Addition Games for Children – Unlock the Joy of Learning

Avatar of James Keown
Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Fun and interactive addition game for children aged 3-5. Simply fill the cup counting game that allows your child to practice counting and basic addition skills. Learn to count with simple objects that your child enjoys playing with. The easy-to-follow game which your child will enjoy playing again and again.

Want to explore counting games with Play-Doh?

Using Mega Blocks to help your child learn to count.

Counting Games for Kids – Number Games – Counting Numbers

A fun math video to help teach your child counting skills, the numbers in English and basic math concepts of addition and subtraction. Use Mega Blocks to help with number recognition games, builder games for boys and much more, learn the number names in English and count to 20.

Are you trying to make the counting lesson for your child much easier? We have an idea here that depends mainly on the Lego blocks and building a tower out of them just to help the child to count numbers. All that is needed for this lesson is the different Lego blocks – Mega blocks – and dice to follow their numbers.

Challenging the child is always a useful idea and in this game playing along with the child and making it appear more like a race to see who would win at the end. It starts with throwing the dice and then building a tower that consists of that number of Lego blocks, this will be repeated until the number that is being taught to the kid in the first place is reached. Choosing that number will depend on the parent and what he/she wants to teach to the child.

The challenge will be in who is going to reach the final number first, the parent or the child. Kids will be looking forward to being the winners but this might not always happen because after all, it all depends on the numbers appearing on the dice. If the kids lost, they will feel a little bit bad and thus will ask for this game to be repeated until they manage to win, which is a good thing because they will be more trained to count and will learn how to count.

Addition Games,Counting,Counting Numbers,counting games for kids LearningMole
Lego Math – Counting for Kids – Math Games for Kids | Lego Challenges | Maths KS1 | Math Games |Math

Learn to Count with Fun Counting Games

Teaching the kid to count could happen in different ways and through playing different games and through lots of different techniques but always depending on those games such as Lego will be more exciting for the kid, especially if he/she already loves to play with Lego in general – which we are sure of because there is no home out there that is free from Lego.

When the kid is playing this game and trying to reach the number that the whole game is about, let them double-check the numbers they are adding to one another because that’s what counting is all about and that’s how they manage to learn the English numbers at the end.

In addition to using Lego blocks, there are still lots of other tools and games which the child could play with to learn to count, such as using Play-Doh through which counting the numbers could still be a good option.

How to count numbers? It could be through games, it could be through using the fingers and the toes, and it could happen through counting the different tools that are placed in front of the child, and they all end up being effective, everyone in their own way.

The Lego blocks that they have until they eventually reach number 20 – or the number which you were intending to teach them through this lesson in the first place.

Addition Games

Help your child to explore the key concepts of numbers, counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in Maths. Spelling, reading, writing and grammar in English. Help them to develop their imagination and creativity with crafts and to explore a range of skills to cook, bake and create tasty treats and snacks.

Age-Specific Addition Games: Tailoring Fun to Development

Making addition fun and engaging requires catering games to children’s specific developmental stages. Here are some ideas for different age groups:

Preschool (ages 3-5):

Counting Games: Sing counting songs while clapping, jumping, or sorting objects. Play hide-and-seek with numbered objects. Use finger puppets or stuffed animals to act out addition problems.

Matching Games: Match objects or pictures with the same number of items (e.g., pairs of socks, ladybugs with dots). Play memory games with flashcards displaying numbers and corresponding sets of objects.

Dice Games: Roll dice and add the dots. Use colorful dice with pictures (e.g., animals) to add an element of fun. Sing songs like “Five Little Monkeys” to reinforce counting and subtraction (which relates to addition).

Building Games: Use blocks or LEGOs to build structures based on addition problems (e.g., 2 blue blocks + 3 red blocks = 5 total).

Kindergarten (ages 5-6):

Board Games: Introduce simple board games that involve moving tokens based on dice rolls or adding cards (e.g., Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land).

Card Games: Play Go Fish or Memory with number cards. Create a simple card matching game where children match cards with sums and their corresponding addends.

Number Line Games: Use a number line to visualize addition problems. Hop counters or markers along the line to represent adding. Play “Guess the Number” where children hide a number on the line and their classmates guess by adding or subtracting.

Storytelling Games: Create stories that involve addition, like a train adding passengers or a bakery making batches of cookies. Let children act out the stories and calculate the totals.

