Best Lego Games – Math Game for Kids.

Avatar of James Keown
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

A fun, educational math video providing parents with ideas and math resources to support their child at home. Focusing on addition this video demonstrates how to use the simple idea of ‘Four in a Row’ or ‘Connect Four’ to help challenge and develop your child’s addition skills. A simple addition game for kids that can be made quickly at home with just pen, paper and a die.

For more math game ideas:

Lego Math – Counting for Kids – Math Games for Kids | Lego Challenges | Maths KS1 | Math Games |Math

Math and Lego, are two things that come along with one another perfectly because counting with the different Lego pieces is interesting for the kids. This is not just about counting, but it will also take the kids a little bit further with learning to subtract and add.

The Lego math lesson should be creative, even if this creativity will only appear in the display. In this math game for kids, the idea is in drawing a street with different blocks scattered all around it. Every single block (or square) drawn on the paper should carry a number on it, this number will help in the game when it starts, it will let the kids know the number which they are supposed to place on every single block.

The number of Lego pieces taken every single time will depend on the number appearing on the dice. For example, if the first number the kid receives is 2, he/she will choose to place those Lego pieces in any of the blocks if the number on them is bigger or equal, and in case it is bigger, the next time the kid should make sure to use the number of Lego pieces which are going to fulfil the number of the block they are standing on.

Lego Math Games for Kids – Subtraction – Learn to Subtract

There are lots of different ideas to use when it comes to math and since we are referring to the methods related to counting then we should say that there are lots of games to be used for such a purpose. Kids could learn to count while making shapes with Play-Doh, they could count with using cheerios or other sweets and be rewarded with them at the end, and they could also learn to count through the ordinary ways of writing the numbers on a piece of paper.

When you are playing with your kids and trying to teach them something, always give them the time and freedom to think and do whatever they want because that will give them the time and the chance to think and consider the answer before finally saying it out loud. Don’t rush the kids or make them feel that they are late in their answer, this will always ruin everything for them.

Math Games – Learning through play

Math Game
Counting Games for Kids – Number Games – Counting Numbers

There are different games and lessons which kids could depend on to learn to count correctly, and when we say count then we are also referring to addition and subtraction, and Lego is one of the most effective since it manages to let the kids not only think about counting and making shapes, but it also gives them the chance to consider the size and the colours when they are working out the whole thing, so it permits them to think about the equation from different corners.

What else do you think could be taught through using the Lego pieces other than counting in the math lessons? We believe that in addition to math and counting, Lego could also be useful when it is used in teaching the kids to become creative by asking them to build their own shapes or castles, this will usually give them the freedom to show you where they could actually reach with their creativity.

Lego is also one of the methods used while teaching kids the English alphabet and letting the kids build the letters through the different colourful pieces (writing letters with Lego activity).

Enjoy watching these videos about learning math and counting using the Lego pieces and let us know your feedback about the effectiveness of these videos with your kids, did they count the pieces and do the right calculations?

Benefits of Playing Addition Games: Turning Learning into a Playful Adventure

For children, learning shouldn’t feel like a chore. Addition games offer a dynamic and engaging way to introduce and solidify mathematical concepts, transforming learning into a fun and rewarding experience. Here’s a closer look at the numerous benefits that addition games bring to the table:

1. Making Addition Fun and Engaging:

Games tap into children’s natural desire to play and have fun. By incorporating elements of competition, surprise, and challenge, addition games transform rote memorization into an engaging activity. This increased enjoyment fosters a positive attitude towards learning math, making children more receptive and eager to explore further.

2. Reinforcing Addition Skills:

Practice is key to mastering any skill, and addition games provide a fun and interactive way for children to solidify their understanding of addition concepts. Repeatedly encountering addition problems in a game setting allows children to apply their knowledge in a different context, strengthening their grasp of the basic principles and fostering automaticity in recall.

3. Developing Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:

Many addition games require strategic thinking and problem-solving to reach the correct answer. Children need to analyze the situation, make decisions, and apply their understanding of addition concepts to move forward in the game. This constant engagement challenges their cognitive abilities and nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving skills that extend beyond the realm of math and benefit them in various aspects of life.

4. Enhancing Memory and Recall:

Playing addition games involves actively recalling and utilizing addition facts and strategies. As children encounter different problems while playing, they are constantly exercising their memory and recall skills. This repeated practice strengthens neural pathways and improves their ability to remember addition facts and effectively apply them in various situations.

5. Building Confidence and Fostering a Growth Mindset:

Successfully completing challenges and achieving goals within an addition game boosts children’s confidence. They experience the joy of accomplishment and develop a sense of self-efficacy in their ability to learn and master new skills. This positive reinforcement fosters a growth mindset, encouraging them to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and persevere in their learning journey.

Additional Game Ideas to Spark Addition Fun:

Beyond the featured game, let’s explore a diverse selection of additional addition games that cater to different age groups and difficulty levels, transforming learning into an interactive adventure:

Card Games:

  • Go Fish – Addition Twist: Use a regular deck of cards but assign each suit a point value (e.g., hearts = 1, diamonds = 2, etc.). Players collect sets of four cards with the same sum (e.g., four cards totaling 6).
  • Memory Match: Create pairs of cards where one card has the sum and the other has the addition equation (e.g., 6, 2 + 4). Players flip cards trying to find matching pairs, reinforcing both sums and equations.

