Extroversion: 4 types, advantages and disadvantages

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Extroversion is the trait of being outgoing and focusing on other people or things instead of yourself. Sociability, assertiveness, talkativeness, and excitability are characteristics of it.

Extroverted people enjoy interacting with others and seek out social contact. Conversely, introverts tend to be more reserved, silent, and uninterested in social situations.

When discussing personality traits in the 1960s, psychologist Carl Jung originally distinguished between introverts and extraverts. (Extroverts is the term that is now in use.) He categorized these two categories according to where they got their energy. For example, Jung suggested that crowds and connecting with the outside world stimulate extroverts. Conversely, introverts require time alone to refuel, frequently exhibiting more reserved behavior and a lack of social involvement.

Extroversion and introversion are two concepts that, in their most basic sense, describe how a person “recharges” and interprets inputs. So, for example, spending time with others gives extroverted folks energy, whilst isolation gives vitality to introverts.


Traits associated with Extroversion

  • Extroverted individuals frequently find themselves the center of attention and enjoy it that way. They enjoy being among people and look for social stimulation. Extroverts often don’t hesitate to make small talk with strangers, and they rarely keep away from new circumstances out of concern about making a mistake or running into someone they don’t know.
  • Extroverts discover that spending too much time alone reduces their natural energy. In contrast, introverts need to retreat to their homes or offices after a night out with friends or a stressful meeting. Being among other people helps them to refuel internally.
  • Those that are extroverted are at ease in large groups. They could be more motivated to organize team sports or team outings. They might organize weekend activities, happy hours after work, or other social gatherings. They don’t often decline to events like weddings, parties, and social affairs.
  • Extroverts are good at making new friends. They appreciate the energy of others and the opportunity to interact with those around them, which contributes to this. Additionally, they frequently have a wide social circle and numerous connections. Extroverts are often eager to widen their social networks by pursuing new interests and activities.
  • Extroverts don’t mind sharing their difficulties with others for discussion and advice, but introverts are more prone to internalize issues and think them through. They are frequently more inclined to speak freely and state their opinions or choices.
  • Extroverts are frequently characterized as joyful, optimistic, cheerful, and friendly. They are less likely to indulge in issues or consider challenges. Extroverts are often better able to handle obstacles and troubles even if they go through them as everyone else does.
  • Extroverts might behave riskily. According to some ideas, their brain is programmed to reward them if it succeeds. Extroverts are frequently flexible to any environment and creative when challenges arise, so they may be more inclined to take chances since they will gain from a spike in brain-stimulating chemicals.
  • Even though they may be well-organized, not all extroverts require a plan of action before they start a project, book a trip, or complete any other activity. Unplanned decisions could be accepted.

Types of Extroversion

1. Extroverted Sensors (ES)

Extroverted sensors are stimulated by the data they get about the physical world around them. They make sense of events and gain the most from them using their five senses (sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell). As a result, extroverted sensors emphasize their own experiences more than theories and hypotheses when determining what the truth means to them.

Extroverted sensors favor physically demanding activities like sports or other physical stimulation-heavy activities. These extroverts get along better with others when they can engage in enjoyable activities rather than lengthy, thought-provoking chats. Of course, they still need meaningful discussion, but more is required when they bond with friends, family, or a significant other through activity and share that experience.

Extroverted sensors are frequently daring and willing to take the most significant risks. They have a propensity for new experiences, which include socializing and meeting new people because they tend to grow bored rapidly when they need to do something. In addition, they emphasize being in surroundings that provide enough excitement to keep them interested because they live on energy in the first place.

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2. Extroverted Intuitors (EN)

Extroverted intuitors are less outgoing than extroverted sensors. Extroverted intuitive prefer digging into abstract concepts and focusing on the what-ifs and possibilities rather than what is present because they find that doing so gives them more energy than learning about the physical world. Friendly disagreements and in-depth, thought-provoking talks where they can discuss and exchange ideas with others inspire this type of extrovert. Extroverted intuitors are okay with going off by themselves to seek and sustain their ideas by discovering other sources if static conversations leave them bored or unfulfilled.

