Lego Math Game – Symmetry

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Lego Math Game – Symmetry

A great video to help your child explore symmetry and symmetrical patterns using Lego. A very simple Lego math game which encourages your child to look at and explore colour, shape and symmetrical patterns. A very fun and interactive math activity that can be as simple or as challenging as you like.

More Lego Math Games.

Lego Math – Counting for Kids – Math Games for Kids | Lego Challenges | Math KS1 | Math Games

Math and Lego are two things that come along with one another perfectly because counting with the different Lego pieces is interesting for the kids. This is not just about counting, but it will also take the kids a little bit further with learning to subtract and add.

The Lego math lesson should be creative, even if this creativity will only appear in the display. In this math game for kids, the idea is in drawing a street with different blocks scattered all around it. Every single block (or square) drawn on the paper should carry a number on it, this number will help in the game when it starts, it will let the kids know the number which they are supposed to place on every single block.

The number of Lego pieces taken every single time will depend on the number appearing on the dice. For example, if the first number the kid receives is 2, he/she will choose to place those Lego pieces in any of the blocks if the number on them is bigger or equal, and in case it is bigger, the next time the kid should make sure to use the number of Lego pieces which are going to fulfil the number of the block they are standing on.

Lego Math Game - Symmetry
Learning through Play

Playing with the kids while teaching them something is always one of the methods that would help them to focus on getting the answer and at the same time use their mind to think when it comes to subtraction and addition in order to bring out the right answers at the end.

Using the Lego pieces is always a good idea because the kids usually love to play with them in general and create some shapes, so when they are asked to count while they are building their shapes, they will easily do it and when they are asked to add or subtract while they are also building their blocks of Lego, they will find it easier to find the final answer as well (Lego Math Games).

Learning through Play

There are lots of different ideas to use when it comes to math and since we are referring to the methods related to counting then we should say that there are lots of games to be used for such a purpose. Kids could learn to count while making shapes with Play-Doh (Learn with Play-Doh), they could count by using cheerios or other sweets and be rewarded with them at the end (Counting for kids) and they could also learn to count through ordinary ways of writing the numbers on a piece of paper.

When you are playing with your kids and trying to teach them something, always give them the time and freedom to think and do whatever they want because that will give them the time and the chance to think and consider the answer before finally saying it out loud. Don’t rush the kids or make them feel that they are late in their answer, this will always ruin everything for them.

Lego Math Game,Math Game,Lego Math,Symmetry LearningMole
Lego Math – Counting for Kids – Math Games for Kids | Lego Challenges | Maths KS1 | Math Games |Math

There are different games and lessons which kids could depend on to learn to count correctly, and when we say count then we are also referring to addition and subtraction, and Lego is one of the most effective since it manages to let the kids not only think about counting and making shapes, but it also gives them the chance to consider the size and the colours when they are working out the whole thing, so it permits them to think about the equation from different corners (Lego Math Games).

What else do you think could be taught through using the Lego pieces other than counting in the math lessons? We believe that in addition to math and counting, Lego could also be useful when it is used in teaching the kids to become creative by asking them to build their own shapes or castles, this will usually give them the freedom to show you where they could reach with their creativity.

Lego is also one of the methods used while teaching kids the English alphabet and letting the kids build the letters through the different colourful pieces (Writing Letter…)

Enjoy watching this video about learning math and counting by using the Lego pieces and let us know your feedback about the effectiveness of this video with your kids, did they count the pieces and do the right calculations?

Benefits of Learning Math with Lego: Building Fun and Foundations

Lego, the iconic building block toy, isn’t just about creating fantastical structures and imaginative worlds. It’s also a surprisingly powerful tool for learning, particularly when it comes to math. While children may not realize they’re engaging with mathematical concepts, using Lego for math offers a multitude of benefits that go beyond simply having fun.

Here are some key benefits of learning math with Lego:

1. Making Math Fun and Engaging:

Lego’s inherent playfulness and creative potential transform math from a passive subject to an active and engaging experience. Children are intrinsically motivated to build, experiment, and explore with Lego, making the learning process enjoyable and fostering a positive attitude towards math.

