trick can be used with decimals too!

2. Splitting and Doubling: This trick relies on the commutative property of addition (a + b = b + a).


Pick a number (let’s say 14).

Split it into two parts that add up to 10 (e.g., 6 and 4).

Double each part (12 and 8).

Add the doubled parts: 12 + 8 = 20.

“Disappear” the original number by subtracting 10: 20 – 10 = 10.


Use different splitting options depending on the original number.

Explain the logic behind the trick: doubling each part essentially multiplies the original number by 2, and subtracting 10 reverses that multiplication.

3. The “Magic Zero” Trick: This trick uses the fact that adding 0 doesn’t change the sum.


Pick a number (let’s say 57).

Add a multiple of 10 that ends in a 0 (e.g., 30).

Break down the added number into two parts: one ending in 0 (e.g., 3) and another ending in the same digit as the original number (e.g., 7).

Add these two parts to the original number.

The trick relies on the units digit of the second part cancelling out with the units digit of the original number, leaving only the tens digit.


  • 57 + 30 = 87
  • 3 + 7 = 10
  • 87 + 10 = 97


Choose different multiples of 10 based on the original number.

Explain the mathematical reasoning behind the trick, focusing on the cancelling digits.

Subtraction Tricks: The Vanishing Number Mystery

1. The “Complement to 10” Trick: This trick uses the fact that any number plus its complement to 10 (the number needed to reach 10) equals 10.


Choose a number (let’s say 7).

Find its complement to 10 (3).

Add both numbers: 7 + 3 = 10.

Subtract the smaller number from the larger number: 7 – 3 = 4.

Your chosen number (7) has “vanished” because it’s hidden in the difference between itself and its complement.


Use this trick with decimals too.

Explain the logic behind the trick, focusing on reaching 10 and reversing the addition.

2. The “Double and Divide” Trick: This trick utilizes the distributive property of multiplication (a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c).


Choose a number (let’s say 18).

Double it: 18 * 2 = 36.

Choose a “secret number” (let’s say 4).

Subtract the secret number from both sides: 36 – 4 = 32 and 18 – 4 = 14.

Divide both sides by the secret number: 32 / 4 = 8 and 14 / 4 = 3.5.

The difference between the original number and the secret number remains the same even after the double and divide operations.


Use different multiples of 2 for the double operation.

Choose different secret numbers and explain the impact on the result.

Multiplication Tricks: Astounding Mental Calculations

Here are some amazing multiplication tricks for impressive mental calculations:

1. Doubling and Halving:

Doubling: To double any number ending in even digits, simply cut off the last digit and add a 0.

Example: Double 24 -> 24 becomes 20, then double to 40.

Halving: To halve any number ending in an even digit, divide by 2 and remove the 0.

Example: Half 48 -> 48 / 2 = 24.

2. Splitting and Multiplying:

Splitting Tens and Units: This works for numbers like 11×12 or 23×27.

Split each number into its tens and units digits (11 = 10 + 1, 23 = 20 + 3, etc.).

Multiply the tens digits (10 x 20 = 200).

Multiply the units digits (1 x 7 = 7).

Multiply the sum of tens and units digits from each number (1 + 3 = 4, multiply by 20 = 80).

Add all three products (200 + 7 + 80 = 287).

3. Using Squares and Patterns:

Squares: Knowing perfect squares (1, 4, 9, 16, etc.) can help with multiples of those numbers.

Example: 12×12 = (10+2)x(10+2) = 10^2 + 2(10)(2) + 2^2 = 100 + 40 + 4 = 144.

Patterns: Notice patterns in squares ending in 5: 25 = 5×5, 45 = (5+2)(5+2), 65 = (5+3)(5+3), etc. This helps with multiples of those numbers.

4. Vedic Multiplication:

This ancient Indian technique involves breaking down numbers into specific categories and applying specific multiplication algorithms. It’s efficient for large numbers.

5. Finger Multiplication:

For multiplying by 9: Hold your hand up, fingers spread. Each finger represents a number from 1 to 10.

To multiply by 9, bend the finger at the number you’re multiplying by (e.g., for 9×4, bend the 4th finger).

Number of fingers to the left of the bent finger is the tens digit (0 in this case).

Number of fingers to the right is the units digit (36).

Multiplication Tricks Bonus:

Multiplying by 5: Add a 0 and divide by 2 (e.g., 5×7 = 35, 350 / 2 = 175).

Remember multiplication tables for small numbers (up to 12) for quick calculations.

Division Tricks: Unlocking Hidden Factors

Here are some tricks to unlock hidden factors and simplify division:

1. Dividing by 2, 4, 8:

Divide by 2: Cut off the last digit (even or odd).

Divide by 4: Cut off the last two digits (divisible by 4).

Divide by 8: Cut off the last three digits (divisible by 8).

2. Dividing by 3:

Add the digits of the number. If the sum is divisible by 3, the original number is divisible by 3.

Example: 126 -> 1+2+6 = 9 (divisible by 3), so 126 is divisible by 3.

