The Top 50+ Lovely Lullabies 

Avatar of Ciaran Connolly
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly


Howdy, young learners! How have you been? Are you having trouble falling asleep? Are you scared you might have a nightmare? Fear not, the Learning Mole is here! This time around, we will be singing you a lullaby, so get right into bed and start singing.

The Meaning and Origins of Lullabies

We will explore the different origins of lullabies together. A lullaby is; A song intended for the purpose of putting an infant to sleep; A calming song that can be played in order to put a child to sleep; A calming song that helps put children to sleep at night. 

As most parents are aware, soothing a fussy infant to sleep can be a challenging task. It is clear that this is an age-old problem, as evidenced by the fact that parents have been attempting to lull their children to sleep with the assistance of songs or music for a very long time. 

It is clear that the challenge of getting children to sleep has been a concern for many different cultures at different times throughout history. The history of this begins not long after the beginning of recorded history. 

Early Periods in the Development of the Lullaby 

There is no doubt that people have been singing lullabies ever since prehistoric times. Lullabies are thought to have originated as a result of the need for humans to perform multiple tasks at once, including putting their young children to sleep while also traversing the landscape and engaging in other activities that required their hands to be free. 

For whatever reason, putting a child to sleep has been a challenge for as long as there have been babies. The earliest known recordings of lullabies come from Babylonia, which is located in what is now the southern part of Iraq. 

In Babylonia, lullabies are not only songs to help babies fall asleep, but they also have characteristics that we may find to be somewhat ominous.

There are several Babylonian lullabies; one of the works mentions that the baby has cried and is waking up, which is upsetting the house god, who gets angry with the baby, so the baby should go back to sleep.

Other lullabies from Babylonia were even more disturbing, as they contained warnings that the infant would be devoured. 

Even though this may come across as harsh to us, we should keep in mind that many lullabies, including our own, have gloomy undertones, such as a child’s suffering or passing away, which are meant to comfort them. 

Because of their melancholy rhythm, lullabies frequently have sinister overtones in many different cultures; this quality has remained relatively unchanged since the songs’ inception. 

In addition, the Babylonians would use lullabies as the foundation for the creation of magic spells that would help protect them from harm. 

Therefore, it is possible that the intention behind saying negative or harmful things was to accomplish the opposite of what was intended, which was to protect the baby from evil spirits. 

Even in some modern cultures, people still utter curses that ward off evil spirits, and these curses frequently have sinister or menacing undertones.

The lyrics of an Egyptian lullaby written around the middle of the second millennium BCE and titled Magical Lullaby discuss how to protect a child from being harmed by evil spirits. 

Lullabies, on the other hand, appear to be a form of spell or magic that even regular people could practise, in contrast to Egyptian spells, which required the recitation of a spell, the performance of a ritual, and the involvement of a magician. 

As a result, lullabies may have been perceived as a type of spell that one attempts to cast in order to not only put the baby to sleep but also protect the baby from any harm that may occur during the night. 

Lullabies were significant not only for the words of protection that they carried but also for the tunes and rhythms that they carried with them. This was because it was essential that the spell be cast correctly. 

As a matter of fact, it is possible that evil spirits were the ones responsible for making a baby cry; consequently, the lullaby voice-assisted in providing protection and, with that protection, in putting a baby to sleep.

Similarly, in the Greco-Roman world, lullabies frequently had a negative connotation, and they were frequently equated with or incorporated with magic or spells that the singer would seemingly try to induce to assist in protecting babies. 

Songs would help soothe a baby, but also the lyrics were intended to act as spells to help protect a baby from the darkness, which was equated with harmful things that may inflict on a young baby. 

The night would have been seen as potentially a very vulnerable period for a baby, and songs would have helped soothe a baby. The calming sounds were thought to be evidence that such spells may have helped babies sleep and avoid the harm that nighttime can cause a child.

In point of fact, some academics have suggested that lullabies were in fact spells cast against evil spirits. 

Later Developments

A great number of lullabies, including some that are still popular today that we are very familiar with, have unhappy or even terrifying endings for the protagonist’s child. 

It is likely that many of the lullabies that we are familiar with, such as “Rock-a-Bye Baby” and “Highland Fairy Lullaby,” originated during the mediaeval and early modern periods. It’s interesting to note that many of the motifs that were present in the earliest lullabies have remained.

As was the case in early societies, the majority of lullabies seem to focus on instilling a sense of dread in the listener regarding the dangers that lurk in the night. 

The songs themselves are calming, but many lullabies, both the ones we are familiar with and those that have been rediscovered from historical texts, contain lyrics that talk about threats to the listener’s safety, including death and even the thievery of children by strangers.

It is generally unknown where lullabies like Rock-a-Bye Baby and others got their start; however, one theory proposes that Rock-a-Bye Baby got its start from Native Americans observing other Native Americans using tree branches to suspend cradles. 

This observation may possibly reflect the fear that branches will break and a baby will fall from a tree. In the lullabies that originated in Europe, there are also a greater number of animal-related themes, such as counting sheep or singing about them. 

Comparisons of lullabies from a variety of cultures reveal that one of the recurring themes in these songs is a fear of the night and of the unknown. 

For example, in Iceland, they have a song called Bum Bum Bambaló that is sung as a terrifying lullaby about a face that is lurking outside and looking in through the window. This song was recently performed by an Icelandic band. 

Fear is a central theme in this book, specifically fear of what is waiting for the baby and fear that the baby might be taken if the baby goes outside. 

Even in the New World, the lyrics of lullabies morphed into something more sinister over time. 

One such example is the Caribbean lullaby known as Dodo Titit, which tells the story of a crab devouring a baby. 

Nana Nenê is a traditional lullaby from Brazil. It tells the story of an alligator named Cuca who threatens to eat the baby if they continue to cry or make a lot of noise. 

An old lullaby from Indonesia, the exact date of which is unknown, tells the story of a wandering giant on the island who searches for babies who are crying. It’s interesting to note that lullabies in Japan tend to have more melancholy undertones, reflecting a mother’s longing for or missing her child, rather than spooky themes. 