2. Reinforcing Key Math Concepts:

Building with Lego naturally incorporates and reinforces various fundamental math concepts. Sorting and classifying Lego pieces by color, size, or shape introduces children to classification, categorization, and pattern recognition. Counting the number of pieces used, building structures with specific quantities of bricks, or sharing Lego pieces equally with others all contribute to strengthening number recognition, counting skills, and understanding basic addition and subtraction principles. The process of following instructions or creating their own designs enhances understanding of spatial relationships, measurement concepts (e.g., length, width, height), and even basic fractions (e.g., dividing a Lego building plate into equal sections).

3. Developing Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:

Lego play encourages children to think critically and solve problems as they build. Whether it’s figuring out how to connect different pieces to achieve a desired structure, troubleshooting challenges encountered during construction, or adapting their plans based on limitations, children learn valuable problem-solving strategies through trial and error, experimentation, and perseverance.

4. Enhancing Spatial Reasoning and Fine Motor Skills:

Building with Lego requires children to visualize and manipulate objects in three dimensions. This constant spatial manipulation strengthens their spatial reasoning skills, allowing them to understand and navigate their surroundings more effectively. Additionally, the act of grasping, manipulating, and connecting small Lego pieces helps develop fine motor skills, improving hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and control of small movements, all crucial for future writing and manipulation tasks.

Lego Math Activities for Different Age Groups: Building Fun and Learning Together!

Learning math doesn’t have to be a solitary, textbook experience. Lego, with its colorful bricks and endless building possibilities, offers a fantastic way to transform math learning into a fun and engaging activity for children of all ages. Here are some age-appropriate Lego math activities designed to spark curiosity, build skills, and make learning enjoyable:

1. Preschool (Ages 3-5):

Counting and Sorting:

Provide a variety of Lego Duplo pieces in different colors and shapes. Encourage children to sort them by color, size, or shape, introducing basic classification and counting skills. Preschool Lego Math Activity Sorting by Color

Building Towers:

Challenge children to build the tallest tower they can using Lego Duplo pieces. This activity promotes comparisonmeasurement (estimating height), and fine motor skills. Preschool Lego Math Activity Building Towers

Symmetrical Creations:

Provide large Lego Duplo pieces with one line of symmetry (e.g., rectangular blocks). Guide children in building a mirror image of the provided structure on the other side, introducing the concept of symmetry Preschool Lego Math Activity Symmetrical Creations

2. Kindergarten (Ages 5-7):

Number Recognition and Building:

Use Lego bricks of different colors and assign each color a specific number (e.g., red = 1, blue = 2). Challenge children to build structures with specific numbers of colors, reinforcing number recognition and basic addition skills. Kindergarten Lego Math Activity Number Recognition and Building

Pattern Building:

Create a simple pattern using Lego bricks of different colors (e.g., red-blue-red-blue). Encourage children to continue the pattern by adding their own bricks, promoting pattern recognition and sequencing skills. Kindergarten Lego Math Activity Pattern Building

Sharing and Fractions:

Provide children with a set of Lego bricks and instruct them to share the pieces equally among themselves or their friends. Introduce the concept of fractions (e.g., half, whole) by discussing how each child receives a “fraction” of the total number of bricks Kindergarten Lego Math Activity Sharing and Fractions

3. Elementary School (Ages 8 and above):

Building Shapes and Measuring:

Challenge children to build specific geometric shapes (e.g., square, triangle, rectangle) using Lego bricks. Encourage them to measure the sides of their shapes using Lego bricks as non-standard units, introducing basic geometry and measurement concepts. Elementary Lego Math Activity Building Shapes and Measuring

Multiplication Challenge:

Provide sets of Lego bricks in different colors and assign each color a multiplication value (e.g., red = 2x, blue = 3x). Challenge children to build structures with specific product values (e.g., 6) using different combinations of color-coded bricks, introducing multiplication in a fun and hands-on way. Elementary Lego Math Activity Multiplication Challenge

Building Stories with Fractions:

Provide children with Lego bricks and challenge them to create a small scene or story using the bricks. Encourage them to incorporate fractions into their stories by describing the size or amount of different elements (e.g., the bridge is half the length of the castle). This activity promotes creative thinking and reinforces understanding of fractions. Elementary Lego Math Activity Building Stories with Fractions


Adapt the difficulty level based on the children’s age and skillset.

