Grid Multiplication Method for Kids: 5 Genius Stages – Article 6 (Advanced) KS2

Avatar of Stephen McClelland
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Grid Multiplication Method: Calculating Technique

Multiplication is one of the four math skills and calculating techniques and methods that are taught to the kids while they are in school.

Grid Multiplication Method
Grid Multiplication Method: A Girls is Writing Multiplication Equations

Multiplication and division might be the hardest and thus it is important that teachers at schools and parents at home choose the easy ways that the kids would easily understand and know how to follow.

Grid Multiplication Method: Video

One of the different methods that Michelle used in this video to teach the kids how to multiply or else teach the parents at home how to help in homeschooling their kids is about using the grid table.

The grid table is used to multiply two numbers that consist of two digits, such as the multiplication of 23 and 14.

Grid Multiplication Method: 5 Stages

The multiplication method moves through five different stages:

Grid Multiplication Method LearningMole

The First of all is drawing the grid table and this might change according to the numbers you are using.

The Second is the partition stage and this is about partitioning the numbers before putting them in the table.

The Third is the multiplication.

The Fourth is the addition.

Finally comes the stage of double checking.

Grid Multiplication Method LearningMole

Would you like to know more about multiplication? Come and check our timetables articles: x10 Magic Tables, x9 Magic Tables, x8 Magic Tables, x7 Magic Tables, x6 Magic Tables, x5 Magic Tables, x4 Magic Tables, x3 Magic Tables and x2 Magic Tables.

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