3. Dividing by 5 and 25:

Check the last digit: If it’s 0 or 5, the number is divisible by 5 (and 25 if the last two digits are 00 or 25).

4. Dividing by 9:

Same as dividing by 3 (sum of digits). Additionally, subtract the sum of digits from the original number. If the difference is divisible by 9, the original number is divisible by 9.

Card Tricks with Math: Shuffling and Slicing Stunts

1. Card Prediction:

Shuffle the deck perfectly (riffle shuffle). This ensures a specific order known to you.

Let a spectator cut the deck at any point. Since you know the perfect order, you can mentally calculate the position of a chosen card after the cut.

Ask the spectator to name a card and then reveal its new position.

2. Dealing Patterns:

Practice specific dealing patterns (e.g., Hindu shuffle, Faro shuffle). These patterns secretly rearrange cards in predictable ways.

Deal cards seemingly randomly, but based on the pattern, you know where specific cards will land.

Perform “mind-reading” card tricks, knowing which cards the spectator will draw.

3. Probability Predictions:

Understand basic card probabilities (e.g., probability of drawing a specific suit, a face card).

Set up situations where certain outcomes are more likely.

Make seemingly impossible predictions based on probability, then reveal the chosen card.

4. Cutting and Stacking:

Utilize mathematical properties of cutting and stacking. For example, cutting a deck in half and stacking them alternately preserves the relative order of cards within each half.

Combine cutting and stacking techniques to create seemingly impossible card arrangements.

Reveal hidden cards based on your understanding of the manipulated order.

Math Tricks with Household Items:

1. The Magic Number:

Ask someone to think of a number between 1 and 100.

Have them perform specific mathematical operations with the number (e.g., add 5, multiply by 2, subtract 7).

Use mental math or a pre-calculated formula to arrive at the final number.

Reveal the chosen number, seemingly having performed complex calculations in your head.

2. The Coin Flip Prediction:

Place two coins on a table, heads or tails up.

Ask someone to secretly switch the state of one coin (heads to tails or vice versa).

Based on the final positions of both coins, you can mathematically deduce which coin was switched.

3. The “Guess My Weight” Trick:

Hold an object in your hand (e.g., a book) and ask someone to guess its weight.

Have them perform simple calculations involving their guess and a pre-chosen number.

Reveal the object’s actual weight, which matches their final calculated answer.

Math Tricks for Parties and Gatherings:

1. The Estimation Game:

Show a group of objects (e.g., candies, coins).

Ask everyone to estimate the total number individually.

Reveal the actual number and then explain a mathematical estimation technique (e.g., rounding, grouping).

Discuss the accuracy of each person’s estimate and the effectiveness of different techniques.

2. The Magic Square Challenge:

Draw a magic square (grid where each row, column, and diagonal add up to the same number) on a whiteboard.

Ask participants to fill in the missing numbers using logic and deduction.

Guide them to discover the mathematical properties of magic squares and how to solve them.

3. The Probability Puzzle:

Present a scenario involving chance (e.g., rolling dice, drawing cards).

Ask participants to calculate the probability of specific outcomes.

Discuss different approaches to probability calculation and encourage group discussion.

Creating Your Own Math Tricks: Unleashing Your Inner Mathemagician

The beauty of math lies not just in solving problems, but also in its potential for wonder and entertainment. By understanding basic mathematical concepts and applying them creatively, you can develop your own captivating math tricks! Here’s how:

1. Find Inspiration:

Everyday Observations: Look around! From counting stairs to estimating distances, daily activities often involve hidden mathematical patterns. Can you turn these observations into tricks?

Classic Tricks: Analyze existing math tricks. What makes them work? Can you modify them, combine them, or create new variations?

Puzzles and Games: Many puzzles and games rely on math principles. Can you adapt these into interactive tricks for others to solve?

2. Choose Your Math:

Start Simple: Begin with basic concepts like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and probability. These offer ample room for creative manipulation.

Explore Different Areas: As you build confidence, delve into geometry, statistics, logic, or even algebra! Each area holds untapped potential for trickery.

Match Math to Audience: Consider who you’ll be performing for. Simple tricks are great for beginners, while more complex ones might impress seasoned math enthusiasts.

3. Craft the Illusion:

The “Wow” Factor: What initially grabs attention? Create a surprising premise, an impossible prediction, or an engaging narrative built around your math.

The Hidden Logic: Beneath the surface, your trick relies on a sound mathematical principle. Ensure this foundation is solid and aligns with your chosen “wow” factor.

Misdirection and Subtlety: Don’t reveal everything! Use misdirection,巧妙地转移注意 to guide the audience’s focus away from the underlying math while still leading them to the desired outcome.

4. Practice and Polish:

Rehearse: Refine your performance, ensuring smooth execution and clear explanations. Practice makes perfect, especially for sleight-of-hand elements.

Get Feedback: Show your trick to friends, family, or math enthusiasts. Their reactions and suggestions can help you improve clarity, engagement, and overall impact.