Encourage creativity and experimentation during the activities.

Make it fun! Laughter and enjoyment are essential ingredients for successful learning experiences.

Consider incorporating activities that cover various math concepts like:

1. Counting and Number Recognition:

Number Line Building: Use Lego bricks of different colors and label them with numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Challenge children to build a number line in ascending or descending order, reinforcing number sequence and counting skills.

Brick Counting Race: Divide children into teams and provide each team with a set of Lego bricks. Set a timer and challenge them to count the total number of bricks in their pile within the time limit. This activity promotes counting speed and competition.

Lego Dominoes: Create dominoes using Lego bricks by labeling them with dots (1 dot, 2 dots, etc.) similar to traditional dominoes. Play a simplified version of dominoes by matching bricks with the same number of dots, encouraging number recognition and matching.

2. Sorting and Classifying:

Lego Treasure Hunt: Hide Lego bricks of different shapes and colors around a designated area. Provide children with a list or picture of the different types of bricks to find. This activity encourages sorting and matching skills in a fun and engaging treasure hunt format.

Building by Category: Provide children with a variety of Lego bricks and ask them to sort them into different categories based on specific criteria, such as size, color, shape, or function (e.g., wheels, doors, windows). This activity promotes classification and critical thinking as children determine the sorting criteria.

Lego Venn Diagram: Use Lego bricks of different colors to represent two different sets of objects (e.g., building blocks and vehicle parts). Create a Venn diagram using a baseplate and encourage children to place the bricks in the appropriate sections (overlapping section for objects belonging to both sets). This activity introduces the concept of Venn diagrams and set theory in a visual and interactive way.

3. Addition and Subtraction:

Building Towers with Addition: Challenge children to build a tower using a specific number of Lego bricks (e.g., 5). Then, ask them to build another tower with a different number of bricks (e.g., 3). Encourage them to combine the two towers and count the total number of bricks, introducing the concept of addition.

Lego Subtraction Race: Divide children into pairs and provide each pair with two sets of Lego bricks. Set a timer and challenge them to remove a specific number of bricks (e.g., 2) from their pile as quickly as possible. The first pair to complete the task correctly wins. This activity promotes subtraction skills and speed.

Building Number Bonds: Use Lego bricks of different colors to represent numbers. Challenge children to build structures that visually represent specific number bonds (e.g., 5 + 3 = 8), reinforcing their understanding of addition and number relationships.

4. Shapes and Geometry:

Lego Shape Sorting Challenge: Create sorting trays labeled with different geometric shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, circle). Provide children with mixed Lego pieces and challenge them to sort them into the appropriate trays based on their shape, promoting shape recognition and categorization.

Building 3D Shapes: Challenge children to build specific 3D shapes (cube, pyramid, sphere) using Lego bricks. Encourage them to discuss the properties of each shape, such as the number of sides, faces, and vertices, introducing basic geometry concepts.

Symmetry Challenge: Provide children with Lego pieces that exhibit line symmetry (e.g., rectangular blocks). Challenge them to build structures with symmetrical features, encouraging them to identify and understand the concept of symmetry.

5. Measurement and Fractions:

Lego Ruler: Create a simple ruler using Lego bricks of uniform size. Use this ruler to measure the length, width, and height of various objects, introducing basic measurement concepts.

Lego Fraction Walls: Build walls using Lego bricks and divide them into equal sections using different colors or markers. Discuss the concept of fractions by referring to the different sections (e.g., half, quarter). Encourage children to build structures representing specific fractions of the whole wall.