Lullabies such as Itsuki reflect a mother missing her child while she is away, despite the fact that the lullaby still contains elements of fear even in this case. In this particular scenario, the worry is that if the mother passes away, then the difficult question of who would care for the child would arise.

During a countdown of numbers in Malaysia, the baby is not harmed in any way, but the lyrics make it sound like baby chicks are being slaughtered. Lullabies tend to have an overall theme that can be described as melancholy or depressing but is frequently creepy. 

This could also be interpreted as a reflection of the wistful nature of many songs. The song “Hush, Little Baby” is considered to be one of the most well-known lullabies in the United States. 

Its origins can be traced back to the early history of the southern region of the country in the United States. However, in this case, the lyrics are not scary at all; rather, they make a promise of a reward for the baby if he or she will only just go to sleep. 

Despite this, it seems that accidents and problems with things breaking still occur here. Of course, a lot of modern lullabies are based on their ancient or older counterparts, and the subjects that they typically focus on are things like fear, creatures that lurk in the dark, or even death. 

However, studies also show that traditional and modern lullabies have beats that do help babies calm their hearts and that a song is sung in a quiet tone with humming frequently has the effect of relaxing muscles and lowering blood pressure. 

Both of these findings are important to note. Newer lullabies typically do not have the same melancholy or depressing undertones as older works, although this is not always the case. Instead, these works feature more contemporary rhythms and melodies and are accompanied by contemporary instrumentation. 

Lyrics in some of his works, such as Azure Ray, talk about not being able to get to sleep, but the tune has a more upbeat feel to it. Even traditional lullabies like “Rock-a-Bye Baby” and “Hush Little Baby” have been updated with more upbeat and less wistful rhythms in recent years.

The majority of parents in today’s world are turning to more upbeat contemporary songs, which are then either altered in some way or played at a lower volume in order to put their infants to sleep. 

On the other hand, there are sleep therapists and medical professionals who believe that not all of these works are appropriate. Recent studies have shown that having a slower beat and rhythm can help people sleep better. 

Even if the lyrics of old lullabies are scary or depressing, the songs themselves may have some value because, in general, they produce the kinds of sounds that make it easier for babies to fall asleep and also make it easier for babies to relax, which allows their sleep to be more effective and beneficial. This suggests that the songs may have some value. 

The existence of lullabies predates the beginning of recorded history, but evidence of their existence can be found in some of the earliest periods of recorded history as well. 

So, simply put, even in the earliest lullabies that were recorded in Mesopotamia and Egypt, the songs were terrifying and frequently contained frightening demons or gods that had the power to eat or terrify anyone, including infants. 

These concepts have been passed down from generation to generation, and it’s quite possible that many of the earliest lullabies were actually prayers or other magical sayings. Because it was believed that infants were awake at night, these were written to ward off evil spirits from coming near them. 

Even more contemporary lullabies, such as the ever-popular “Rock-a-Bye Baby,” are creepy and have the potential to put the child in danger. Just recently, there has been an increase in the number of happy lullabies. 

However, there are medical scientists who question whether or not they are as effective, and they believe that sad sounds and tones might be more effective for calming the minds and hearts of babies as they drift off to sleep. It is true that this lullaby comes across as more frightening than it does calming, but the truth is that many lullabies, including some that are still sung today, have sinister undertones. 

The Luo people of western Kenya are known for singing some of the most well-known lullabies in the world. One of the most famous of these songs begins with the terrifying line “The baby who cries will be eaten by a hyena.” 

This is not an exaggeration; in certain regions of the country, a hyena is capable of actually devouring a human infant if it cries out loud enough. “Rock, rock, rock” is the first line that is sung in the song. Rock-a-bye-Baby is a well-known lullaby in the United Kingdom. 

It forewarns of an imminent threat in the most reassuring way possible, stating that both the infant and the cradle will fall from a tree branch. The fact that nighttime has always been associated with darkness and fear may help explain why some lullabies have scary themes, according to Sally Goddard Blythe, author of a number of books about child development and director of The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology. 

Blythe suggests that this may be one of the reasons why some lullabies have frightening themes. It’s possible that this is one of the reasons why some lullabies contain creepy ideas. Even the creepy lullabies, according to her, contain “love, tenderness, and care” at their core. 

She believes this to be true. The music itself to many lullabies is often calming and hypnotic, despite the fact that many of the lyrics to these songs have specific meanings. A few of them have an elegiac or bereaved tone to them, almost like a lament. 

Zoe Palmer, a musician who is contributing to a collection of lullabies being created at the Royal London Hospital, claims that some of the songs “tell you the history of the country or how you should or shouldn’t live your life — kind of like advice columns for babies.” 

Palmer is a member of a musical group that volunteers their time to assist new mothers at the hospital. She not only helps them learn and share existing lullabies, but she also assists them in writing new ones of their own. 

She has discovered that lullabies from different cultures are surprisingly similar, despite the fact that the community she lives in is very diverse, with parents hailing from China, Bangladesh, India, Italy, Spain, France, and Eastern Europe. 

She says that women sing to their children in the same manner and in the same tone all over the world, regardless of where you go in the world. She claims that the majority of lullabies are very straightforward, consisting of only a few words that are recited numerous times throughout the song. When it comes to rhythm, there are also patterns that are frequently seen. The majority of lullabies, according to Sally Goddard Blythe, are sung in triple metres or in 6/8 time, which gives them a “distinct swinging or rocking motion.” 

This helps infants feel the same kind of movement they did while they were still in their mothers’ wombs, which is very comforting for them. Lullabies are songs that are sung to children in order to put them to sleep, but they can also be used as a tool for education. 

According to Colwyn Trevarthen, a professor of child psychology at the University of Edinburgh and vice-president of the British Association for Early Childhood Education, singing with a baby is a natural and effective way to share new words and sounds. 

The viewpoint expressed here is that of Mr. Trevarthen. For instance, the Swedish lullaby “Mother’s Little Olle,” also known as “Mother’s Lilla Olle,” contains eight different vowel sounds that rhyme in four different pairs. 

