Lego Education: Phonics and Literacy Fun

Avatar of Stephen McClelland
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Lego is objects that children enjoy playing with at all ages. Lego education is also something that can be utilised to help your children with literacy and letters. Another concept that can be taught through Lego is phonics. As children learn the alphabet, getting the pronunciation of these letters makes them easier to learn and thus allows for children to develop vocabulary. Lego education provides a structured learning experience for children in phonics and the teaching of English, whilst also being thoroughly enjoyable for both the child and parent or guardian. Use Lego education to reinvigorate your home learning experience.

Lego Education: What are Phonics?

Before delving into Lego education as a means of teaching English, defining phonics is a great place to start. There are lots of different pronunciations of letters and learning them can be tricking. Phonics is essentially a method of teaching children how to read and write. Using phonics gives children a solution to hear, identify, and eventually use a variety of sounds that distinguish different words in English. Not only does phonics help children learn sounds, but it also helps them as they learn to write words. Phonics is also related to matching sounds in spoken English to individual letters or groups of letters. Depending on the word, the letter may make a different sound.

Using phonics to blend the sounds of letters together allows them to learn unfamiliar words and use them correctly as they sound them out. Using repetition is important as it solidifies the word in the child’s mind and is integral to children’s learning process in general. Phonics is a creative and fun way of teaching children about the alphabet using sounds to create words. Supporting your children by learning what phonics are will make it easier for them to learn how to speak, read, and write with confidence and ease.

Learning English with Lego: Phonics and the Letter ‘P’

Using Lego education as a learning tool for the English language is a fantastic way of engaging your children in learning about the nuances of letters. Lego can be used to practice phonics or sounds – this is how letters sound and identifying them by their appearance. For example, taking the letter ‘P’ and using Lego to help children with their phonics sounds is a great way to engage children with identifying it. Getting your child to lay out the letter ‘P’ using Lego blocks will give them the confidence to write it and read it out aloud. Having your child write the letter in the air also allows them to solidify what they’ve learned and gives them a good base understanding of how to write it down on paper.

Begin by getting your child to trace the letter P in the air. If they are able to sound the letter out, then get them to do it as they trace. If they can’t sound the letter yet, don’t worry about it. Show them how to move their finger down in a straight line, then back up again through the line one more time and looping at the top right side. This method will be used when they learn to write the letter ‘P’ on paper for the first time and is a great way to prepare them for a writing task. Allow your child to choose the Lego blocks to create the letter ‘P’. Give them space and creative control to pick their colours and pick the size of blocks. Guide them if they are struggling but allow them to problem solve by picking different blocks if they can’t get the letters to fit into the Lego mat. Allow the child to find different solutions to making the letter ‘P’.

While it is important that children learn how to write ‘P’, allowing them to explore the solutions and problem solve. This encourages them to be independent thinkers and aids them with learning solutions for more complex concepts in literacy and numeracy. Encouraging phonics after they’ve learned to lay or write the letter out is a fantastic way of helping them with word structure and general language development as well. Lego education provides an alternative and creative method for learning the English language at home.

Lego Education: Writing Letters

Using vocabulary and learning to speak is, of course, an important skill, but so is the reading and writing of letters which is reflected in methods of learning like phonics. Using Lego education to teach children how to write letters is an innovative and engaging way to encourage your children in writing words.

Using the letter ‘t’ as an example, get your child to draw in the air again, starting at the top, come down with a little kick, and then lift and go across the middle, and then they have written the little ‘t’. Using tracing as a method for learning to write gives the children a tactile approach to language and will be especially helpful if your child is a kinesthetic learner. Ask your child to identify the letter before they trace it out. Once they are successful, then encourage them to sound the letter out. From here, they can utilise the Lego blocks to create a physical letter. If they are struggling with the idea of the shape, get them to write the letter first before engaging with the blocks.

Lego education is a fantastic way to encourage children to build metaphorically and physically with their learning. The Lego letters game is an effective tool for teaching phonics, leading to advanced reading and writing skills. Using these sorts of playful objects that are found in the home, make home learning a much easier task. By employing these toys and materials in a learning context, children become more engaged with their subject and enjoy finding solutions to their tasks. By providing a creative environment for children to learn in and teaching basic language skills, children will find more complex concepts manageable as they continue on their educational journey. Using Lego education allows for creative freedom and makes lesson planning more enjoyable.

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