Lego Mosaics: Provide children with a baseplate and Lego bricks of different colors. Challenge them to create a mosaic picture by estimating and measuring the space needed for each color, introducing basic measurement and fractional division concepts in a creative way.

Additional Learning Resources for Lego Math Adventures:

Beyond the exciting activities listed above, there’s a whole world of resources available to further enhance your child’s Lego math learning journey. Here are some valuable resources for parents and educators:


LEGO Education:

Explore their website for various educational resources, including lesson plans and activities that incorporate Lego bricks into learning, specifically catering to different age groups and curriculum areas.

Learning Resources:

This website offers a variety of educational materials, including Lego-themed math activity sets and downloadable resources that provide additional hands-on learning experiences.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM):

This professional organization dedicated to mathematics education offers numerous resources and articles related to using manipulatives like Lego bricks in the classroom, providing valuable insights for educators.

Educational Apps:

LEGO DUPLO Trains (App): (iOS/Android)

This app, designed for younger children, allows them to build and play with virtual Lego Duplo trains, incorporating counting, sorting, and basic addition concepts in a fun and interactive way.

Brick By Brick (App):(Android) /  (iOS)

This app offers a variety of Lego building challenges with varying difficulty levels, encouraging problem-solving, spatial reasoning, and creativity, while indirectly reinforcing math concepts through the building process.

Stack the States (App):(iOS)

While not specifically Lego-based, this app utilizes colorful blocks to represent states on a map. Children can build the United States map while learning about states, their locations, and even basic geography concepts.


The LEGO Ideas Book: by Daniel Lipkowitz

This book provides a plethora of creative Lego building ideas, many of which can be adapted to incorporate various math concepts like symmetry, shapes, and even basic engineering principles.

Math for Minecrafters and Makers: Coding Games in Python and JavaScript: by James Paul Gee

This book, while not directly focused on Lego, uses the popular game Minecraft as a springboard to introduce coding and basic math concepts in a fun and engaging way.

The Math Chef: Fun and Easy Recipes for Learning at Home: by Joan Sweeney

This book combines the joy of cooking with the exploration of math concepts, offering a creative and engaging way to learn about measurement, fractions, and problem-solving in the kitchen.

Remember, the key is to find resources that match your child’s age, interests, and learning style. Encourage exploration, experimentation, and most importantly, have fun! By combining the power of Lego with engaging activities and diverse learning resources, you can make math learning an exciting and enriching experience for children of all ages.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the benefits of using Lego for math learning?

Lego offers numerous benefits for math learning, including:

  • Making math fun and engaging
  • Reinforcing key math concepts
  • Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Enhancing spatial reasoning and fine motor skills

2. What age groups are these Lego math activities suitable for?

The provided activities are categorized into three sections: preschool (ages 3-5), kindergarten (ages 5-7), and elementary school (ages 8 and above). However, it’s important to adapt the difficulty level based on the individual child’s age, skillset, and interests.

3. Are there other math concepts I can explore with Lego?

Absolutely! The provided activities offer a glimpse into the vast possibilities of using Lego for math learning. You can explore various concepts like:

  • Geometry: Building 3D shapes, exploring symmetry, angles, and tessellations.
  • Measurement: Using Lego bricks as non-standard units to measure length, area, and volume.
  • Data and probability: Sorting and classifying Lego pieces by color, size, or shape, and collecting and analyzing data.

4. Where can I find more resources for Lego math learning?

This article provides a list of additional resources, including websites, educational apps, and books, to further enhance your child’s Lego math exploration.


Lego, the iconic toy of colorful bricks, transcends mere play. It transforms into a powerful tool for learning, offering a fun and engaging way to explore various math concepts. By incorporating the activities outlined in this article, utilizing the additional resources provided, and fostering a spirit of exploration and creativity, you can embark on a journey of learning and discovery with your child, turning math into an exciting adventure that sparks curiosity, builds skills, and lays the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

Have you found this interesting? Come and check other articles: Lego EducationLearning Methods for Children, and Active Learning Strategies.

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