The song is sung in Swedish. A significant portion of Trevarthen’s research has focused on the communication patterns that develop between mothers and infants during the first few months of a child’s life. 

His studies have shown that infants are born with an innate ability to make music and a highly developed sense of rhythm. He claims that even when a mother is not singing to her child, she has a tendency to talk in a way that sounds like music, with words that rise and fall in pitch and a clear rhythm. 

This is true even when the mother is not singing to her child. This takes place even if the mother isn’t singing to the child at the time. He finds it “amazing” how exactly the baby reacts, often in time with the beat and bar structure of her sounds, both with coos and with gestures. 

He deems this occurrence to be “amazing” in his opinion. He stated that both the infant and the mother “get in the groove,” which is analogous to the way in which jazz musicians think of new ideas on the spot. According to Trevarthen, individuals possess “all of these very strong human capacities for being expressive in time” from the moment they are born. 

Federico Garcia Lorca, a Spanish poet, spent the 1920s researching Spanish lullabies and writing about their “poetic character” and “depth of sadness.”

One of the most well-known examples of traditional Iraqi lullabies is a melancholy song that describes the anguish of parting with loved ones. The final line of the song, which is frequently sung at funerals, states: “What an excruciatingly agonising experience it is for my heart. Oh, my darling son, I am anxiously awaiting word from the people who hold such a special place in my heart.” 

Lorca was of the opinion that a significant portion of the goal of a lullaby is to assist a mother in expressing her concerns and worries to her child. There are currently a lot of researchers who agree with this statement. 

To put it another way, they contribute to the mother experiencing an improvement in her condition. It is known that the Babylonians, more than 4,000 years ago, considered lullabies to be significant enough to write down and preserve. But how long do you believe they will remain here?

Now that we have a better understanding of the significance of lullabies and where they originated, it is about time that we provide you with the incredible list of the following 50 lullabies so that you may choose your new favourite song to listen to before going to bed:

50 Lullabies

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light.

Twinkle, twinkle, all night.

Then the traveller is in the dark.

Thanks you for your tiny spark,

How could he see where to go,

If you did not twinkle so?

In the dark blue sky you keep,

Often through my curtains peep.

For you never shut your eye,

Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark

Lights the traveler in the dark,

Though I know not what you are,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Rock-a-Bye Baby

Rock-a-bye baby

On the tree tops,

When the wind blows

The cradle will rock.

When the bough breaks

The cradle will fall,

And down will come baby

Cradle and all.

Early to Bed

Early to bed and early to rise

Makes a man, healthy, wealthy and wise.

Good Night

Now it’s time to say good night,

Good night, sleep tight.

Now the sun turns out his light,

Good night, sleep tight.

Dream sweet dreams for me,

Dream sweet dreams for you.

Close your eyes and I’ll close mine,

Good night, sleep tight.

Now the moon begins to shine,

Good night, sleep tight.

Dream sweet dreams for me,

Dream sweet dreams for you.

Close your eyes and I’ll close mine,

Good night, sleep tight.

Now the sun turns out his light,

Good night, sleep tight.

Dream sweet dreams for me,

Dream sweet dreams for you.

Good night,

Good night, everybody,

Everybody, everywhere,

Good night.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full!

One for the master,

One for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane

Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

Baa, baa, white sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three needles full.

One to mend a jumper,

One to mend a frock,

And one for the little girl,

With holes in her sock.

Baa, baa, white sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three needles full.

Baa, baa, grey sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for the kitten,

One for the cats,

And one for the owner,

To knit some woolly hats.

Baa, baa, brown sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for the mammy,

One for the daddy

And one for the little baby

Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, bare sheep,

Have you any wool?

No sir, no sir,

No bags full.

None for the master,

None for the dame,

And none for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, bare sheep,

Have you any wool?

No sir, no sir,

No bags full.

Star Light, Star Bright

Star light, star bright,

The first star I see tonight;

I wish I may, I wish I might,

Have the wish I wish tonight.

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

Swing low, sweet chariot

Coming for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot

Coming for to carry me home 

I looked over Jordan and what did I see

Coming for to carry me home

A band of angels coming after me

Coming for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot

Coming for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot

Coming for to carry me home

If you get there before I do

Coming for to carry me home

Tell all my friends I’m coming too

Coming for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot

Coming for to carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot

Coming for to carry me home

Cradle Song

Lullaby and good night,

With roses bedight.

Creep into thy bed,

There pillow thy head.

If God will thou shalt wake,

When the morning doth break.

If God will thou shalt wake,

When the morning doth break.

Lullaby and good night,

Those blue eyes close tight.

Bright angels are near,

So sleep without fear.

They will guard thee from harm,

With fair dreamland’s sweet charm.

They will guard thee from harm,

With fair dreamland’s sweet charm.

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost, but now am found

Was blind, but now I see

Was grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace, my fears relieved

How precious did that grace appear

The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares

We have already come

T’was grace that brought us safe thus far

And grace will lead us home

And grace will lead us home

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost, but now am found

Was blind, but now I see

Was blind, but now I see

Bless This Child

Bless this child

Bless this child

Beautiful, meek and mild

May you know all the beauty that there is in this world

Bless this child

Bless this child

Bless your light

Bless your light

May you sing with the angels and your heart take flight

Our love will be here with you by day and by night

I see, and I bless your light.

Bless this child

Bless this child

Beautiful, meek and mild

May you know all the beauty that there is in this world

Bless this child

Bless this child

I bless the path that you will walk

I bless the path that you will walk

May you be gentle, kind and loving whenever you talk

I bless the path that you will walk.

Bless this child, bless this child

Beautiful, meek and mild.

I bless your path,

I see and I bless your light,

Oh Lord, please bless this child, bless this child.

Child of Sunshine

You are my Child of Sunshine

You are my very brightest moon,

You are the starlight in my eyes

From July right through June.

You are the well where I do wish

Where fountains overflow

You are my deep primeval forest

Where the tall pines grow.

You are my still and sleeping lake

You are my winter squall

And through all your changing moods

Deeper in love with you I fall.