Early Elementary (ages 6-8):

Multiplication Dice: Roll two dice and multiply the numbers. Add the product to a running total. This builds multiplication skills which support addition.

Bingo: Play addition bingo with cards featuring different sums. Call out addition problems and have children mark off the answers.

Word Problems: Introduce word problems that involve real-life scenarios, like calculating the total cost of groceries or sharing cookies among friends. Encourage children to draw pictures or use manipulatives to solve them.

Estimation Games: Estimate the sum of two numbers before calculating the exact answer. Play “High or Low” where children guess if the sum will be higher or lower than a certain number.

Technology Integration: Utilize educational apps or online games that focus on addition in engaging ways. Ensure parental supervision and choose age-appropriate options.

Adding Fun with Themes: Engaging Addition Games Through Interests

Children learn best when they’re having fun, and incorporating themes and characters relevant to their interests is a surefire way to boost engagement in addition games. Here are some ideas to spark your creativity:

Preschool (Ages 3-5):

  • Animals:
    • “Animal Matching Safari”: Match animal pictures with corresponding numbers of objects (e.g., 3 elephants with 3 leaves).
    • “Feeding Time Bingo”: Use cards featuring different numbers of animals and call out sums. Children mark off the cards as they “feed” the animals the correct number of treats.
  • Colors:
    • “Rainbow Counting Train”: Build a train with colored blocks, adding different numbers of each color.
    • “Color Sorting Race”: Sort colored objects into buckets labeled with sums (e.g., red + blue = purple). The first to finish wins!
  • Fairytales:
    • “Goldilocks and the Sums”: Create a board game based on the story, with squares requiring children to add to reach the porridge bowls.
    • “Three Little Pigs Addition”: Use the pigs’ houses as themed dice and add the dots rolled.

Kindergarten (Ages 5-6):

  • Sports:
    • “Basketball Shootout”: Use numbered buckets and add up the points scored with each successful shot.
    • “Soccer Goal Tally”: Keep track of goals scored by two teams on a chart, adding up the scores after each round.
  • Music:
    • “Musical Number Line”: Hop along a number line marked with musical notes, adding the values to reach the final note.
    • “Rhythm Addition”: Clap or tap out rhythms with different numbers of beats, then add them together.
  • Superheroes:
    • “Superhero Training”: Design challenges where superheroes need to add their powers (e.g., strength + speed) to defeat villains.
    • “Secret Code Addition”: Use superhero symbols to represent numbers and decode addition problems.

Early Elementary (Ages 6-8):

  • Space Exploration:
    • “Rocket Launch Countdown”: Add up the fuel needed for different rockets based on their weight and distance to launch.
    • “Alien Math Mission”: Solve addition word problems set on different planets, with aliens as characters.
  • Pirates and Treasure:
    • “Treasure Hunt”: Use a map with numbered clues and add the values to find the hidden treasure.
    • “Pirate Ship Race”: Divide children into teams and roll dice to add and move pirate ships across a board game.
  • Minecraft:
    • “Block Building Challenge”: Use virtual blocks to build structures based on addition problems (e.g., 10 wood blocks + 5 stone blocks = 15 total).
    • “Potion Brewing”: Create a game where players add ingredients (represented by numbers) to brew potions with different effects.

Get Moving and Adding: Outdoor Games for Math Fun in the Sun

Sunshine, fresh air, and a healthy dose of addition practice? Yes, please! Combining physical activity with learning can be a powerful way to boost engagement and solidify new skills. Here are some outdoor games that blend movement and addition for kids of all ages:

Preschool (Ages 3-5):

  • Hopscotch Addition: Draw a hopscotch grid on the pavement. Each square has a number. Hop to a square, call out the number, then hop again adding another number (e.g., hop to 5, add 2, hop to 7).
  • Number Treasure Hunt: Hide objects with numbers marked on them outdoors. Children search for them, adding the numbers as they find them. The one with the highest sum wins!
  • Beanbag Toss Addition: Set up buckets with numbers written on them. Throw beanbags and add the numbers of the buckets they land in.

Kindergarten (Ages 5-6):

  • Nature Walk Tally: Go on a nature walk and have children keep track of different items (e.g., leaves, flowers, rocks) by category. Add the quantities of each category at the end.
  • Numbered Jump Rope: Mark numbers on a jump rope. Jump and call out the sum of the numbers you land on. Increase difficulty by adding more numbers or skipping some.
  • Addition Obstacle Course: Set up an obstacle course and assign addition problems to each obstacle. Complete the obstacle and solve the problem to move on.

