10 reasons why it’s a strong idea to study German

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Updated on: Educator Review By: Michelle Connolly

Beginning with its strong demographics, studying German has a lot going for it. It has over 130 million speakers worldwide and is Europe’s second most widely spoken language. It also offers opportunities for the fourth-largest economy in the world.

German is one of the most widely used languages in business and might be helpful to know if you want to develop your career, mainly if your business is based in Europe, even if English is frequently employed as a lingua franca in cosmopolitan contexts. In addition, this one is one of the most significant languages to learn before vacationing in Europe.

You, therefore, already have some solid justifications to study German. You can study German to communicate with family members, vacation to Germany during the summer, or get ready to explore a German-speaking nation. Perhaps a German exchange student sparked your curiosity, a friend suggested it, or you enjoyed the sound of the language. Here are 10 additional convincing reasons why you should study German, in case you need confirmation of your choice or the final push to leap.

study German

Reasons to study German

1. An easy language to learn.

Let’s start by eliminating the misconception that German is tough. Even if there are many jokes about English being an impossible language, speaking it already gives you a lot of advantages.

This is so because English and German derive from the exact Germanic origin. As a result, many “cognates” or closely related terms exist.

Additionally, unlike Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, or Arabic, there is only a small addition of letters to the existing alphabet. If you are familiar with Latin script, the umlauts ä, ö, and ü, as well as ß, which is simply a fancy German s, are the only new characters.

You can manage the challenging language with the correct tools.

You need to choose the programme that suits your learning style the best, and you’ll quickly see how it is simple to study German.

2. It is the language of inventors and innovators.

Germany is referred to as “The Land of Poets and Thinkers” or “Das Land der Dichter und Denker.” This is because the most amazing things that have ever been accomplished were first thought about in German.

German innovators have won more than 100 Nobel Prizes for their contributions to physics, medicine, chemistry, literature, and other fields. Not to mention the rewards given to citizens of Austria and Switzerland, the other two leading German-speaking nations. Additionally, many of the awardees from foreign countries earned their education at institutions in Germany.

So, when you study German, there is a chance to add a Nobel Prize to your résumé.

Maybe your objectives are a little more straightforward, and all you want to do is read well-known works in their native tongue to infuse some of this talent.

study German LearningMole
Study German for Kids

3. It is an essential language in academia.

It may not be surprising that German is particularly prominent in the academic world, given the many leading experts who hail from its native land. As a result, it comes in second place among the most utilized scientific languages.

The third-largest book market in the world, after the Chinese and English publishing sectors, is one of the factors contributing to this. But, unfortunately, you can only read these novels if you study German because few of them have been translated into other languages.

4. It is the gateway to a world-class higher education.

German universities have a strong reputation on a global scale, which is one of the reasons for their vital status in the scientific community. In addition, more than a quarter million international students were enrolled in German schools in 2011, making the nation the fourth most popular location for international students.

The German higher education system also features a handful of universities with zero or low tuition fees.

study German LearningMole
Study German

5. Germany is an economic powerhouse.

Not only are academics interested in learning German, but businesspeople should also consider brushing up on their Deutsch. Germany’s economy is the fourth largest in the world and the largest in the European Union. It is the home of major multinational firms and a leader in cutting-edge technology.

When you study German. you significantly increase your chances of having successful professional connections and good communication with German business partners.

6. German companies are global market leaders.

There are numerous primary international market agents based in Germany. Internationally renowned brands and companies include Siemens, Volkswagen, Adidas, and Lufthansa. In addition, several major international trade shows are also held nationwide, including the IFA trade show for consumer electronics and CeBIT, the world’s most significant information technology exhibition.

In the meantime, Berlin, the capital of Germany, is developing into a hotspot for creative companies. Some even refer to it as “the Silicon Valley of Europe”. Naturally, therefore, when you study German, you significantly increase your professional options.

7. German is the most common language in Europe

The European Union’s three official working languages are English, French, and German. German is the second most spoken language in Europe in terms of total speakers. German, however, is the most widely spoken language among native speakers.

The language was used as a lingua franca (a language that unites many peoples) for many years over most of the European continent. In central and eastern Europe, it still fulfils this function as a crucial second language. German is also the third most taught foreign language in the English-speaking globe. Additionally, it ranks as the ninth most important language in the world.

8. Germany has a significant online presence

Most web pages on the internet are German. Germany’s.de is the most widely used top-level domain among those that are associated with a particular nation.

When you study German, you can access an additional 15 million websites, not including the .net, .org, and .info-ending German websites. So naturally, .de comes in second to .com, which is well ahead of anything else in absolute numbers.

9. Germans are everywhere

You’ve probably seen this phenomenon if you’ve visited another country. For example, some of the most passionate travelers in the world are Germans. You can encounter them worldwide since they have considerable discretionary cash and almost six weeks of yearly leave.

Regarding the amount of money spent on overseas travel, Germans set records. They spent more on trips than anyone else for years.

10. German culture is part of the world heritage

Germans are known for being analytical, left-brained, and obsessed with logic. Yet, the German-speaking world has also given rise to some of the greatest writers, musicians, artists, philosophers, and thinkers in history. The famous literary masterpieces of Goethe, Kafka, Brecht, and Mann were written in this language. The composers of Mozart, Bach, Schubert, Beethoven, and Wagner spoke it as their first language. 

The ability to appreciate these artists’ creations in their native form is made possible by learning German. Furthermore, it enables you to directly access many aspects of the cultural legacy of the globe.

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