You are my wolf that howls at night

You are my owl that hoots and cries

And through all those darkened hours

I sing you lullabies

You are my ocean’s wisest dream

You are my cool wind’s favorite dance

I am yours and you are mine

And none of this is by chance.

You are my Child of Sunshine

And when you travel near or far,

I hope that you will always know

My heart is where you are.

Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it’s time to go,

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it’s time to go,

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it’s time to go,

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it’s time to go,

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Well, it’s three o’clock in the morning,

Baby, I just can’t treat you right.

Well, I hate to leave you, baby,

Don’t mean maybe, because I love you so.

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it’s time to go,

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it’s time to go,

Goodnight, sweetheart, well it’s time to go,

I hate to leave you, but I really must say,

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

Now, my mother and my father,

Might hear if I stay here too long.

One kiss and we’ll part,

And you’ll be going,

You know I hate to see you go.

Frère Jacque

Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,

Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?

Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines!

Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong.

Brother John

Brother John Lullaby Lyrics

Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?

Brother John, Brother John,

Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing!

Ding, dang, dong. Ding, dang, dong. 

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow

Way up high

There’s a land that I heard of

Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow

Skies are blue

And the dreams that you dare to dream

Really do come true

Someday I’ll wish upon a star

And wake up where the clouds are far

Behind me

Where troubles melt like lemon drops

Away above the chimney tops

That’s where you’ll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow

Bluebirds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow

Why then, oh why can’t I?

If happy little bluebirds fly

Beyond the rainbow

Why, oh why can’t I?

Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel)

Goodnight, my angel, time to close your eyes,

And save these questions for another day.

I think I know what you’ve been asking me,

I think you know what I’ve been trying to say.

I promised I would never leave you,

Then you should always know,

Wherever you may go, no matter where you are,

I never will be far away.

Goodnight, my angel, now it’s time to sleep,

And still so many things I want to say.

Remember all the songs you sang for me,

When we went sailing on an emerald bay.

And like a boat out on the ocean,

I’m rocking you to sleep.

The water’s dark and deep, inside this ancient heart,

You’ll always be a part of me.

Goodnight, my angel, now it’s time to dream,

And dream how wonderful your life will be.

Someday your child may cry, and if you sing this lullaby,

Then in your heart there will always be a part of me.

Someday we’ll all be gone,

But lullabies go on and on,

They never die,

That’s how you and I will be.

“All the Pretty Horses” 

Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry.

Go to sleepy little baby.

When you wake, you shall have

All the pretty little horses.

Black and bays, dapples and grays,

Coach and six-a-little horses.

Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry.

Go to sleepy little baby.

Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry.

Go to sleepy little baby.

When you wake you shall have,

All the pretty little horses.

Black and bays, dapples and grays,

Coach and six-a-little horses.

Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry.

Go to sleepy little baby.

You Are My Sunshine

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,

You make me happy when skies are grey.

You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you,

Please don’t take my sunshine away.

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping,

I dreamt I held you in my arms.

When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken,

So I hung my head, and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,

You make me happy when skies are grey.

You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you,

Please don’t take my sunshine away.

I’ll always love you and make you happy,

If you will only say the same.

But if you leave me to love another,

You’ll regret it all one day.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,

You make me happy when skies are grey.

You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you,

Please don’t take my sunshine away.

Please don’t take my sunshine away.

Hush Little Baby

Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,

Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird.

And if that mockingbird won’t sing,

Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring.

And if that diamond ring turns to brass,

Papa’s gonna buy you a looking glass.

And if that looking glass gets broke,

Papa’s gonna buy you a billy goat.

And if that billy goat won’t pull,

Papa’s gonna buy you a cart and bull.

And if that cart and bull turn over,

Papa’s gonna buy you a dog named Rover.

And if that dog named Rover won’t bark,

Papa’s gonna buy you a horse and cart.

And if that horse and cart fall down,

You’ll still be the sweetest little baby in town! 

A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes

A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you’re fast asleep

In dreams you will lose your heartaches

Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams, and someday

Your rainbow will come smiling through

No matter how your heart is grieving

If you keep on believing

The dream that you wish will come true

A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you’re fast asleep

In dreams you will lose your heartaches

Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams, and someday

Your rainbow will come smiling through

No matter how your heart is grieving

If you keep on believing

The dream that you wish will come true

Isn’t She Lovely

Isn’t she lovely?

Isn’t she wonderful?

Isn’t she precious?

Less than one minute old

I never thought through love we’d be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn’t she lovely made from love?

Isn’t she pretty?

Truly the angel’s best

Boy, I’m so happy

We have been heaven-blessed

I can’t believe what God has done

Through us He’s given life to one

But isn’t she lovely made from love?

Isn’t she lovely?

Life and love are the same

Life is Aisha,

The meaning of her name

Londie, it could have not been done

Without you who conceived the one

That’s so very lovely, made from love, hey!

Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)

Close your eyes

Have no fear

The monster’s gone

He’s on the run and your daddy’s here

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep

Say a little prayer

Every day in every way, it’s getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Out on the ocean sailing away

I can hardly wait

To see you come of age

But I guess we’ll both just have to be patient

‘Cause it’s a long way to go

A hard row to hoe

Yes, it’s a long way to go

But in the meantime

Before you cross the street

Take my hand

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Before you go to sleep

Say a little prayer

Every day in every way, it’s getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Darling, darling, darling

Darling Sean

Didn’t Leave Nobody but the Baby

Go to sleep, you little baby

(Go to sleep, you little babe)

Go to sleep, you little baby

(Go to sleep, you little babe)

Your mama’s gone away and your daddy’s gonna stay

Didn’t leave nobody but the baby

Go to sleep, you little baby

(Go to sleep, you little babe)

Go to sleep, you little baby

(Go to sleep, you little babe)

Everybody’s gone in the cotton and the corn

Didn’t leave nobody but the baby

You’re a sweet little baby

(You’re a sweet little babe)

You’re a sweet little baby

(You’re a sweet little babe)