Dice Games:

  • Roll and Add: Roll two dice and add the numbers together. The player with the highest sum wins the round. This game can be adapted for younger children by using only one die and adding a fixed number (e.g., always add 3 to the rolled number).
  • Dice Storytelling: Roll two dice and add the numbers. Take turns creating a story together, incorporating the sum into the narrative. This adds a creative twist to practicing addition.

Movement Games:

  • Number Hopscotch: Create a hopscotch grid on the floor or sidewalk, labeling squares with addition problems (e.g., 1 + 2, 3 + 4). Players toss a beanbag or marker, land on a square, solve the addition problem, and hop the corresponding number of squares.
  • Number Bingo: Create bingo cards with numbers written in squares. Take turns calling out addition problems, and players mark the sums they find on their cards. The first player to complete a row, column, or diagonal wins.

Board Games:

  • Chutes and Ladders – Addition Challenge: Play the classic game of Chutes and Ladders, but instead of simply counting the spaces moved, players add the number of spaces they land on to their current score. This adds an additional layer of challenge and practice.
  • Candy Land – Addition Race: Similar to Chutes and Ladders, players can add the number of spaces moved on Candy Land to their current score, turning it into a race to reach the finish line with the highest sum.

Tips for Playing Addition Games with Your Child: Transforming Learning into a Joyful Journey

Playing addition games with your child is a fantastic way to make learning fun and engaging. But how can you ensure this playful experience maximizes their learning potential? Here are some valuable tips to guide you:

1. Choose Games Appropriate for Their Age and Skill Level:

  • Younger children (preschool and kindergarten): Opt for simpler games with smaller numbers and concrete manipulatives like blocks or counting chips. Focus on basic addition concepts and encourage them to count objects to find the sum.
  • Older children (grade 1 and above): Gradually introduce games with larger numbers, multiple-step problems, and different game mechanics. Challenge them to think strategically and apply their addition skills in new contexts.

2. Play Together and Provide Guidance and Encouragement:

  • Actively participate in the game: Play alongside your child, taking turns and engaging in the activity together. This creates a shared experience and fosters a sense of connection.
  • Offer guidance and support: Gently guide your child when needed, explaining the rules, demonstrating strategies, and offering helpful hints without giving away the answer.
  • Celebrate their successes: Acknowledge their achievements, no matter how small. Celebrate their efforts, their correct answers, and their willingness to participate. This positive reinforcement motivates them to continue learning and trying new things.

3. Celebrate Their Successes and Offer Support When They Face Challenges:

  • Create a supportive and encouraging environment: Let your child know that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Offer words of encouragement and help them find solutions when they encounter difficulties.
  • Focus on the learning journey, not just the end goal: The primary aim is to have fun and learn together, not just win the game. Embrace the learning process, celebrate their efforts, and focus on their progress.

4. Ask Questions and Encourage Them to Explain Their Thinking:

  • Ask open-ended questions: Instead of simply asking if they got the answer right, ask questions like “How did you solve that problem?” or “Can you explain your thinking?” This encourages them to articulate their thought process, solidifying their understanding.
  • Listen actively and engage in their explanations: Pay attention to their responses and show genuine interest in their thought process. This fosters communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

5. Keep the Game Sessions Short and Engaging:

  • Match the game length to your child’s attention span: Younger children may benefit from shorter, more frequent game sessions, while older children can handle longer sessions.
  • Pay attention to their cues: If your child starts losing interest or showing signs of fatigue, take a break or switch to a different activity. It’s important to maintain their engagement and enjoyment throughout the learning experience.

6. Most Importantly, Have Fun!

Remember, the most important element is to create a fun and positive learning environment. Let your child take the lead, laugh together, and enjoy the joyful process of learning and playing together. By incorporating these tips, you can transform addition games into a valuable tool that fosters a love for learning and equips your child with essential mathematical skills.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

1. At what age can children start playing addition games?

There’s no single answer as every child develops at their own pace. However, most children can begin enjoying simple addition games with concrete manipulatives around preschool age (3-4 years old). As their understanding of numbers and counting grows, they can gradually progress to more complex games with increasing difficulty levels.

2. What are some signs that my child might need additional support with addition?

If your child consistently struggles to grasp basic addition concepts, has difficulty counting objects to find the sum, or frequently makes mistakes even with simple problems, it might be beneficial to consult with their teacher or seek additional support resources.

3. How can I make addition games more engaging for my child?

  • Incorporate their interests: Choose games with themes or characters they enjoy, or create your own games based on their favorite things.
  • Vary the game types: Offer a diverse selection of games, including card games, dice games, movement activities, and board games, to keep them engaged and prevent boredom.
  • Make it interactive: Play alongside them, ask questions, and encourage them to explain their thinking.
  • Celebrate their efforts and progress: Acknowledge their achievements, no matter how small, to keep them motivated and excited about learning.

4. Are there any online resources available for addition games?

Yes, there are many websites and educational apps offering interactive addition games for children of different ages and skill levels. However, it’s crucial to choose resources that are age-appropriate, educational, and promote a positive learning environment.


Learning doesn’t have to be a solitary, challenging task. By incorporating fun and engaging addition games into your child’s learning journey, you can transform math into a joyful experience. These games not only solidify their understanding of addition concepts but also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and memory skills. Remember, the key is to create a positive and supportive environment, celebrate their progress, and most importantly, have fun together! With the right approach, addition games can become a valuable tool that sparks a lifelong love for learning and mathematical exploration in your child.

Have you found this interesting? Come and check our other articles: Counting in 2’s, Fun Subtraction Games for Kids and Are You a Mathemagician?

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