Extroverted intuitors enjoy exploring the potential outcomes of what might happen, in contrast to extroverted sensors who attend social gatherings purely for the adrenaline and excitement of it. They follow a party because it stimulates them to think about what has yet to happen or what might happen in the future. When someone is talking about abstract concepts as opposed to concrete experiences, you can usually tell if they are extraverted intuitive.

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3. Extroverted Feelers (E_F)

People-oriented extrovert feelers are intensely focused on others. They appreciate being around people since it allows them to get to know each other better and hear about their experiences. As with all extroverts and introverts, extroverted feelers periodically need their time to recharge. However, they don’t need as much alone time as the other two types because being among other people gives them a sense of pleasure.

These extroverts are enthusiastic about meeting new people when they attend social gatherings. They are incredibly understanding and constantly think of others, ensuring that everyone is content. Extroverted feelers are great conversationalists who can handle both superficial and in-depth discussions.

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Extroversion for Kids

4. Extroverted Thinkers (E_T)

The strong and self-assured character of extroverted thinkers makes them seem like natural leaders. They prioritize getting results and place a premium on reasoning. They appreciate developing well-organized systems that function well and are motivated by goals. Since they gain energy from striving hard to realize their dreams and goals, extroverted thinkers are frequently overachievers. On the other hand, they are inspired by fresh challenges and take pleasure in solving complex issues.

Extroverted thinkers are professional and attend social gatherings for the networking opportunities they offer. They gain energy from being able to advance socially at every opportunity. Although others frequently perceive them as aggressive or boastful, extroverted thinkers derive most of their power from achieving goals, deepening their sense of fulfilment and purpose.

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Extroversion for Kids

Advantages of Extroversion

  • Able to easily develop strong relationships with people
  • Ability to easily make friends with a huge group of people
  • Recall faces and names
  • Usually have a direct, open, and charismatic demeanor
  • Have good interpersonal communication skills
  • Be effective when working in groups
  • Invites those who might be less likely to engage
  • Willingness to help those who are having trouble
  • In group settings, suggestions and criticisms are welcomed
  • Positive, talkative, and able to speak in front of an audience
  • Self-assured in social situations
  • Usually highly determined, inclined to take the lead, and self-assured
  • Strong tendency toward independence; leadership potential

Disadvantages of Extroversion

  • Frequently unable to make logical, emotion-free decisions
  • A possible lack of independence and courage
  • Some people put a lot of weight on other people’s approval
  • A tendency to feel lonely
  • On rare occasions, it may come off as harsh, aggressive, or dictatorial
  • Could be lacking in good judgement
  • May be overly energetic or animated
  • It could be difficult to pay attention to what others are saying
  • They could be rude or occasionally insensitive to social norms
  • Might occasionally make some people feel uneasy
  • Prone to take the attention off of others and place themselves in it more
  • Could seem arrogant or overconfident
  • A need for social interaction may interfere with personal work
  • Might try to achieve more than can be accomplished in a given amount of time
  • Projects may be difficult to finish

How do you test for Extroversion?

By looking for these indicators, you can identify people who are high in Extroversion vs low. Everyone exists on a spectrum. Some lean toward one side or the other or are in the middle. Searching for a tendency to pull one way or another is crucial.

HIGH Extroversion Indicators

  • Outgoing
  • Talkative
  • Quickly respond to inquiries
  • Uneasy in the presence of silence
  • Frequently speaks aloud

LOW Extroversion Indicators

  • Reserved
  • Reflects before speaking
  • Requires coaching
  • At ease in the presence of silence; occasionally gently spoken

Famous examples for Extroversion

  • Bill Clinton, President
  • Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister
  • Steve Jobs, Innovator
  • Boris Yeltsin, President
  • Marie Antoinette, Queen
  • Muhammad Ali, Boxer
  • Winston Churchill, a Politician
  • George W. Bush, a Politician

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