Honey in the rock and the sugar don’t stop

Gonna bring a bottle to the baby

Don’t you weep, pretty baby

(Don’t you weep, pretty babe)

Don’t you weep, pretty baby

(Don’t you weep, pretty babe)

She’s long gone with her red shoes on

Gonna need another lovin’ baby

Stay Awake

Stay awake, don’t rest your head

Don’t lie down upon your bed

While the moon drifts in the skies

Stay awake, don’t close your eyes

Though the world is fast asleep

Though your pillow soft and deep

You’re not sleepy as you seem

Stay awake, don’t nod and dream

Stay awake, don’t nod and dream

Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy (or eensy weensy) spider

Climbed up the waterspout

Down came the rain

And washed the spider out

Out came the sun

And dried up all the rain

And the itsy bitsy spider

Climbed up the spout again

The itsy bitsy spider

Climbed up the kitchen wall

Swoosh! went the fan

And made the spider fall

Off went the fan

No longer did it blow

So the itsy bitsy spider

Back up the wall did go

The itsy bitsy spider

Climbed up the yellow pail

In came a mouse

And flicked her with his tail

Down fell the spider

The mouse ran out the door

Then the itsy bitsy spider

Climbed up the pail once more

The itsy bitsy spider

Climbed up the rocking chair

Up jumped a cat

And knocked her in the air

Down plopped the cat

And when he was asleep

The itsy bitsy spider

Back up the chair did creep

The itsy bitsy spider

Climbed up the maple tree

She slipped on some dew

And landed next to me

Out came the sun

And when the tree was dry

The itsy bitsy spider

Gave it one more try

The itsy bitsy spider

Climbed up without a stop

She spun a silky web

Right at the very top

She wove and she spun

And when her web was done

The itsy bitsy spider

Rested in the sun


In a cavern, in a canyon

Excavating for a mine

Lived a miner, forty-niner

And his daughter, Clementine

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling

Oh, my darling Clementine

You are lost and gone forever

Dreadful sorry, Clementine

Light she was and like a fairy

And her shoes were number nine

Herring boxes without topses

Sandals were for Clementine

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling

Oh, my darling Clementine

You are lost and gone forever

Dreadful sorry, Clementine

Drove she ducklings to the water

Every morning just at nine

Hit her foot against a splinter

Fell into the foaming brine

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling

Oh, my darling Clementine

You are lost and gone forever

Dreadful sorry, Clementine

Ruby lips above the water

Blowing bubbles soft and fine

But alas, I was no swimmer

So I lost my Clementine

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling

Oh, my darling Clementine

You are lost and gone forever

Dreadful sorry, Clementine

Then the miner, forty-niner

Soon began to peak and pine

Thought he oughta join his daughter

Now he’s with his Clementine

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling

Oh, my darling Clementine

You are lost and gone forever

Dreadful sorry, Clementine

There’s a churchyard on the hillside

Where the flowers grow and twine

There grow roses, ‘mongst the posies

Fertilized by Clementine

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling

Oh, my darling Clementine

You are lost and gone forever

Dreadful sorry, Clementine

In my dreams she still doth haunt me

Robed in garlands soaked in brine

Though in life I used to hug her

Now she’s dead, I draw the line

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling

Oh, my darling Clementine

You are lost and gone forever

Dreadful sorry, Clementine

Now you scouts may learn the moral

Of this little tale of mine

Artificial respiration

Would have saved my Clementine

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling

Oh, my darling Clementine

You are lost and gone forever

Dreadful sorry, Clementine

How I missed her, how I missed her

How I missed my Clementine

Till I kissed her little sister

And forgot my Clementine

Oh, my darling, oh, my darling

Oh, my darling Clementine

You are lost and gone forever

Dreadful sorry, Clementine

My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

My bonnie lies over the ocean.

My bonnie lies over the sea.

My bonnie lies over the ocean.

O bring back my bonnie to me.

Bring back, bring back,

O bring back my bonnie to me.

Bring back, bring back,

O bring back my bonnie to me.


Pat a cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man,

(Clap your hands together to the words, or help your baby clap his)

Bake me a cake as fast as you can.

Pat it and prick it and mark it with a B,

(Pat the palm of your hand, prick your palm with one finger; Trace a B on your baby’s hand or tummy.)

And put it in the oven for Baby and me

(Slide the pretend cake on your hands into a pretend oven)

I’m a Little Teapot

I’m a little teapot

Short and stout.

Here is my handle,

Here is my spout.

When I get all steamed up

Hear me shout:

Tip me over

And pour me out!

I’m a very special pot

This is true.

Here’s an example

Of what I can do.

I can change my handle

And my spout.

Tip me over

And pour me out!

Five Fat Sausages

Five fat sausages frying in a pan,

(Hold up five fingers)

All of a sudden one went ‘BANG!’

(Clap hands loudly)

Four fat sausages frying in a pan,

(Hold up four fingers)

All of a sudden one went ‘BANG!’

Three fat sausages frying in a pan,

(Hold up three fingers)

All of a sudden one went ‘BANG!’

Two fat sausages frying in a pan,

(Hold up two fingers)

All of a sudden one went ‘BANG!’

One fat sausage, frying in a pan,

(Hold up one finger)

All of a sudden it went ‘Bang!’

And there were NO sausages left!

(No fingers left up)

Five Little Ducks

Five Little Ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away.

Mother Duck said, “Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack,” but only four little ducks came back.

Four little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away

Mother Duck said, “Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack,” but only three little ducks came back.

(Repeat counting down to “but no little ducks came back.”)

Sad mother duck went out one day, over the hills and far away

Mother Duck said, “Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack,” and five little ducks came back.

Higglety Pigglety Pop

Higglety, pigglety pop!

The dog has eaten the mop;

The pig’s in a hurry,

The cat’s in a flurry,

Higglety, pigglety POP!

Round the Garden

Round and round the garden

(Circle your finger on your baby’s palm)

Like a Teddy Bear

One step, two step,

(Let your fingers walk up your baby’s arm)

Tickle you under there!