Incorporate Showmanship: Use props, humor, and storytelling to enhance your presentation. Remember, you’re not just performing math; you’re creating an experience!

Bonus Tips:

Think Outside the Box: Don’t be afraid to experiment and break the mold. The most original tricks often come from unexpected combinations of math and creativity.

Challenge Yourself: As you gain experience, push your boundaries by exploring more complex mathematical concepts and incorporating them into your tricks.

Share and Inspire: Once you’ve honed your skills, share your creations with others! You might spark a love for math in someone else or simply bring joy through the magic of mathematical illusion.

Remember, creating your own math tricks is a journey of discovery and exploration. By following these tips, embracing your creativity, and practicing diligently, you can unlock the hidden potential of math to amaze and entertain!

Math Trick,Math Trick for Kids,Trick LearningMole

Math Tricks for Different Age Groups: Age-Appropriate Magic

Engaging different age groups with math tricks requires tailoring your approach to their cognitive abilities and interests. Here’s a breakdown for different age ranges:

Preschoolers (3-5 Years Old):

Focus on basic concepts: Counting, shapes, colors, simple addition/subtraction.

Interactive tricks: Use props, songs, rhymes, and storytelling.

Examples: Guessing the number of hidden objects, making shapes disappear with simple sleights of hand, predicting colors based on patterns.

Elementary Students (6-10 Years Old):

Introduce slightly complex concepts: Multiplication, division, fractions, basic geometry.

Incorporate mental math: Make it fun and challenging.

Examples: Magic squares, coin tricks with probability, predicting card positions after shuffles, “guess my weight” tricks with simple calculations.

Middle Schoolers (11-14 Years Old):

Expand on existing knowledge: Logic puzzles, probability challenges, advanced geometry tricks.

Allow for some challenge: Encourage problem-solving and critical thinking.

Examples: Rubik’s cube solutions, mind-reading card tricks with specific patterns, estimating large quantities using clever methods, magic squares with hidden rules.

High Schoolers (15-18 Years Old):

Introduce advanced concepts: Algebra, trigonometry, statistics.

Emphasize the “wow” factor: Complex calculations disguised as magic.

Examples: Predicting outcomes based on complex probability scenarios, mental math feats involving large numbers, geometric illusions and paradoxes, “impossible” calculations with hidden formulas.


Cater to diverse interests: Logic puzzles, historical math problems, real-world applications.

Offer intellectual challenge: Make them think and be surprised.

Examples: Monty Hall problem variations, visual puzzles with geometric principles, logic riddles with unexpected solutions, historical math “brain teasers” solved with modern techniques.

Performing and Presenting Math Tricks:

Confidence is key: Be enthusiastic and project your voice clearly.

Tell a story: Create a narrative around the trick to engage the audience.

Build anticipation: Don’t reveal the secret too soon!

Explain the “magic”: Briefly explain the underlying math after the reveal, piquing curiosity.

Involve the audience: Ask questions, let them participate, create a sense of interaction.

Practice, practice, practice: Smooth execution and clear explanations are crucial.


Q: Are there any specific resources I can use to learn more about math tricks?

A: Absolutely! There are many books, websites, and even online communities dedicated to the art of math magic. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Books: “Mathematical Circus” by Martin Gardner, “The Magic of Math” by Arthur Benjamin, “Jim Steinmeyer’s Mathematical Miracles” by Jim Steinmeyer.
  • Websites: Maths Is Fun ([invalid URL removed]), Numberphile (, Mathologer ([invalid URL removed]).
  • Communities: The Magic Math Club ([invalid URL removed]), The Mathematical Association of America (

Q: I’m not very good at math. Can I still perform math tricks?

A: Of course! Many math tricks rely more on presentation, misdirection, and storytelling than complex calculations. Start with simple tricks that involve basic concepts you’re comfortable with, and gradually build your repertoire as you learn more. The key is to be creative and have fun!

Q: How can I make my math tricks more engaging for the audience?

A: Here are some tips:

  • Tell a story: Create a narrative around the trick to capture attention and make it more memorable.
  • Use humor: A lighthearted approach can make learning more enjoyable.
  • Involve the audience: Ask questions, let them participate, and create a sense of interaction.
  • Explain the “magic”: Briefly explain the underlying math after the reveal, piquing curiosity.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Smooth execution and clear explanations are crucial.

Q: Can I use these math tricks to impress my friends and family?

A: Absolutely! With a little practice and creativity, you can amaze your loved ones with your newfound mathematical prowess. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and share your passion for math in an entertaining way.


Math is often seen as a dry and challenging subject, but it can also be a source of wonder and entertainment. By understanding basic mathematical concepts and applying them creatively, you can develop your own captivating math tricks! Whether you’re performing for young children, teenagers, or even adults, these tricks can spark curiosity, encourage problem-solving skills, and demonstrate the beauty and power of mathematics. So, unleash your inner math magician, get creative, and have fun exploring the magical world of numbers!

Have you found this interesting? Come and check our maths articles: Mental Math Tricks, Fun Math Games, and Math Magician.

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