Early Elementary (Ages 6-8):

  • Scootering Sums: Ride scooters around cones with numbers written on them. Add the numbers as you pass each cone. Time yourself for an extra challenge.
  • Frisbee Addition: Throw a frisbee to teammates who call out sums based on the distance thrown (e.g., throw 5 meters, add 3, catch at 8 meters).
  • Sidewalk Chalk Math Scavenger Hunt: Draw addition problems on the sidewalk with chalk. Children use hopscotch or chalk markers to “solve” the problems by hopping or drawing the answers.

Bonus Activities:

  • Garden Math: Plant seeds in rows with different numbers. Add the seeds in each row to find the total.
  • Building Block Bonanza: Use outdoor blocks or materials to build structures based on addition problems (e.g., 10 blue blocks + 5 red blocks = 15 total).
  • Nature Bingo: Create bingo cards with pictures of natural objects and their corresponding number values. Explore outdoors and mark off squares as you find objects.

Beyond Fun: The Hidden Benefits of Playing Addition Games

Addition games aren’t just about entertainment; they offer a treasure trove of benefits that contribute to children’s overall development. Let’s delve into the key advantages of incorporating these games into your child’s learning journey:

Memory Enhancement:

  • Repetition and Practice: Games provide repeated exposure to addition concepts, solidifying them in memory and fostering recall.
  • Active Engagement: Engaging in playful activities makes learning more memorable than passive methods like rote memorization.
  • Multisensory Learning: Many games incorporate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements, catering to different learning styles and strengthening memory networks.

Problem-Solving Skills:

  • Critical Thinking: Games often present challenges that require children to analyze, strategize, and choose the best approach to solve addition problems.
  • Decision-Making: Children evaluate different strategies and make choices based on their understanding of addition, honing their decision-making abilities.
  • Adaptive Learning: As games become more challenging, children adapt and develop new strategies to solve problems, increasing their flexibility and problem-solving prowess.

Number Sense:

  • Concrete Understanding: Games often use manipulatives, visuals, or real-world contexts to represent addition, helping children grasp the concrete meaning of numbers and operations.
  • Number Relationships: Children explore different combinations of numbers through games, developing an understanding of how numbers relate to each other and their properties.
  • Estimation and Mental Math: Many games involve estimating sums or performing mental calculations, building foundational skills for more complex math concepts.

Additional Benefits:

  • Confidence Building: Successfully completing addition games and mastering challenges boosts children’s confidence in their math abilities.
  • Motivation and Engagement: Learning through play is inherently enjoyable, fostering a positive attitude towards math and motivating children to explore further.
  • Social and Emotional Learning: Collaborative games encourage teamwork, communication, and healthy competition, contributing to social development and emotional well-being.


What are the benefits of playing additional games?

Addition games offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved memory and recall
  • Enhanced problem-solving skills
  • Stronger number sense and understanding
  • Increased confidence and motivation in math
  • Development of social and emotional skills through collaborative play

What age groups are these games suitable for?

The games suggested cover a range from preschool (ages 3-5) to early elementary (ages 6-8). You can adapt them to suit specific age groups and skill levels.

How can I incorporate technology into addition games?

Consider educational apps, websites, interactive tools, and even smart toys that offer engaging addition practice and learning experiences. Remember to prioritize educational value and supervise technology use responsibly.

Do I need to be a math whiz to play these games with my child?

Absolutely not! The focus is on creating a fun and supportive learning environment. Encourage exploration, celebrate effort, and let your child guide their learning journey.

Where can I find more resources for addition games?

This article provides a starting point, but there are countless online resources, educational websites, and even books dedicated to addition games for children. Explore libraries, toy stores, and educational forums for additional inspiration.


Addition games are more than just playtime; they’re gateways to a world of learning and discovery. By incorporating these playful activities into your child’s routine, you’ll be nurturing their mathematical skills, boosting their confidence, and fostering a love for numbers that will stay with them throughout their life. So, roll the dice, draw the cards, and embark on a magical journey of addition with your child! Remember, the most important element is the joy of learning and the connection you create through shared experiences.

Easy-to-follow activities will support you and your child to learn and practice new concepts as well as enjoy spending time together. Help your child to progress and explore and most importantly – have fun!

Have you found this interesting? Come and check other articles: Counting Numbers for Kids and Fun Counting Games for Kids.

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