(Tickle under arm)

Do You Know The Muffin Man

Do You Know the Muffin Man Lullaby Lyrics

O do you know the muffin man,

The muffin man, the muffin man.

O do you know the muffin man,

Who lives in Drury Lane?

O yes I know the muffin man,

The muffin man, the muffin man,

O yes I know the muffin man,

Who lives in Drury Lane.

Tommy Thumb is Up

Tommy Thumb is up (thumbs up)

and Tommy Thumb is down. (thumbs down)

Tommy Thumb is dancing

all around the town.

Dancing on your shoulders,

dancing on your head,

Dancing on your knees,

then tuck him into bed.

Continue the song using different fingers:

Peter Pointer’s up

and Peter Pointer’s down.

Peter Pointer’s dancing

all around the town.

Dancing on your shoulders,

dancing on your head,

Dancing on your knees,

then tuck him into bed.

Middle Man is up

And Middle Man is down.

Middle Man is dancing

All around the town.

Dancing on your shoulders,

dancing on your head,

Dancing on your knees,

then tuck him into bed.

Ruby Ring is up

And Ruby Ring is down.

Ruby Ring is dancing

All around the town.

Dancing on your shoulders,

dancing on your head,

Dancing on your knees,

then tuck him into bed.

Baby Finger’s up

And Baby Finger’s down.

Baby Finger’s dancing

All around the town.

Dancing on your shoulders,

dancing on your head,

Dancing on your knees,

then tuck him into bed.

Finger Family’s up

And Finger Family’s down.

Finger Family’s dancing

All around the town.

Dancing on your shoulders

Dancing on your head,

Dancing on your knees,

then tuck them into bed.

All Through The Night

Sleep my child and peace attend thee,

All through the night

Guardian angels God will send thee,

All through the night

Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,

Hill and dale in slumber sleeping

I my loved ones’ watch am keeping,

All through the night

Angels watching, e’er around thee,

All through the night

Midnight slumber close surround thee,

All through the night

Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,

Hill and dale in slumber sleeping

I my loved ones’ watch am keeping,

All through the night

While the moon her watch is keeping

All through the night

While the weary world is sleeping

All through the night

O’er thy spirit gently stealing

Visions of delight revealing

Breathes a pure and holy feeling

All through the night

Angels watching ever round thee

All through the night

In thy slumbers close surround thee

All through the night

They will of all fears disarm thee,

No forebodings should alarm thee,

They will let no peril harm thee

All through the night.

Though I roam a minstrel lonely

All through the night

My true harp shall praise sing only

All through the night

Love’s young dream, alas, is over

Yet my strains of love shall hover

Near the presence of my lover

All through the night

Hark, a solemn bell is ringing

Clear through the night

Thou, my love, art heavenward winging

Home through the night

Earthly dust from off thee shaken

Soul immortal shalt thou awaken

With thy last dim journey taken

Home through the night

A Nighttime Blessing

Angels full of love and light

Come down around this house tonight

As we sleep and as we dream

Please hold us in your golden gleam.

Angels full of golden light

Come down into our hearts tonight.

As we dream and as we sleep

Please hold us in your love complete



Come by here, my Lord, come by here

Come by here, my Lord, come by here

Come by here, my Lord, come by here

Oh, Lord, come by here

Someone’s cryin’ my Lord, come by here

Someone’s cryin’ my Lord, come by here

Someone’s cryin’ my Lord, come by here

Oh, Lord, come by here

Someone’s prayin’ my Lord, come by here

Someone’s prayin’ my Lord, come by here

Someone’s prayin’ my Lord, come by here

Oh, Lord, come by here

Someone’s singin’ my Lord, come by here

Someone’s singin’ my Lord, come by here

Someone’s singin’ my Lord, come by here

Oh, Lord, come by here

Someone’s sleepin’ my Lord, come by here

Someone’s sleepin’ my Lord, come by here

Someone’s sleepin’ my Lord, come by here

Oh, Lord, come by here

Come by here, my Lord, come by here

Come by here, my Lord, come by here

Come by here, my Lord, come by here

Oh, Lord, come by here

Toora Loora Loora

Over in Killarney,many years ago

My mother sang a song to me

in tones so sweet and low

Just a simple little ditty

in her good old Irish way

And I’d give the world if she could sing

that song to me this day

Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li,

Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, hush now, don’t you cry!

Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li,

Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, that’s an Irish lullaby.

Oft in dreams I wander

to that cot again.

I feel her arms a-hugging me

As when she held me then.

And I hear her voice a-hummin’

to me as in the days of yore,

when she used to rock me fast asleep

outside the cabin door.

Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li,

Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, hush now, don’t you cry!

Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li,

Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, that’s an Irish lullaby.

Sleep My Baby

Sleep my baby on my bosom

Warm and cozy will it prove

Round thee mother’s arms are folding

In her heart a mother’s love

There shall no one come to harm thee

Naught shall ever break thy rest

Sleep my darling babe in quiet

Sleep on mother’s gentle breast.

Sleep serenely, baby, slumber

Lovely baby, gently sleep;

Tell me wherefore art thou smiling

Smiling sweetly in thy sleep?

Do the angels smile in heaven

When thy happy smile they see?

Dost thou on them smile while slumb’ring

On my bosom peacefully.

Do not fear the sound of a breeze

Brushing leaves against the door.

Do not dread the murmuring seas,

Lonely waves washing the shore.

Sleep child mine, there’s nothing here,

While in slumber at my breast,

Angels smiling, have no fear,

Holy angels guard your rest.

Mountain Thyme

Oh, the Spring it is a coming

And the trees are softly blooming

And the wild mountain thyme blooms along the purple heather

Will ye go, laddie, go? And we will all go together

To pick wild mountain thyme all along the purple heather

Will ye go, laddie, go?

I shall build my love a bower over by yon crystal fountain

And in it I shall pile all the treasures of the mountain.

Will ye go, laddie, go? And we will all go together

To pick wild mountain thyme all along the purple heather

Will ye go, laddie, go?

Well if my true love will not go, I shall surely find another

Who’ll pick wild mountain thyme all along the purple heather

Will ye go, laddie, go? And we will all go together

To pick wild mountain thyme all along the purple heather

Will ye go, laddie, go?

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me! This I know,

For the Bible tells me so.

Little ones to Him belong;

They are weak, but He is strong.


Yes, Jesus loves me!

Yes, Jesus loves me!

Yes, Jesus loves me!

The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me! This I know,

As He loved so long ago,

Taking children on His knee,

Saying, “Let them come to Me.”


Jesus loves me when I’m good,

When I do the things I should,

Jesus loves me when I’m bad,

Though it makes Him very sad.


Jesus loves me still today,

Walking with me on my way,

Wanting as a friend to give

Light and love to all who live.


Jesus loves me! He who died

Heaven’s gate to open wide;

He will wash away my sin,

Let His little child come in.


Jesus loves me! Loves me still

Tho’ I’m very weak and ill;

That I might from sin be free

Bled and died upon the tree.


Jesus loves me! He will stay

Close beside me all the way;

Thou hast bled and died for me,

I will henceforth live for Thee.

The Moon Lullaby

I see the moon

The moon sees me

God bless the moon

and God bless me

I see the stars

The stars see me

God bless the stars

and God bless me

I see the world.

The world sees me.

God bless the world,

And God bless me.

I know an angel

Watches over me.

God bless the angels,

And God bless me.

All Night All Day

All night, all day, angels watching over me my Lord

All night, all day angels watching over me.

When at night I go to sleep

Angels watching over me my Lord

Pray the Lord my soul to keep 

Angels watching over me.

All night, all day, angels watching over me, my Lord

All night, all day, angels watching over me.

Angles Watch Over My Baby (Boy)

Angels watch over my baby,

Grant him a lifetime of your care

So that even when I can not be with him

I’ll know you will always be there.

Angels watch over my baby,

Grant him a lifetime of your love

So that even when my eyes are closed

I’ll know that you watch over from above.

Angels watch over my baby,

Grant him your laughter and joy.

For there is no one on earth any dearer,

to me, than my little baby boy

Angels Watch Over My Baby (Girl)

Angels watch over my baby,

Grant her a lifetime of your care

So that even when I can not be with her

I’ll know you will always be there.

Angels watch over my baby,

Grant her a lifetime of your love

So that even when my eyes are closed

I’ll know that you watch over from above.

Angels watch over my baby,

Bless every eyelash and curl.

For there is no one on earth any dearer

to me than my little baby girl.

The Parting Lullaby – As I Go

Angels before you

Angels behind you

Angels surround you as you grow

Angels before me

Angels behind me

Angels surround me as I go

As You Go To Bed

As you go to bed I place an angel at your head.

As you go to sleep I place an angel at your feet.

To your left and to your right,

Angels guard you through the night until the morning comes,

Until the morning comes, may they watch over thee.

As you go to bed I place an angel at your head.

As you go to sleep I place an angel at your feet.

To your left and to your right,

Angels guard you through the night until the morning comes,

Until the morning comes, may they watch over thee.

As you go to bed I place an angel at your head.

As you go to sleep I place an angel at your feet.

To your left and to your right,

Angels guard you through the night until the morning comes,

Until the morning comes, may they watch over thee.

This Little Light of Mine

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.

Let it shine, Let it shine,Let it shine!

Shine all over the world, I’m gonna let it shine.

Shine all over the world, I’m gonna let it shine.

Shine all over the world, I’m gonna let it shine.

Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine.

Everywhere I go,I’m gonna let it shine.

Everywhere I go,I’m gonna let it shine.

Everywhere I go,I’m gonna let it shine.

Let it shine,Let it shine,let it shine.

Under a bushel Oh no!,I’m going to let it shine

Under a bushel Oh no!,I’m going to let it shine

Under a bushel Oh no!,I’m going to let it shine

Let it Shine, All the time, Let it shine.

Jesus gave it to me, I’m gonna let it shine.

Jesus gave it to me, I’m gonna let it shine.

Jesus gave it to me, I’m gonna let it shine.

Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine.

Little Bo Peep

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep

And doesn’t know where to find them;

Leave them alone, and they’ll come home,

Bringing their tails behind them.

Little Bo Peep fell fast asleep

And dreamt she heard them bleating;

But when she awoke, she found it a joke,

For they were still a-fleeting.

Then up she took her little crook,

Determined for to find them;

She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed,

For they’d left their tales behind them.

It happened one day, as Bo Peep did stray

Into a meadow hard by,

There she espied their tales side by side,

All hung on a tree to dry.

She heaved a sigh and wiped her eye,

And over the hillocks went rambling,

And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should,

To tack each again to its lambkin.

Lavender’s Blue

Lavender’s blue, dilly, dilly, lavender’s green,

When I am king, dilly, dilly, you shall be my queen;

Call up your men, dilly, dilly, set them to work,

Some to the plough, dilly, dilly, some to the cart;

Some to make hay dilly, dilly, some the thresh corn;

Whilst you and I, dilly, dilly, keep ourselves warm.

One Little Finger

One little finger, one little finger, two little fingers.

Tap tap tap.

Point to the ceiling.

Point to the floor.

Put it on your head. Head!

One little finger, one little finger, two little fingers.

Tap tap tap.

Point to the ceiling.

Point to the floor.

Put it on your chest. Chest!

One little finger, one little finger, two little fingers.

Tap tap tap.

Point to the ceiling.

Point to the floor.

Put it on your arm. Arm!

One little finger, one little finger, two little fingers.

Tap tap tap.

Point to the ceiling.

Point to the floor.

Put it on your tummy. Tummy!

One little finger, one little finger, two little fingers.

Tap tap tap.

Point to the ceiling.

Point to the floor.

Put it on your leg. Leg!

One little finger, one little finger, two little fingers.

Tap tap tap.

Point to the ceiling.

Point to the floor.

Put it on your foot. Foot!

One little finger, one little finger, two little fingers.

Tap tap tap.

Point to the ceiling.

Point to the floor.

now lets say goodbye. Byeeee

“Splash Splash” 

I love to have a bath!

When I Splash I Laugh – Ha ha!

I love to have a bath!

Splash Splash

When Mummy shout’s “It’s Bathtime!”

I get excited and I just can’t hide it.

Bathtime is my funtime!

I can sail away to an unknown island.

I’m the pirate of my ship.

With my crew of rubber ducks!

Bathtime is my funtime!

Splash Splash Splash.

Splash Splash

I love to have a bath!

When I Splash I Laugh – Ha ha!

I love to have a bath!

Splash Splash

Getting clean is so much fun.

I love to watch the water run.

With Bubbles flying everywhere!

On my chin and in my hair.

Splash Splash Splash

Woah! I love it

Splash Splash Splash


Being in the bath is so much fun!

Are you ready?

Grab the sponge…

It’s time to get clean…

I love to wash my feet

wash my feet, wash my feet

I love to wash my feet

I love to wash my feet.

I love to wash my legs

wash my legs, wash my legs

I love to wash my legs

I love to wash my legs

I love to wash my arms

wash my arms, wash my arms

I love to wash my arms

I love to wash my arms

Splash Splash

I love to have a bath!

When I Splash I Laugh – Ha ha!

I love to have a bath!

Splash Splash

The time has come to wash my hair

Shampoo bubbles everywhere!

It smell’s so sweet – i’m nearly done

Bathtime has been so much fun.

I pull the plug and give a cheer

I watch the water disappear

It feels so good to be so clean.

What a fun time it has been.

Wynken, Blynken, and Nod

Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night

Sailed off in a wooden shoe —

Sailed on a river of crystal light,

Into a sea of dew.

“Where are you going, and what do you wish?”

The old moon asked the three.

“We have come to fish for the herring fish

That live in this beautiful sea;

Nets of silver and gold have we!”

Said Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.

The old moon laughed and sang a song,

As they rocked in the wooden shoe,

And the wind that sped them all night long

Ruffled the waves of dew.

The little stars were the herring fish

That lived in that beautiful sea —

“Now cast your nets wherever you wish —

Never afeard are we”;

So cried the stars to the fishermen three:

Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.

All night long their nets they threw

To the stars in the twinkling foam —

Then down from the skies came the wooden shoe,

Bringing the fishermen home;

‘Twas all so pretty a sail it seemed

As if it could not be,

And some folks thought ’twas a dream they’d dreamed

Of sailing that beautiful sea —

But I shall name you the fishermen three:

Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.

Wynken and Blynken are two little eyes,

And Nod is a little head,

And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies

Is a wee one’s trundle-bed.

So shut your eyes while mother sings

Of wonderful sights that be,

And you shall see the beautiful things

As you rock in the misty sea,

Where the old shoe rocked the fishermen three:

Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.

Wee Willie Winkie

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,

Up stairs and down stairs in his night-gown,

Tapping at the window, crying at the lock,

Are the children in their bed, for it’s past ten o’clock?

Hey, Willie Winkie, are you coming in?

The cat is singing purring sounds to the sleeping hen,

The dog’s spread out on the floor, and doesn’t give a cheep,

But here’s a wakeful little boy who will not fall asleep!

Anything but sleep, you rogue! glowering like the moon,’

Rattling in an iron jug with an iron spoon,

Rumbling, tumbling round about, crowing like a cock,

Shrieking like I don’t know what, waking sleeping folk.

Hey, Willie Winkie – the child’s in a creel!

Wriggling from everyone’s knee like an eel,

Tugging at the cat’s ear, and confusing all her thrums

Hey, Willie Winkie – see, there he comes!”

Weary is the mother who has a dusty child,

A small short little child, who can’t run on his own,

Who always has a battle with sleep before he’ll close an eye

But a kiss from his rosy lips gives strength anew to me.


I bought me a cat and the cat pleased me,

I fed my cat under yonder tree.

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

I bought me a hen and the hen pleased me,

I fed my hen under yonder tree.

Hen goes chimmy-chuck, chimmy-chuck,

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

I bought me a duck and the duck pleased me,

I fed my duck under yonder tree.

Duck goes quack, quack,

Hen goes chimmy-chuck, chimmy-chuck,

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

I bought me a goose and the goose pleased me

I fed my goose under yonder tree.

Goose goes hissy, hissy,

Duck goes quack, quack,

Hen goes chimmy-chuck, chimmy-chuck,

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

I bought me a sheep and the sheep pleased me,

I fed my sheep under yonder tree.

Sheep goes baa, baa,

Goose goes hissy, hissy,

Duck goes quack, quack,

Hen goes chimmy-chuck, chimmy-chuck,

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

I bought me a pig and the pig pleased me,

I fed my pig under yonder tree.

Pig goes oink, oink,

Sheep goes baa, baa,

Goose goes hissy, hissy,

Duck goes quack, quack,

Hen goes chimmy-chuck, chimmy-chuck,

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

I bought me a cow and the cow pleased me,

I fed my cow under yonder tree.

Cow goes moo, moo,

Pig goes oink, oink,

Sheep goes baa, baa,

Goose goes hissy, hissy,

Duck goes quack, quack,

Hen goes chimmy-chuck, chimmy-chuck,

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

I bought me a horse and the horse pleased me,

I fed my horse under yonder tree.

Horse goes neigh, neigh,

Cow goes moo, moo,

Pig goes oink, oink,

Sheep goes baa, baa,

Goose goes hissy, hissy,

Duck goes quack, quack,

Hen goes chimmy-chuck, chimmy-chuck,

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

I bought me a dog and the dog pleased me,

I fed my dog under yonder tree.

Dog goes bow-wow, bow-wow,

Horse goes neigh, neigh,

Cow goes moo, moo,

Pig goes oink, oink,

Sheep goes baa, baa,

Goose goes hissy, hissy,

Duck goes quack, quack,

Hen goes chimmy-chuck, chimmy-chuck,

Cat goes fiddle-i-fee.

Bye, bye!

We have discussed all there is to know about lullabies and it is time we say see you later, my friend. Keep on visiting Learning Mole because we have so many more adventures waiting for you to embark on. 

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